Light Spirit Epic

Chapter 1023: Exploring the dive to stay up late (eight)

Chapter 10 Exploring the dive in the night and night

At the same time (?), in a hospital in Great Britain, Edinburgh.

When the canine boy came out of the ward, King Arthur could vaguely see the redness on the corner of the child's eyes.

"How? Have you finished talking with your mother?" The Cavaliers said deliberately and quietly.

"Um..." Husky wiped his eyes. "Mummy looks very spirited and can be discharged from the hospital in two days."

"So, we should go back." Arthur touched the head of Husky: "There are enough things happening today, and you must be very tired. Let's rest early."

"Yeah!" The canine boy nodded. "Although Husky didn't feel too sleepy."

"Is it?" The Cavalier was walking in front of him, pulling out a small object from his arms: "And, this thing will be given to you. This is an appointment [a prize]."

"This is -?" Husky took the object carefully. It was a small metal rod, and Husky's puppy paws just caught it.

He squatted for half a second. Where did the same thing seem to have been seen?

"This is a lightsaber...? Wang?" the canine boy asked in surprise. Unexpectedly, Uncle Arthur really gave him such a dangerous weapon, and it is still in reality.

"Just the photon dagger, the output power is not as high as the lightsaber." Arthur whispered: "But this is still a dangerous weapon, be careful when using it."

Husky nodded and gently pressed the button on the hilt.


A short blade with a red glow ejected from the hilt of the photon dagger. It is probably only as long as a palm, with a steady, fiery red glow in the darkness.

"But, giving this dangerous weapon to Husky, is there really no problem? Wang?"

"If you realize that this is a dangerous weapon, there will be no problem." The Cavalier King smiled disapprovingly: "When using it, be careful not to hurt yourself. Also, never wave this to your family and friends." Do you know the dagger?"

"Yeah!" The canine boy replied cheerfully.

"And," Arthur pointed to the second half of the photon dagger: "That is the putter that regulates the output power of the weapon. Push that back to the bottom?"

Haski took care of it and pushed the putter to the bottom. The output power of the photon dagger is adjusted to a minimum. From the beginning of the shape of the dagger, its blade gradually shrinks into a very thin line, and then continues to shrink, and finally becomes a soybean-sized ball, so that it appears in front of the metal hilt of the photon dagger.

"this is--?"

"In this case, it is not lethal, but the light it emits can be used for lighting and heating." King Arthur explained: "You can touch it with your fingers."

"When it hurts..."

"No, let's try it." The Cavaliers insisted.

Husky reached out and touched the little red ball.啪滋! He felt that his fingers were being charged a little. But under the touch, this ball does not cause actual damage.

Husky looked at the bean-sized ball and couldn't help but enter the gods. The light and heat it emits can warm the small palm of the canine boy, bringing a little comfort to him in the dark. This little comfort is extremely important for Husky, who lacks security.

"This is the first lightsaber that you have." King Arthur picked up Husky, and the two had already arrived at the hospital's rooftop: "It was supposed to be lost when it first appeared. But Icelandic people I found this toy back and repaired it, and gave it to me as a souvenir. Now I will give it to you. Although it is very old and can’t be expected to come in handy in battle, it will definitely become Your amulet, bless you in the dark."

"Well... um!" Husky quickly took the photon dagger: "Uncle Arthur, thank you Wang."

"There is no need to thank you, this is the prize you won yourself." King Arthur hugged the canine boy, and the two wings flew up and disappeared instantly in the night.

At the same time, Egypt, Cairo Grand Hotel.

The sound of water from Elaine’s bath and the intoxicating snoring of the white bears came from the bathroom.

Bedyville has already washed a comfortable hot bath and is lying in bed and sleepy. He wrapped his quilt and tried to fall asleep while thinking about the next big money plan. The bedside phone rang at this time.

"Well...?" The werewolf picked up the phone in confusion.

"Mr. Bedieville, have you slept?" The voice of the Leopard youth came from the phone, but it was difficult to identify the sound of Saifei or Segred, because the twins were very similar from appearance to sound.

"...What happened? Safir?"

"It’s Segred." The young Leopard at the end of the phone said, "Mr. can't persuade Dad to let him not gamble?"

The werewolf licked his head: "Palamidis? That guy will listen to it."

