After the discussion, half of the team members were willing to go to Kyoto.

Among them, Gao Meimei and Xia Xiaoyue, the core employees, were willing to go.

Jiang Xue also took time to take Xia Xiaoyue and another employee to Kyoto and quickly rented an office space.

There were also employee dormitories.

They were both left in Kyoto to be responsible for recruitment and setting up the new company.

By the way, she cleaned up the house next to the school.

In the first year of college, you will most likely have to live on campus, and you need to apply for it if you are a day student.

The approval is very troublesome.

After the house is cleaned up, Jiang Xue can live there during holidays or when she has no classes.

She has too many things, and the dormitory will definitely not be able to put them all, so she needs a place to put them.

After finishing all these, Jiang Xue returned to S City. She planned to go to Kyoto when school started soon.

In the intervals between her busy schedule, Jiang Xue did not forget to take time to date Xu Mo.

Their daily routine was to watch movies, visit bookstores and arcades, eat and drink.

Finally, they kissed and hugged secretly, and then went back to their own homes and were busy with their own things.

Yu Juan, on the other hand, had never forgotten her proposal to start a business with Jiang Xue. She found a time when Jiang Xue was at home and came to Jiang Xue with a few bottles of rock salt cheese milk tea.

Jiang Xue took a sip and asked Jiang Xue expectantly, "How does it taste?"

"It tastes good." Jiang Xue replied

"Do you think there is a market for milk tea?"


Why not.

In the future, there will be milk tea shops all over the streets.

Not only that, but the market is also huge.

Jiang Xue was a little curious about how Yu Juan thought of making milk tea.

"I bought this at Fordham University. Their business is really good! You may have to queue for more than half an hour on weekends."

"I queued for more than 20 minutes to buy what you are drinking."

"I have been drinking it for many days in a row and have been observing outside the store for a long time."

Jiang Xue listened carefully, and Yu Juan continued: "Their boss is from Taiwan. I heard that there are many milk tea shops with this model in Taiwan."

"Although this kind of milk tea is expensive, it is different from powdered milk tea. Now everyone has more and more money, especially young people, who are beginning to pursue quality and high-end, so I think it is quite profitable to open a milk tea shop."

"Their company is recruiting franchisees, and I also went to inquire. The investment is too large, and there are many restrictions. It feels like I am helping this brand make money. I want to go to Taiwan to see if I can learn the production method. If I don't join, I will open one near the school when I come back."

After Yu Juan finished speaking, she looked at Jiang Xue, wanting to hear Jiang Xue's advice.

"I think it's OK. Do you want to cooperate with me to do this? I will start school in September. If we cooperate, I can invest the money, but you need to manage it yourself."

Yu Juan nodded, "You are more experienced and smarter than me. I really don't have the confidence and don't know where to start." This is the truth. When she had this idea, she immediately went to study and tried all the flavors of this store. She learned to buy materials online and tried to make them at home. The taste was not bad.

She stayed in front of the store for several days, calculated its customer flow, roughly calculated the daily sales, compared it with the materials she bought, and roughly calculated the cost. She felt that the profit was really huge!

She also wanted to do this business.

But how to start. Where to open the store, how much money to invest, what categories to sell, and where to buy the necessary machines.

If it doesn't work, can she bear such a large investment loss.

She has made some money so far.

She also has her own house.

But this money is enough to do this, but if it fails, her efforts in the past few years will be gone.

If it was Jiang Xue, she would definitely have a way.

Then she came to find Jiang Xue.

"How much money can you invest?" Jiang Xue asked.

"700,000." Jiang Xue thought about it after hearing the amount quoted by Yu Juan.

"If it's not enough, I can sell my house." Yu Juan added.

"I want to open a milk tea shop, and I will definitely open more than one store. As you told me before, it must be replicable. We can also learn from that store in the future development, open multiple stores, or let people join."

"Yes, the trend you see can also be seen by others. We have to quickly occupy the market. Your 700,000, plus the management, the idea is you, and the final total may not account for the majority. You have to be mentally prepared.

When we come back from Taiwan, I will find a lawyer to calculate the investment ratio and distribute the equity according to the investment ratio,"

"We are good friends

Friends, so these things should be said in advance. If you think it's okay, let's move on. "

Yu Juan lowered her head and thought.

"I'll think about it."

"Okay." Jiang Xue nodded.

Took a sip of the milk tea in her hand.

It still smelled of essence.

Thinking of many flavors she had drunk in her previous life.

There was a complete model and marketing method in her mind.

She was a little eager to try.

She had considered Yu Juan's consideration for at least a day or two. Unexpectedly, Jiang Xue had just taken a few sips of milk tea when Yu Juan suddenly said, "I accept what you said. Let's get started!"

Jiang Xue was quite surprised.

Looking at Yu Juan again, she seemed like a different person from the Yu Juan she first met.

Mature and much more confident.

"Then let me ask someone if it is possible to apply for a Hong Kong, Macau and Taiwan pass in another place. If it is possible, we will go to apply for it. I will go to Taiwan with you to have a look. ”

"It will probably take some time to get it done. While you're waiting, go to the University Town near S City and see if there are any suitable stores. If there are, rent them first. Then go get all the certificates."

"Should we wait until we get back from Taiwan to rent a house and get a business license?" Yu Juan asked doubtfully.

"Let's do it at the same time." Jiang Xue made the decision.

Thinking of what Jiang Xue said about quickly occupying the market, Yu Juan had no objection.

Then she thought to herself, no wonder Jiang Xue was successful in everything she did, she made decisions so decisively, and once she decided to do something, she had such a strong execution ability that she would do it immediately.

She wanted to learn from Jiang Xue!

The two of them did what they said, first preparing the necessary information as required, and going to get the pass, not just for the two of them, Jiang Xue also got one for Gao Meimei, so that she could come with her and shoot some material.

Then Yu Juan said she had picked a store.

Jiang Xue went to see .

The location and size are both good.

So they signed the contract and rented it.

Yu Juan went to handle various certificates, and Jiang Xue went to many milk tea shops and beverage shops in S City, looked at their decoration styles, operating tables, and the tools they used, and had a better idea of ​​what they were doing.

Based on what she saw and combined with her memory, Jiang Xue drew a suggested drawing, found a decoration company, and told the decoration company about her decoration ideas.

The decoration company quickly produced the design drawings. Jiang Xue looked at the design drawings and had no objection. After negotiating the materials and prices, she gave it all to the decoration company.

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