Light Spirit Epic

Chapter 990: Guild Wars in Ziyan (24)

Chapter 990 Guild Wars in Ziyan Twenty-four

A strong explosion spread on the cliffs, and they should have swallowed the two people resting on the cliff platform!

However, before the explosion, a black shadow had been pulled out of the cliff platform, and immediately jumped to a mountain wall ten yards away!

"Call, good insurance!" Paramitis looked at the destroyed cliff, and could not help but squeeze a sweat: "Sure enough someone sneaked? - Then you are so heavy! Too heavy! More than two shells Deville is still heavy! Have you really removed the armor?!"

"Your memory will not stay still seven years ago, thinking that I was the teenage child at that time?" Ivan held the shield with one hand and the gun, staring at the sneak attacker hiding behind the rock bulge in the distance. "In these years, I have exercised a lot, my muscles are much, and my skeleton has become a lot more. It is not the little devil in your memory!"

The **** panther does not speak. What told him that Ivan was sophistry. The reason why the half-long youth body becomes heavier is far more than that. What is Evan's kid deliberately hiding - obviously a teammate, but Evan deliberately does not tell Paramitis, some kind of [bad thing]!

But now they are the enemy, the big cat has no time to manage such a small thing, or concentrate on dealing with the enemy subtle!

At this time, Ivan also found the ambush behind the cliffs with his own powerful eyesight.

"There are five. They are hidden in the direction of seven, eleven, and three o'clock." Evan whispered: "Be careful, these guys seem to emit shells that explode when they touch objects."

Regardless of the attacking power of the shell, from the explosion that it just hit the rock platform, the explosion of these things is at least astonishing. Affected by this impact, even Paramitis, which has the ability to run on the wall, may not be able to support it.

No, it should be said that absolutely can't support it! Paramitis is just a lot of tiny barbs that have been changed from the feet of their feet. [Hook] live on the wall and crawl like a wall. However, his body size is much larger than that of insects, and he receives a lot of gravity. It is obviously not suitable for this kind of wall running.

The wind is strong and it is possible to take the ants away from the wall. The impact of the explosion will instantly smash the big panther from the wall and blow it to the ground!

On the ground - this is the ground covered with purple fire pillars - there are death traps everywhere, once you accidentally fall into the flames, you will be back to heaven!

"Who said that it is safe to run on the wall?!" Ivan angered.

"It’s no use complaining about this now!" The big cat ran up and ran towards the fewer monsters: "Get rid of this group of idiots!"

lb! An explosive bomb exploded behind Paramitis, less than three yards.

"Hey!" The big cat paused a little, and with the action of the tight wall against the impact of the explosion, he barely managed to avoid falling from the vertical wall that was almost ninety degrees!

"Miscellaneous stuff!" Paramitis just sighed and immediately continued to run forward. But he clearly understood that with his current running speed, it is impossible to get rid of the group of soldiers behind him!

A group of spider-like amethysts, with a number of ten, are chasing Paramitis and Evan. Their specialized, sharp amethyst spider legs can penetrate deep into the rock wall, providing them with the ability to stabilize the wall while allowing them to run quickly on the wall.

And this, the leopard warrior who is the emerald knight is far from being able to compare it with it - what he can do is to change the structure of his body to a small extent and change the subtle barbs on his own feet. To support yourself crawling on the wall.

The principle of climbing the wall is different, which determines the absolute difference between the two. In addition, Evan on the back of Paramitis is very heavy, and it is very inconvenient. Therefore, no matter how hard the big panthers run, it is estimated that they cannot escape the pursuit of this amethyst spider!

And the form of his beast can't even attack, and he can only flee. The only thing he can rely on now is the half-dragon youth Evan on the back!

"What are you waiting for?!" Paramitis replied helplessly as he ran: "Come on and deal with them?!"

"Let's wait!" Half-Dragon Youth has been looking back at the spiders behind him. No matter how the monsters launch the shells frantically, he is still indifferent: "I have to observe their actions first!"

lb! Another shell exploded on the rock on the left side of the big cat's body, almost paradging the entire Paramitis! The bodies of these shells are as small as soy beans, and the trajectory can hardly be seen, but they can cause a very large explosion after hitting the target. I am afraid that a special kinetic energy magic is at work.

Sure enough! The attacking power of the shell is almost zero, but the impact of the explosion is hugely threatening! The purpose of the enemy is very clear: hit this **** panther running against the wall!