"Some things I don't know should be said to be good..." Seglad said, "Daddy, he used to have a very bad habit. It was a gambling. I used to see old people when I was young." Dad and his mother had a fight - at that time, Dad had not quit gambling - he seemed to have lost a lot of money, and he borrowed a large amount of debt."

"So? There is something to say." Bettiville is too sleepy and intends to end the conversation as soon as possible.

"So... I am so worried, I am afraid that my father’s gambling addiction will be embarrassing."

"You don't have to worry about this? Even if he loses money, it's just a little bit of money on hand, and it won't be ruined." Bedyville said depressedly: "If your two brothers are really worried about Parra In the case of Midis, he followed him to the casino. Some sons watched, how can the Paramitis guy not be too gambling to squander?

"Well... my brother is going to follow Dad to the casino... but I am still worried."

"What do you want to do?" Biddiville was even more impatient, and his temper became worse as the eyelids became heavier.

Slaged snorted and whispered, "I think... I want to give Dad a lesson and let him completely quit."

"Hey - it's too difficult." Bettiville shook his head. "This casino is not open to me. Paramitis is not a fool. It is almost impossible to control a game at someone else's home." Things. Let's die."

"In short, please consider it." Segred said wrongly.

"Okay, I will think about it." The werewolf was perfunctory: "Don't say, good night."

He was afraid that SGLrad would ask for anything and quickly hang up the phone.

Elaine just took a shower and came out of the bathroom, with a towel on his shoulders, still whispering a small tune. When he saw that Betdyville had just finished calling, he couldn’t help but curiously ask, "How, what happened, Bedieville?"

"Nothing, sleep." The werewolf pulled the bedside lamp in one hand and the room was dark.

"Hey! Wait, wait a minute! I haven't found it yet, I found the location of the bed--" The room was sent to Elaine to find the noise of the bed.

"Your bed is on the ground, stupid." Bedyville whispered. Elaine’s stupid bear probably forgot, the hotel’s bed couldn’t bear his weight, he could only sleep on the hotel’s carpet.

"Oh, yes, yes!" The young white bear turned and leaned over the ground to find it. If the room is not dark, this scene is estimated to be quite funny.

"That, that, Bedieville?"

"Oh - what happened?" The werewolf answered irritably. Why is everyone obstructing him to sleep?

"Things that reward and bounty hunters make money... Can you count me, my one?" The white bears are born and authentic.

Bedyville smashed his head again: "You have more than 30,000 Egyptian coins in hand, you have already bought a decent weapon, and you have to go to this thing?"

"But I want to help and help." The white bear said awkwardly, at this time he just touched the edge of the carpet, not far from his bed.

"You are just afraid to be bored in the hotel, right?"

"Hey...hey--" White Beard smiled embarrassedly, and seemed to be saying it.

"Hey, you just come along. Don't get in the way, or the money you earn will not be given to you." The werewolf said helplessly.

"Good, good." The white bear man got into the bed, curled up as much as possible, and hid himself in a cup smaller than his own body: "That, then, good night."

Bediville deliberately refused to respond, pretending to be asleep. In a minute, the room screamed at the white bear. At six o'clock in the morning, the werewolf deliberately ignored the thunderous snoring and closed his eyes to force himself to fall asleep. Just as he was half-awake, there was a voice coming from his mind:

"Daddy?" Husky called.

At the same time (?), London, at 8 pm, King Arthur's palace.

"So, good night, Wang." The canine boy plunged into the bed.

"Good night." The leopard boy also replied in the quilt.

Ten seconds.

Twenty seconds.

It may be because of the whole day of playing, Husky was so tired that he instantly entered a dream and heard a slight snoring.

"...Haski, have you slept?" Hal whispered.

no answer. Husky did fall asleep, and (probably because of the black spider) slept very badly.

"Uncle Arthur, Husky fell asleep." The leopard teenager climbed out of the bed and said to a small communicator on his wrist.

"Very good, we can start." The Cavaliers gently pushed the door into the room, followed by Comet, Lancelot and Greenville.

Looking at the night, King Arthur glanced at the canine boy on the bed. The sleeping Husky seems to be very serene, and the nightmare seems to have not begun.

"Greenville." The Cavalier dynasty nodded to his queen.

Greenville also nodded and pulled out an artifact from his arms.

That is one of the national treasures of Great Britain, [recall the magic mirror - Relcefield].

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