Azula and Ty Lee met my claim to be able to give bending to others with sheer disbelief. They had assumed that my ability to take away bending was because of my blood bending. I briefly explained energy bending to them. Given that it's a skill that can't really be self-taught I felt there was no harm in telling them about the basics. Even so, I didn't say anything about the lion turtles, no reason to tempt fate. When I finished my explanation they stared at me incredulously. So, I flipped it back at them and offered to give Ty Lee bending. Ty lee was kind of indifferent to actually getting bending, but she was very curious about the ability to give bending. She accepted, but then had to decide what kind of bending she wanted. She immediately narrowed it down to either air or fire. The quick dismissal of water hurt a little, I thought she would make a great water bender.

The final factor was that neither Azula nor I had any idea how to train an air bender. I sort of remember so stuff from Legend of Korra, but not enough to actually help. She could also get help from Aang, but it will be a while before we meet up with him again. Plus when we do he'll already be busy learning the other element which won't leave him with much time to teach someone the basics. All of that together means that if I made Ty Lee an air bender it would be months at least before she got good lessons. Ty Lee has a lot of great traits, but she's not that patient. When we broke for camp that night we entered energy bending positions. She kneeled down and I place two fingers on her sternum and my hand on her forehead. After Azula energy bending has got a bit easier. To give Ty Lee fire bending I try to reverse what I did to Azula. Instead of stuffing out a flame inside of her, I tried to ignite one. I focused my energy on creating heat, flames, and sparks and after a moment her spirit caught fire.

Ty Lee could instantly tell the difference. Azula excitedly dragged Ty Lee to a clearing so she could teach her bending. Watching the lesson was interesting. I have no idea how talented Ty Lee is. My only real reference frame for learning speed is Aang, Katara, and Me. None of which are a fair comparison. Azula seems really into teaching, but Ty Lee is average or worse I'm guessing. It did make me wonder whether or not the non-benders I grant bending to would all be inherently bad at bending. But then I thought back to the origins of bending and the lion turtles gave bending to anyone. So, anyone, I give bending to will most likely be as inherently good as natural benders.

The night continued on with Azula teaching Ty Lee. In the morning we set out toward Ba Song Se. We briefly discussed a more in-depth plan for weakening the earth kingdom with a civil war. The plan is to expose the Dai Li to the Earth King but letting the leader of the Dai Li escape. We would then send conflicting news and orders to all of the generals. Some letters saying the Earth King has died and the Dai Li now rule. Other letters would say the opposite. We give orders to the pro Dai Li forces to install martial law in Ba Sing Se while we give the pro king Gore's orders to engage traitors. Some troops will stay neutral and help Omashu and Bumi. Just lots of chaos and conflicting loyalties. After exposing the Dai Li to the Earth King it's just a matter of getting him to stamp off on some letters.

With a solid plan and a daily routine in place, we journey for several days and at nights Ty lee continued her lessons. We repeated this for several days before one night Azula came to talk to me. Even after being captured and having her bending taken she was calm and collected, but right now she seemed conflicted.

"Have you decided if you're going to give me back my bending yet?"

"I hadn't yet, but I was leaning towards doing so. Everything I've seen so far makes me believe that you would make an excellent ruler. Especially your recent lessons."

"How do you know I'm not faking it. That I'm not just some monster hiding behind a pretty mask! Doing what I think you would like so I can get my bending back"

"Is that what you think about yourself Azula? That deep down you're a monster."

She stays quiet so I go on

"I don't think you're a monster. I think your a young woman who has grown up in a hard world yet still cares deeply for what she holds close in her own way."

"My own mother thought I was a monster" she whispered only just getting it out.

"What do you know about my family! You weren't there when she glared at me with eyes full of fear. When father had me practice bending for days and till I collapsed from exhaustion!" She yelled. I raised my hands trying to calm her.

"How old were you when your mom disappeared?"

"I don't know maybe seven. I was seven the last time I saw my mother who hated me!" Okay probably could have phrases that better.

"I'm sorry. You were so so young then. Even as smart as you are so much must have been going around without you even realizing. That's not even considering how much of your memories have been muddled by time. Let me help you fill in some of the blanks."

"Fine." She says after letting out a deep breath.

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