"You'd better hurry up and observe!" Palamidis finally stabilized his body and continued to run wild without much rest: "If we continue this way, we will be blasted down the cliff!"

"I was thinking!" Ivan turned to look at the group of soldiers behind him. The big spiders crawled fast and chaotic, with almost no rules. The soy-like shells spit out from their mouths, if they don't have amazing sight, can't see their trajectory.

What's more, they are in the high-speed movement of the wall. The whole world is almost upside down, and people are dizzy. To intercept the opponent in this situation, even for the half dragon youth, it is extremely difficult!

However, if you don't try it, the situation will only get worse. Even in order to act as a deterrent, Ivan has to do some basic attacks to stop the enemy's crazy offensive!

With this kind of consent, the half-dragon youth grabbed the back of the big cat and raised the gun in one hand.

"Hey! Don't pull your hair! You hurt me!" Paramitis complained.

"Hey! Patience!" Ivan angered, once again concentrated, lifting a black iron pistol to shoot!

Hey! There was a gloomy explosion inside the pistol. Pushed by a specially constructed photon explosion device, a pill-sized steel bullet flies out of the barrel and shoots straight into the leg of an amethyst spider 30 yards away!

Oh! The high-speed flying warhead easily penetrates and smashes the spider's amethyst long legs! As easy as breaking glass!

"Unbelievable! Entity bullets have such a powerful lethality?" Paramitis looked at it and could not help but exclaim.

"The weapons manufacturing technology has been developing rapidly in recent years." Ivan clenched the gun and aimed again: "Since they will develop physical bullets, there will be reasons for them."

Hey! ! The black iron pistol fired again, and the other bullet flew out in a nearly straight-line ballistic trajectory, crushing the other leg of the same amethyst spider!

The spider that lost two legs couldn't keep balance. It rolled off the cliff like a funny ball. It just fell into a purple fire column on the ground and evaporated instantly!

"Wow!" Palamidis took a sigh of relief and looked at the tragic death of the enemy. It was not himself who was glad that he was suffering. The purple fire column is so horrible, it will instantly evaporate people when you touch it! If you fall, everything will be over!

lb! Pounds pounds! More explosions were picked up beside the big cat. As if to avenge the dead companions, the spiders shot more frantically. A super-microscopic bomb like a soy bean falls around a big cat. If Paramitis is not flexible, it has already been blown up by the blast!

"Miscellaneous stuff..." Despite this, the continuous explosions around it still blew the Paramitis. The blast is also lethal. It can damage the internal organs of the person and cause internal injuries. It can even pick up the rock debris in the cave. These gravel will pierce the body like a shot.

Dangdang Dangdang! Only by blocking the gravel, the shield of Evan can still be used for a little. He has stopped shooting, concentrate on shield defense, and first escape this violent attack!

Fortunately, the volcanic rocks in the caves were very hard, and the debris from the explosion was not dense. Most of the deadly offensives were blocked by Ivan’s shield, while a small amount of stone fragments left only a small amount of cuts on the bodies of the two. Not in the way.

"Hey!" The big cat saw a raised platform on the opposite cliff to settle down, and it quickly accelerated.

He turned around as soon as he landed, and finally he was able to stay on the ground for the time being! Before the chasing soldiers catch up, use this platform to counterattack, first cut the number of enemies!


"You focus on shooting! I am trying to stop them from acting!" The big cat groaned, and the body began to make a loud discharge.

"Wait! Do you want to kill me!" Ivan only felt that his body was in a hurry. Paramitis is discharging, and the half-dragon youth sitting on the back of the **** panther cannot be unaffected!

"I won't hurt you, rest assured!" Paramitis opened his mouth. The limbs are used for running, and it is not convenient to fight. At this time, Paramitis can only make the best use of it, trying to launch something from his mouth!

In theory, that is possible. Since the dragon can eject a flame from his mouth, Paramitis has to transform his body, should he be able to do something similar? !

Power, more accurately electricity, began to accumulate in the throat of Paramitis!

Slowly, he began to master it! It is only necessary to change this aggregated power into an aerosol and spray it out! This should be similar to the principle that the dragons spray dragon flames!

"Hey--" Paramitis took a deep breath.

"Hey, ah, ah, ah!!--" He gathered the power gathered in his body and spit it out!

Hey! ! ——Electric light flashes, gold stone crosses!

A golden electric beam was ejected from the mouth of the **** panther, sweeping the chasing soldiers in the distance!

It is sweeping the battlefield and cleaning up the battlefield! !

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