We got to the USJ and once inside began to listen to No.13 a pro hero whose body can become a blackhole. No.13 gives a lecture about quirk safety. As No.13 is speaking I notice a black portal begin to appear past the stairs and in the main USJ lobby. I also see Aizawa noticing the appearing portal as well.


More and more villans begin to appear and Aizawa drops down to fight them telling us to stay here. As he's fighting the large group of villans a purple/black smoke creature appears alongside us. He tells us he represents a villans alliance with the goal of killing All Might. At this point, I pull out a flash pellet. I know he has a weak point hidden somewhere in his open armor c.h.e.s.t piece. I'm hoping the flash will reveal it. Then without warning Bakugou and Eijirou charge him. I throw the flash pellet aiming for an impact against the inside of his armor. Then follow their lead letting them attack first to push him into a position where I can attack him. The pellet impact inside of him. It seems to startle him making him back away and dodge the two oncoming attacks, but he misses me coming from the side. I launch a full-powered punch at where I saw the red glowy bit inside of him. I feel a hard substance smash between my fist and his armor before it shatters and all of the black smoke silently explodes then disappears. His disappearance leaves me and the rest if the class uneasy. Them because theyre unsure if or where he'll pop up again. As for me, I'm a bit concerned I may have just killed him. Not that it would be my first kill, but something about how quickly I may have killed him isn't sitting right with me.

I look toward 13 for direction, but it seems unnecessary as the doors burst open revealing a veritable army of heroes. Most of the villans surrender at that point probably seeing it as hopeless to fight that many heroes. Having been whooped by Eraser Head on his own they're in no rush to face several. There are a few hold outs including Nomu and Tomura Shigaraki but they are quickly subdued and captured by the combined hero efforts. While that's happening we're escorted out back to the bus and then the classroom.

After a nervous ride back to the classroom, a police officer comes in to debrief the class. Bakugou, Eijirou, and I are taken to separate deb.r.i.e.f.s as we were the most involved. I was brought to the principal's office.

"Hello, principal Nezu. I would have guessed you would have been at the USJ"

"Hello Hano, I only wish we were talking again under better circ.u.mstances. The USJ is still an active area and the school still needs looking after."

"So what would you like to know?"

"Why don't you go over what happened from your perspective."

I go over what happened skipping the details about how I may have killed the cloud guy.

"Why did you decide to throw one of your flash pellets?"

"He reminded me of Tokoyami's dark shadow. Which is heavily influenced by bright lights. Which seemed to be true as the flash made him back up and dodge Bakugou and Eijirou."

"And what was the punch that hit him like?"

"The flash had revealed something red and shiny so I aimed for that with my punch. It's hard to tell if I did, but I did hit something sold which knocked him back, and then he exploded into a dark cloud kind of like how he first appeared."

"Well, that's all I wanted to know you're free to go. No school tomorrow. Also, should you feel you need anyone to talk to about what happened feel free to come to me or Guard Dog the school's counselor."

"Thank you, sir. Since there is nothing else I'll be going."

I left school and headed to work Kawaguchi had heard about what happened so instead of working she took me out to dinner where I told her about what happened.

"I can't believe you were just going to come to work like nothing happened"

"I wasn't hurt. It was a little scary. But I like our work so I didn't see a reason to not come."

"I really lucked out finding such a hard worker. How did I ever get you to work for me."

"Well I was quite desperate for money and you were offering me a job"

" That's right I remember you mentioning that, but I don't think you ever elaborated"

"Well I was kind of homeless and needed money for an apartment"

"Oh, so you were trying to get extra money to help the family."

"No family just me."

"Oh my God, I'm so sorry. You just seem so... I don't know. That really explains some of the things about our first meeting. Like those clothes. They looked good on you, but they were weird."

"Yea I lucked out with those clothes. I found em in a charity dumpster after being robbed the night before meeting you."

"I feel really dirty. Is there any way I didn't take advantage of you."

I think for a moment

"Well, you didn't... No, you definitely saw my d.i.c.k. But that's okay you really helped me and now I've got an apartment, I'm enrolled in a school, I've got clothes, and food. I'm in a good place now. Thank you"

"Awww come here. Bring it in" she says grabbing me and pulling into a big hug.

We finish the rest of the dinner, she still wants me to go back to my apartment and get some rest, but I want to print some parts from the office. She lets me, on the condition of no working. I print out some replacement parts for my gun towers. Now that I've gotten a handle on paintballs its time to move up to airsoft BBs much smaller twice as fast.

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