"Do you know why your parents got married?"

She opens her mouth to say something but stops herself.

"Huh. I never thought about it, but I guess it was a political marriage. Although, I don't know who my mother was related to in order for it to be an advantageous marriage. Besides Uncle and Zuko I don't have any other relatives that are not several generations removed, so she couldn't have been a noble's daughters."

"You're right on both accounts she wasn't a noble, but it was an arranged marriage. Your mother grew up in a rural farming community. She had been engaged to a local farmer, but when your father came to age he forced her to marry him. He wanted to increase his line's legitimacy. Your mother was the granddaughter and last descendent of Avatar Roku."

"Wow. Makes sense for my father though he wanted to be Fire Lord ahead of his elder brother, he needed more public legitimacy rather than support of anyone noble family. Of course, it also explains why my mother hated him immediately. She was forced to give up the love of her life, and then forced into a life she wasn't prepared for."

"True, but it doesn't excuse her for being as bad a mother as she was. Would it be fair to say Zuko was her favorite?"

She seethed a little "Yes"

"Well, then it would surprise you that she hated Ozai more than she loved Zuko?"

"But she disappeared to save Zuko's life"

"Did she though? Or did she see a way out and take it? There was a rumor that Azulon was planning to kill Zuko to punish your father, but that doesn't really make any sense. Alright, you are a reasonably sensible Fire Lord trying to punish your youngest son for trying to usurp your eldest son after the death of your eldest grandson. What is the logical thought process leading to you executing your last remaining grandson?"

"There isn't one. Not to mention Uncle was devastated by his son's death. Father banished Zuko without a second thought. Either Azulon's punishment was a rumor or was less literal."

"Doesn't particularly matter now, because after it got around your mother assassinated Azulon and then fled. Your father ascended the throne and secretly banished her."

"She still was trying to save Zuko."

"That's all assuming she hated father more than she loved Zuko."

"She did. Before that when Zuko was very young, your mother wanted to hurt Ozai. So she claimed that Zuko wasn't his son, but instead the son of the farmer she loved."

"What? She had to know what might do. He's still alive so it was obviously false. Even if it had just become a rumor it would have followed him his whole life giving his opponents all they need to oppose his rule, assuming of course that if the rumor got bad enough She and Zuko wouldn't just be executed. But why was she so nice and loving with Zuko?"

"Maybe she did really love him after some time, but at least in part, it was because she knew it would enrage Ozai. Seeing his heir being coddled so much. It certainly wasn't to raise Zuko better, because he objectively turned out worse than you. On one of his first acts as heir, he attended a military briefing. Where he insulted an esteemed general, refused to apologize, accepted an honor duel, and then in front of a large audience refused to fight and instead begged for mercy."

"I remember the aftermath. Even after he had been banished Zuko was the b.u.t.t of a lot of jokes. I never understood why he refused to fight father. I sparred with my father all the time. An Agni Kai is more intense than a spar, but it's not like it's to the death. Usually. I always thought that if Zuko had just fought in that Agni Kai everything would be different. It wouldn't have even mattered how bad he is. Everyone already knew the Fire Lord would win. If Zuko had just stood up for himself it would have respect-worthy in its own way."

"It seems like your feeling better now."

She seems to have calmed down and is a little more relaxed. She thinks for a moment and then says

"I do. Thanks, you've given me a lot to think about."

"Azula! I've never seen you this shade before. You need a hug!"

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