Life Simulator: Start Rewards Billions Of Times Talent

Chapter 130 Innovation Cultivation Technique, Heaven And Earth Vision! (Seeking Subscription)

Chen Mo opened the box and began to study Cultivation Technique.

With Mental Energy fully turned on, it's extremely fast to flip through Cultivation Technique.

Zhou Chunyang on the side stared at Chen Mo, feeling a little unbelievable.

This is Eternal Realm Cultivation Technique, not comics~, novels.

How could it be turned so fast?

Ordinary people look at the Cultivation Technique in the Eternal Realm to comprehend the imprint of Mental Energy, and at the same time practice the laws of the operation of Qi, blood and true essence.

Watch while practicing, two or three days - it's hard to turn a page!

But Chen Mo seemed to just glance at it, as if he would.

Then move on to the second page!

This is faster than a certain Lu author reading a book!

It's outrageous!

So Zhou Chunyang suspects that Chen Mo is just familiarizing himself with the Cultivation Technique before starting to practice.

But he didn't know that Chen Mo had already imprinted the Cultivation Technique in his mind at this time, to be exact, he had learned more than half of it.

The so-called cutting realm is actually not accurate.

The real meaning of this Cultivation Technique is to compress Realm!

From the perspective of the immortal Daoist, the tempering of ordinary Great Masters is not condensed enough after the first time. Only by compressing the Realm can it increase the strength of the physical body to accommodate the Neng Huang.

After compressing Realm, although it will lose part of the combat power obtained by Body Tempering, it will make the original tempering more solid.

Correspondingly, for every 1% tempering, the combat power will be increased even more!

From this perspective, Zhan Jing did not waste resources. It's just that the consumption of resources is too great.

In theory, you can cut a total of 9 times!

But people with different aptitudes can finally kill different Realm times.

Like Chen Mo, the first time you cut the mirror, you can directly cut to 2%, and after compression, the combat power will lose 20%!

After Body Tempering reaches 20%, continue to cut to 6%. Then continue to practice until the ninth practice is unstoppable.

But Chen Mo is not satisfied now!

He always felt that none of the Cultivation Techniques in this world was perfect.

Based on his current understanding of Cultivation Technique and his understanding of the world, it should not be difficult to improve Cultivation Technique!

After carefully appreciating the operation law of the cutting method, Chen Mo began to study how to improve the cutting method.

It ran tens of millions of times in my mind in an instant, and the improved simulation of the cutting method also reached tens of millions of times!

It doesn't matter how many times you fail, Chen Mo's simulation speed is exaggerated!

Soon, he experienced simulation failures again and again, but he also continued to optimize the method of cutting the realm while failing.

Not long after, a brand new cutting magic was released.

This time, the effect of cutting the realm is better, and more combat power is retained.

The method of cutting the realm has changed from 9 times to 18 times.

And the combat power reserved by compression has also been increased from 20% to 30%!

this time.

The Cultivation Technique modified by Chen Mo just appeared.

The sky above the battlefield of all races.

Auspicious clouds appear in an instant!

at the same time.

The four races of humans, immortals, demons, and gods, as well as many strong men from all races, looked up at the sky one after another.

The Emperor was a little perplexed.

How come there is auspiciousness again!

Is Xiangrui Chinese cabbage now?

at this time.

Zhou Chunyang also felt something.

His Mental Energy has already flown out, and he saw the spectacular and auspicious scene over the Ten Thousand Races Battlefield!


Is the emperor so free?

Congratulations now?

Or is it because Chen Mo is his illegitimate son, so Chen Mo has to congratulate him whenever he makes any noise?

at this time.

Zhou Chunyang believes that it must be because Chen Mo has learned the method of cutting the realm of longevity, which will cause the phenomenon of heaven and earth!

But so many people have learned it, and no one has aroused the auspiciousness of heaven and earth.

Is it because this kid is a fast learner?

It makes sense to think so!

It is too fast!

It's faster than ordinary people turning the pages of a book!

At this moment, Chen Mo put down Cultivation Technique with a smile on his face.

Start practicing the own cutting method!


The first cut fell.

Chen Mo's Body Tempering progress has been suppressed to 1% of the original!

When the progress of Body Tempering is 20%, 30% of the combat power is retained!

At this time, Chen Mo's combat power reached 40 million!

Chen Mo looked at Zhou Chunyang and said with a smile: "Minister! It's time to give me the bipolar black beam!"

Zhou Chunyang nodded.

Draw out 20 strokes casually and hit them down.


This time, the bipolar black beam quickly disappeared around Chen Mo's body.

Zhou Chunyang couldn't help but widen his eyes.


How did it disappear so quickly?

I feel that Chen Mo's consumption rate is faster than before!

I have no choice but to bite the bullet and increase the supply of 20 bipolar black beams to 30 each time!

...asking for flowers...

So and so, ③ hours later.


Chen Mo breathed a riot!

The second cut begins!

at this time.

A line of gold characters suddenly appeared in midair.

"Cultivation Technique breaks through, gratifying and congratulations, best wishes from the Emperor!"

Not only the heavens and all races saw this passage.

It was also quickly imprinted in Chen Mo's heart!

Chen Mo was startled.


My improvement of Cultivation Technique has been detected by the rules of heaven and earth?

Even the emperor came here to send blessings?

at this time.

Zhou Chunyang sends 100 bipolar black beams to Chen Mo each time!

The consumption rate even made Zhou Chunyang's scalp tingle!


This time it's really going to be a loser!

But Zhou Chunyang knows that Chen Mo's consumption of so many resources is not pulling them out, but really enhancing himself!

It can be said that Zhou Chunyang's investment is definitely not a loss!

So many bipolar profound light techniques may be able to cultivate hundreds of Eternal Realm, but so what?

Hundreds of Eternal Realm can't defeat the three races of immortals, demons and gods, and even any one of them has a deeper background than the human race!

But if these resources can cultivate a future peerless powerhouse beyond the Eternal Realm, then Zhou Chunyang will only make money and not lose money!

Although the truth is so, Zhou Chunyang's heart is still bleeding at this time!

Terran's Ten Thousand Year accumulation!

Although these resources are just the tip of the iceberg, when using them, there is still a sense of guilt of being a prodigal!

Gritting his teeth, he was struggling.


The huge amount of heaven and earth Spiritual Qi broke through all obstacles and landed on Chen Mo from the sky!

The quality of this Spiritual Qi is so high and the quantity is so large, it is simply exaggerated!


The voice was so powerful that even Yu Mengzhu, who was sitting by the side, was taken aback!

Chen Mo felt a little regretful.

Isn't this saving resources for Lao Zhou?

However, don't use it for nothing!

Still suck it!

Fast absorption and transformation!

Soon, wisps of shocking haze purple air quickly formed, and quickly tempered Chen Mo's body.


Another cut!

At this time, Chen Mo's physical body was frantically Enhanced, and his combat power also soared...

Soar towards a limit no one has ever reached with Knife!.

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