After Jiang Xue returned to S City, she received many calls from people.

Tan Xiao told her about her scores, the university and major she wanted to apply for.

She was still anxious about whether she could get in.

Jiang Xue also told her about signing up with Beijing University.

"So how are you and Xu Mo doing? He was recommended, and you applied for the exam. The school you..."

"Hehe." Jiang Xue smiled.

"You are together!!" Tan Xiao said affirmatively.

Jiang Xue nodded.

She admitted it.

The two agreed to meet and talk in detail when they had time.

There were other former high school classmates.

She contacted her through QQ and said that she knew her grades from the head teacher and came to congratulate her.

Lin Yuanxing, Jiang Xue didn't expect Tian Shuo to contact her.

Lin Yuanxing said that he was studying in a university in S City, and asked her how she did after the college entrance examination and which university she wanted to study in.

"My boyfriend and I both got into Kyoto." With this sentence, the other side fell silent.

Jiang Xue hung up the phone.

Tian Shuo called to ask if she had finished the exam and whether she wanted to go out to play or have a meal.

Jiang Xue politely refused.

Then they talked about the university she was studying in, and Jiang Xue said that she had signed with Kyoto University.

Her boyfriend was recommended by Kyoto University.

She can study in a university in the future.

Then he didn't say anything.

Kill the peach blossom in the cradle.

These calls and contacts are just embellishments of her life. She has now picked up two accounts and started to update them again.

Because Jiang Lai's account has been updated intermittently this year, the number of fans has increased very slowly. Some old fans posted comments in the comment area to complain and asked her to be more diligent.

She finished the college entrance examination.

It's still early for school to start.

No more pressure from school.

She's going to pick up work!

Jiang Xue's online store has been doing pretty well this year.

Because the clothes in the store are of good quality and the prices are not very high, the sales are relatively average, but there are no hot items like before.

After Jiang Xue finished the exam, she gave some suggestions for new styles for summer.

Now the bulk goods are out, ironed and hung in the studio. In the next few days, Jiang Xue plans to help them shoot all of them and make preparations.

Clothes matching, shoes, bags and accessories preparation.

After a long time, Jiang Xue's team is busy again because of Jiang Xue's return.

Jiang Lai's fans found that the blogger who had not posted many times this year was suddenly much more diligent.

First, he posted a number of street photos and videos of daily wear.

In the video, Jiang Lai's steps are firm, and there are all kinds of clothes.

Fans left comments saying that Jiang Lai looked very charismatic because she was confident and had a good figure. If she were an ordinary person, she would not look like Jiang Lai at all.

At the same time, they wanted to wear the same style as Jiang Lai.

The store had a sunscreen jacket, and she made a separate video for this sunscreen jacket.

Most of them were sports and outdoor, with many outfits in a row.

In the photo, she was holding a skateboard from behind.

The last picture was her skating against the wind, with her hair and clothes blown up by the wind, and her free and unrestrained back. This video was intercepted and circulated by many people.

: I wanted to follow her, but found that I had already followed her. After a year, I saw Jiang Lai's video again, and was attracted to her again.

: I don't look at her face, just her body performance. The feeling of being free and easy is what I yearn for. Selling sunscreen, right? I'll buy it!

: It turns out that sunscreen can be worn like this, slimming and showing your figure, good looking, and not afraid of getting tanned, but I don't know if it's hot.

:I looked at the sunscreen test in the product details and felt so awesome.

:I looked at my tanned arms and hated it! Why didn't it come out earlier!

Soon after the video came out, the sunscreen clothing was quickly out of stock, and finally out of stock.

The comments were all asking Jiang Lai's Taobao store to replenish its stock quickly.

I thought that was it.

Jiang Lai Jiang Lai found that everyone liked this video of her skateboarding.

She shot many videos with multiple sets of clothes in one go.

Blue long skirt, holding a sunflower in her hand, skating towards the distance.

White vest, pink overalls, bright colors.

Sweatshirt short skirt, stockings, youthful.

Several sets, different styles.

Under the short video of more than 20 seconds, almost all the comments were asking which set to link to.

When Jiang Lai didn't update, they complained about Jiang Lai not updating. Now that Jiang Lai updates too frequently and has too many beautiful clothes, they are complaining that their wallets are almost empty.

Crying in the comment section.

It's not just Jiang Lai's account, the same is true for makeup artist Jiang Jiang.

Many members of the team were grabbed by Jiang Xue and made a big change.

Fans from the same city were also recruited.

Jiang Xue's video of the big change, before and after comparison, was also reported on many portal websites.

The news said that her skills were like witchcraft, saying that makeup was like changing heads.

One of the mothers holding a child, after Jiang Xue's makeup, plus clothes and hairstyle, and of course, there were filters to retouch the picture.

She looked very different after makeup.

That video went viral.

The makeup artist Jiang Jiang's account also gained nearly 100,000 followers because of that video.

The comment section was even more lively.

: If I had this skill, I would dare to try it on Eddie Peng.

: Is this makeup? ? ? ? This is a disguise!

: After this mother put on makeup, why do I feel that her family situation seems to have improved.

: Does the child still recognize his mother?

: I bought the same cosmetics, why did my makeup look just a little whiter and prettier, not as good as the bloggers?

: Although makeup artist Jiang Jiang chose amateurs for transformation, you can see that the proportions of their facial features are good. And I feel that they deliberately took sloppy photos before makeup, so the contrast after makeup is so obvious.

: There is an exaggerated contrast effect, but we have to admit that Jiang Jiang's skills are really amazing.

: I want to send my head to Jiang Jiang.

Because Jiang Xue's series of operations have tended to be stable and the order has been gradually simplified, the makeup line has ushered in a surge in orders.

The team members sighed again that the boss's ability to bring goods is really strong.

Time has come to fill in the application form online.

The senior sister in charge of Jiang Xue in the Beijing University Admissions Office called Jiang Xue many times and talked to Jiang Xue about the Beijing University code.

After Jiang Xue confirmed the submission, she modified it and submitted it again.

They were relieved until there were no more modifications.

The rest let Jiang Xue wait patiently for the admission notice.

Jiang Xue also changed the address of the notice from her previous school to the house where she lives now in S City.

At the same time, Jiang Xue was thinking about what would happen to her companies if she went to Kyoto to study.

After the senior year of high school, Netstar Media and the photography company could completely turn around without her.

She didn't need to worry too much.

The main reason was that the members of her own team were basically all girls and all from other places, but for various reasons, there were still few who could move away together to another city. Jiang Xue told them about the situation.

They could choose to continue working for her, but the work address would be from S City to Kyoto.

If they didn't want to leave S City, they could also transfer their labor contracts to suitable positions at Netstar Media.

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