The rest of the day passes calmly, but I know that tomorrow the school will be attacked in earnest. I call off of work so that I can get some extra prep time in. I get back to my apartment and set up my dodging array. I set the launch speed to 400ft/s or nearly 280 mph. I also set up four of them one in each cardinal direction. Compared the single pitching machine at 100 mph assuming a linear scale of difficulty this will be 12 times harder. It's extreme, but I have a theory that my danger sense will increases in strength quicker if I am in greater danger.

At the start almost every paintball hit me. I could react somewhat. Reacting enough to change getting hit in the head to hit in the shoulder. I then try the desperate technique of making large random wild moves in order to fool the program. It doesn't work with four guns and goofy maneuvers like that just put me in a position to be hit by a different gun. It took me hours to start to consistently dodge even a couple. By midnight I was no longer being hit. My upper body and legs are a bruise. I bathe in ointment and hope I can sleep most of it off. I decide to take a day off from the gym and get the extra sleep before heading to school. The bruise had eased up a little. Areas of my skin that had been hit less frequently are still tender. Some areas by chance got hit repeatedly and those areas are most definitely bruised.

In the morning before school starts, I visit Recovery Girl the school nurse

"What on earth did you do to yourself?"

"I was practicing my dodging"

"I don't know if I should tell you to stop doing that or do it more. You have to have at least a hundred bruises"

"Well toward the end I wasn't getting hit anymore so I'll call it a success for now. I have a rescue training later do you think you can heal me"

"Well alright, but don't make a habit of overtraining. Come over here and let me give you some sugar"

A quick kiss on the check and my bruises start to vanish

"Wow. You have a lot of stamina. Most people would feel tired after that at least for a couple hours, but I bet you didn't even feel that"

"No, I did. I don't feel tired. But I do feel all my bruises being gone."

We are then led outside to board a bus going to the USJ the rescue arena. On the bus, Tsuyu gives Midoriya a panic attack when she compares his quirk to All Might's. Midoriya starts to panic and denies any similarity. But Eijiro is already on it.

"Hold on Tsuyu All Might never gets hurt the strength is where the similarities end. I'm jealous of those kinds of simple enhancer quirks like yours and Gin's"

Seeing a way to shift the center of attention Midoriya focuses on me.

"Speaking of Hano I don't think I actually know what your quirk is"

Ehhh can't keep it a secret forever.

"I'm actually quirkless" That seems to stop the conversation for everyone immediately next to me, but the rest of the bus just continues on. I thought some would call me out on it being a joke, but my delivery was pretty flat. Midoriya seems to completely shut down in confusion. But Eijirou is never afraid to express his own confusion.

"What, Bro I've seen you squat like over 1000 pounds and run over 100 miles per hour. I thought for sure you had a super strength quirk"

"Yea you told me that you had a super strength quirk during the battle exercise" Mina adds in

"Well, I was born with a good build and genetics for exercise. Then I developed good habits and became a gym rat. And Mina you asked if I had super strength and I told you I was pretty strong we weren't talking about quirks. I didn't want to mislead you, but it would have wasted explanation time before the exercise"

"Are you sure you're quirkless maybe you're just a late bloomer"

"Nope, I'm quirkless. Went to the doctor at 4 and the pinkie joint said I was quirkless. Then when I was 10ish I started to get more jacked than any 10 year old should be. My parent were concerned so a doctor ran a bunch of tests including the bone marrow quirk factor test. Which also confirmed I quirkless"

Then Momo asked

"Do you not feel concerned that you won't be able to keep up with people who do have quirks?"

"I'm not trying to be All Might I understand very well that there will be certain hard limits. But at the same time, most people can't be All Might. I think there is always room for growth figuratively and literally. I'm still growing and haven't even reached the age of peak muscle density and growth. Beyond that, I can always learn new tools, gadgets, martial arts, etc"

"If you're all quite finished, we're here.' Aizawa says interrupting the conversation. Come to think of it Aizawa has never mentioned my quirklessness. I wonder if he doesn't know or doesn't care.

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