Light Spirit Epic

Chapter 1002: The battle of purple inflammation (2)

Chapter 1002 The Battle of Zambia

The Amethyst Dragon continues to growl and brew something in its body. Its body emits amazing glare, and it seems that high energy is about to break out at any time.

In the face of such a horrible opponent, even if you don’t want to, the people in the four teams will cooperate with each other and spend the crisis in front of you!

Chanel and Solar pulled behind Elaine, the White Dragons raised a huge shield defense, the Elf girl pulled the bow and was ready to shoot with the arrow, while the Swordsman held the sword with one hand and the other side with the shoulder against the side of the shield. , adding a support to the shield;

Seifer and Segrad with guns and shields, and not far behind them, the mysterious white-haired boy, Modred, is observing the situation;

Evan holds the shield in front and the other hand takes the gun at the enemy, just in time to catch up with Paramidis, which is returned;

Bedyville is with Albert and Tristan. The werewolf has long set up a shield bow, and the shield is also the action of pulling the bow, so although the shield is a bit inconvenient, it can also be synchronized;

The tiger also took out the big bow and looked at the situation while aiming behind the werewolf;

Tristan held a long gun in one hand and a small shield in the other. Half of the body hid behind the shield of the werewolf, both attacking and defending.

It took only less than a second for everyone to walk in, and the Amethyst Dragon actually finished storing in this second and started its first wave of offensive!


Hey! ! As a burst of purple steam ejected from the hollow of the dragon, thousands of fireballs followed, and countless wonderful trajectories in the air, screaming at everyone!

That's right, each of these fireballs has the same tracking ability as the fireballs that Bediwell had previously encountered. Although the tracking ability is not ideal, but they can slightly change the flight trajectory according to the movement of the target, coupled with this storm-like offensive, this fireball bomb is basically unable to escape!

"Come on! Everyone is careful!" The werewolf lowered the center and slammed the bottom of the shield bow to the ground, letting it get stuck in the rock gap between the floating islands. With this extra support point, I hope to block this rainstorm!

Rumble and rumble! ! The amazing fireball bombs were blown up on the shields of everyone, exploding! These fireballs are not only the kind of tracking fireballs that were used when slamming the Biddyville team. They also add explosive effects. When each fireball touches an object, it can blow up a big shock wave while putting the stone in the core of the fireball. The block bursts, letting the lit stone chips splash like a shot! Ordinary people who are not protected will be subjected to light burns and cuts even if they are gently splashed by stone chips!

"Hey!-" In all teams, (except for Tristan's Little Shield), Evan's shield performance should be the worst, after all, it's just a temporary stack of shields. He blocked halfway and the whole body had begun to tilt backwards, feeling a bit uncontrollable. Paramitis quickly pulled out the rifle, using a section of the rifle against the shield and the other end piercing the ground to provide further support for the shield. As a result, it seems that I can barely block this rain?

Rumble and rumble! ! In the tens of thousands of explosions around the world, everyone felt that their ears were almost smashed, and they all expected that the impenetrable bombing would end as soon as possible.

Fortunately, the power of the monster is not endless, it also uses the power of light - only temporarily.

The offensive of the fireball bombs finally subsided. When the frequency of the explosion was no longer so frequent, everyone, especially those armed with melee weapons, began to rush and attack. As the last explosion exploded, the bombing of the fireball was finally over. Bediville and other people are divided into two ways, the person who can use the long-range attack first rushed out, ready to shoot a burst of amethyst dragon!

Bedyville quickly circled to the left side of the monster, aiming at the junction of the dragon's left wing and the back, and the three iron arrows were shot together! These iron arrows did not have anything special, but the round table trial organizer and the shield bow were allotted to the additional supplies of the werewolf youth. However, there are enchantments on the strings of the shield bows, and the bow body has a variety of devices that enhance the power of shooting, such as pulleys. They add the power of the iron arrows that are shot to a very terrible level, enough for these small iron arrows to wear through the stone. . Iron Arrow pierced the left end of the Amethyst Dragon without any suspense, but it was just embedded, no further damage!

But that is enough. Bediville never thought about using this trick to destroy the monster's wings. After all, it was a huge monster like a mountain. All he has to do is draw the attention of the monster, he has done a good job!

At the same time, Evan, 30 yards away, also aimed at the right shoulder of the Amethyst Dragon and shot three rounds of steel bullets! He also has a bomb that is impeached, and this is only a temptation and a swaying shot. However, his shooting is extremely accurate. Three bullets land on the same landing point. In the continuous impact of cymbals, cymbals, cymbals and three, the bullets are also deeply embedded in the monster's body!

