Light Spirit Epic

Chapter 1024: Exploring the dive to stay up late (9)

Chapter 1024 Exploring the dive in the night and night

Queen Greenville handed the mirror to the hand of King Arthur and shouted:

"Using this, you can cast your consciousness into the deep consciousness world of Husky. Assuming that the spirit is also using the same principle to invade Husky's dream, then you can rely on the power of the mirror to take it. Grab, stripped from Husky’s dream.

But... do you really think this is a good idea? You can't bring weapons into other people's dreams, and you without weapons, in the worst case, you need to fight with the fist with the spirit.

Husky is the master of his dreams, everything is not in your control, everything is unknown - the risk of doing so is too great. "

"Even so, we still have to take a trip." Arthur made a look at the comet: "Are you ready, comet?"

"Well..." Despite the unwillingness, Xinghui Long whispered: "I want to gamble and lose, I promised to help you, I will accompany you to the end. Use the artifact to run into other people's dreams? This experience It is quite fresh."

"Very good. He and the comet are responsible for driving the spirit out of Husky. And Lancelot will stay here and protect Greenville. If something ran out of Husky. If you immediately, you will seal it with your ability. Do you understand?"

"Understood, Your Majesty." The handsome blonde round table knight responded with respect.

"Remember, you only have ten minutes. You must grab the spirit within ten minutes, only once." Greenville reminded: "It takes a week for the mirror to recharge, wait for it. Once again, everything will be too late."

"Understood. Then, let's start." The Cavaliers put one hand on the shoulder of the comet, and the other hand lifted it [recalling the mirror - Relcefield] and putting its huge diamond mirror Pointed at Husky.

There is a magical magic light on the mirror surface, and its diamond-like mirror has numerous facets that reflect light, and this magic light is reflected in the infinitely close to transparent interior of the diamond, diffusing and turning into indescribable Xiaguang, reflected in the face of a sleeping canine boy.

Just looking at the light from the mirror, people can't help but have the illusion of being sucked in by magic. And Arthur’s consciousness is getting more and more blurred, as if the soul is being extracted from the body named [] by some unknown power, and thrown somewhere in the distance...

"Uh huh!--" Hal suddenly flew over and grabbed the edge of the mirror before King Arthur reacted.

Hey! ——

Without waiting for the Cavaliers to open their eyes, the consciousness of the three has entered the world of dreams of Husky.

After a stun.

"Hall!" The Cavalier King angrily glared at the Leopard.

"Uncle Arthur, I am sorry!" The leopard teenager spit out his tongue: "But Hal still wants to help."

"Unbelievable! Why can't you be obedient -"

"Hey, don't worry about quarreling!" The comet quickly interrupted the conversation between Arthur and Hal: "Look, who is this guy?!"

The Cavalier turned his head and looked at a person who was surrounded by white light and said that it was only a vaguely recognizable shadow. Although he is slightly inferior to other adult elephants, he is steady and strong, full of wild power. This elephant must also be one of the best fighters in the Turks.

But the strangest thing is his ethereal shape.

Arthur and others used the power of the mirror to enter the dream of Husky. They did not look much different from the actual shape. After all, this is only the projection of their consciousness; however, this white elephant shadow, but It is a cloud-like looming shape that looks ethereal and difficult to touch.

Spiritual? Or, it is similar, what else...

"This is Mr. Paphos, isn't it?" The Cavaliers went to the white elephant in front of the elephant, and opened the door and asked, "You came in with Hal? How did you do it? Is your spirit?" Is it hidden in the body of Hal?!"

I don't know if I can't answer it, or I don't want to answer it. People like Puff's white shadow just stretched out and pointed at a castle in the distance.

The sky is dark and the clouds are dense.

In this mammoth wilderness, stands a dark castle. The structure of the castle seemed familiar, and the Cavaliers couldn't help but start thinking about it, trying to remember where he had seen a similar scene.

Wait a minute - isn't this the study of the Fox people? ! Thinking of this, Arthur couldn't help but take a sigh of relief.

In the dream of Husky, why is there a research institute for the Fox people?

Do not. Think about it, it seems that there is nothing wrong with it. According to Vivian, they were originally owned by the ancient gods and humans, and later they were taken over by the foxes and used for their own purposes. If this is a study of the gods and humans, then Husky, who is a Bashak, may have seen it since he was a child. Further speculation, also because of the particularity of Haski as a Bashak, the dusk and the remnants of the ancient gods are madly playing the idea of ​​a dog-boy.