At the same time, Tristan has already ran to the front of the Amethyst Dragon, aiming at the belly of a huge monster, lifting a long gun is a thorn! Hey! His rifle pierced into the hollow of the monster to fire the fireball, and at the same time made a bang! That is the result of the simultaneous launch of the weapon plug-in by Tristan's attack. The high-frequency vibration generated by the plug-in destroys the monster from inside the hole! As a result, the void that was originally used to launch the deadly fireball bomb was instantly cracked, closed by the collapsed amethyst, and no longer able to shoot nasty flying props!

This may be all the more, because there are thousands of the same holes in the monster, each of which can fire the same deadly fireball. But Tristan looked far away. He knew that the weapons they had on hand were not enough to cause direct and fatal damage to the monsters. Only steady and steady, the body of the Amethyst Dragon was destroyed little by little. In order to finally destroy this amazing monster!

While Tristan hit the monster's abdomen, Solar also rushed to the back of the Amethyst Dragon. The double knife in his hand slashed and created a visible crack near the tail of the Amethyst Dragon. He knows that the sweep of the dragon's tail will be a great threat, so he first attacked here, hoping to preemptively and disarm the monster as soon as possible.

And when the Amethyst Dragon noticed the moment behind him, Chanel had already shot the arrow with the ice enchantment. The arrow fell on the monster's right face, and a large icicle was formed, which eroded the monster's amethyst shell. At the same time, it also produced some kind of thermal expansion and contraction, which caused the dragon's right face to crack!

The monster has just been distracted by the attack of the Elf girl. Saifer and Segrad have already copied it at the same time. One person, guns and arrogance, pierced a series of cracks on the monster's two arms! Their long guns are also equipped with plug-ins that can generate shock waves. While stabbing the target, the shock wave also bursts on the monster's amethyst body, and the violent airflow is expanding and cracking!

The purpose of the two leopard youths is very clear, that is, to abolish the arms of this amethyst dragon as soon as possible, lest it be caught with claws, because the power of these claws is too large, the scope of attack is too wide, ordinary Shields can't be prevented at all, and even if they dodge, they can't completely avoid their attacks!

Just as the monster shifted his attention to the two leopard youths and planned to kill the two kittens that were caught by him, Paramitis jumped to the highest platform. The long-awaited electric energy is ejected from the mouth! His thunder beam is aimed at the iron arrow that Beddyville flew out, because the iron arrow is deep in the left wing of the Amethyst Dragon, and it is a metal material that is easy to conduct!

The thunder beam did not disappoint the big cat, it successfully hit the wings of the Amethyst Dragon! Power along the iron arrow, spread in the monster's body, began to cause damage! Compared to the Amethyst dragon with its huge body, the destructive power of a little electric shock may be negligible, but it has a subtle effect - causing paralysis on the wings of the monster! The amethyst dragon with the left wing was paralyzed and began to lose balance, and the body leaned to the left!

good chance! Modred has jumped to the right shoulder of the dragon at an alarming rate, raised the strangely shaped glove in his hand, aiming at the few steel bullets that Ivan shot into the shot!

Seefair and Segrad see this clearly. The helmets in the hands of Modred are also loaded with some kind of lightning effect, which can generate strong currents while the gloves are violently waving! They squatted on this gap one after another, while expanding the degree of amethyst fragmentation, but also brought a greater impact on the side, the Amethyst dragon was even more inclined!

There is no need for special cooperation. As long as everyone follows the flow of the battle, they will know what to do next!

At this time, the white dragon Elaine had already flown out, as if it had been instructed, and leaped high! His rhinoceros sword is the heaviest weapon here, the most powerful weapon to wield, and this weapon is falling from the air at high speed, and slamming against the right face of the amethyst dragon with ice! But this power is not enough, you have to add something! Elaine buckled the trigger on the hilt, and the blade ejected a shock wave from the other side, increasing the strength of the sword!

lb! ——Rock horn big sword is in the right face of the monster! This ruthless blow directly shattered the right face of the Amethyst Dragon, which was frozen and half-fragmented, and continued to increase the inclination of the Amethyst Dragon, making it difficult for the dragon to stabilize its flying height. Falling down the underground lava lake!

That's right! Although this guy is huge, the amethyst scales on his body are hard and hard to break, but it doesn't matter! Just take it off the lava pool and let it melt into the **** in the heat of the lava, and the battle is over! !

"It's now!!" Biddyville shouted, able to make a long-range attack with all the people, slamming against the dragon's right wing! The amethyst's wings shattered with countless crystal chips, all of which accelerated the fall of the monster!

Oh! ! The Amethyst Dragon was forced into the pool by the intensification of the crowd, and was swallowed up by the purple ultra-high temperature lava!

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