After listening to the narration of the lotus sound in the hospital, a lot of mysteries around Husky gradually became a line, and things began to become clear.

Due to the urgency of time, while Arthur was thinking, the people had gone to the institute in the wilderness.

"But what should I do?" The comet said with a sigh of relief: "There is no half-armed weapon on the body. Is it really necessary to open the battle with the unknown opponent?"

"Looking around and looking." Arthur slammed the door of the institute and looked around: "Since this is Husky's dream, everything here is [real] for him. The objects found here should be Being a weapon is right. For example -"

Without waiting for King Arthur to explain it, the white shadow of Paffer had already smashed a thick and long iron pipe on a machine on the side. The hardness and weight of this thing are ideal, and it is easy to shoot people into a mass of meat - although as a weapon, it is indeed rough enough.

"Well... no matter what!" The comet also broke the can, and dropped a heavy, sharp steel bar from the broken wall of the institute.

Arthur also rummaged through the weapons of the hand. Fortunately, this broken research institute is full of debris, and the corridor passage is full of various machines with rust and unclear use. It is also another matter to use these things to remove a piece and use it as a weapon.

Arthur easily modified a long-nosed rifle with a sharp tip. The body of the gun was a kind of machine's conductive tube, and the front end was sharp and cold, coming from the broken part of the machine. Rusting and weathering did not make it dull, which is a very strong metal.

"Very good!" The Cavalier waved a few shots with a long gun. After much skillful of its weight and feel, he immediately picked up a big iron stopper for the leopard boy: "Hal, you have this defense, don't Add chaos."

"But Hal can also fight." The leopard boy said with dissatisfaction: "Here, like the world of games, Hal can help fight the battle."

"Don't be willful! You can't take care of you in battle!" Knight Wang angered.

"Hey--" Leopard's young man pulled his ear and shrank his body to the shield made of iron.

Arthur glanced at the comet and Paphos again: "Now, where should I go to find Husky?"

The white spirit of Puff, once again, raised his hand and pointed to a corridor in the depths of the castle. He may have a way to identify other spirits lurking in the depths of Husky's dreams.

"Very good, help a lot." Although Arthur had a lot of questions to question this mysterious white spirit, but it is important to save people, he is not arrogant. The Cavaliers rushed in the direction of Paphos, along the corridor, and immediately came to a huge rusty iron gate.

"Wow, ah, ah, ah, ah!" Husky’s screams came from behind the door, and it was estimated that he had already sneaked into the [nightmare] in the room.

The unarmed Husky will be killed by the monster in a matter of seconds! Things have been urgent to the point where it is urgent!

"Hey!" Arthur pushed the door, the door was locked by some kind of electronic lock, and the rust made it feel motionless. At this time, everything has to stop Arthur from doing their thing!

"Comet, Paphos, come and help!" the Cavaliers shouted. Had to use brute force!

Xinghui Long and Elephant Puff had already walked to the door and prepared for the collision.

"One, two, three, hit!!"

They used their strength and slammed into the iron gate.

lb! ! The three men joined together and successfully slammed the door.

"Husky!" At the same time as the door opened, the Cavaliers shouted.

"Arthur... Uncle...?!" The canine boy is struggling, and at this moment he is being held tightly by a tall black robe reaper, his face is blue, and he is throwing a fearful look at the Cavaliers. With a last hope.

The monster also turned to look at the Cavaliers and other people who came in, and the two eyes under the black hood faintly glowed red.

The leopard teenager swallowed a sip. The black robe reaper is almost identical to the appearance of the previous invasion of Hal's dream world. To say differently, only its long snake-like lower body consisting of a large white stalk of the spine is revealed from the horrible black robe.

This guy looks even more awkward.

"It's already late..." The Cavalier's face became very ugly. The canine boy has fallen into the hands of the black reaper. With a glance at the giant python, he can immediately cut off the head of Husky. Even if I want to catch up to save people now, it is estimated that it is too late!

La la la la la la! ! The black reaper has a bone-like collision like a sound from the depths of his throat. It seems to be its smile. It is in the power of the ridiculous Cavaliers and others, and everything is a foregone conclusion!

The monster waved the sickle in his hand and chopped it toward the head of the canine boy!

Oh! ——With the strong wind that the sickle is waving, the muffled sound of a broken bone also rings!

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