Light Spirit Epic

Chapter 1035: Hunting in Shahai (9)

Chapter 1035 Hunting in the Shahai Nine

At the same time (?), Great Britain, London, Elsenburg.

The temporary research institute of Prime Minister Merlin is filled with the busy atmosphere of Monday. It was a wonderful atmosphere in which people had reluctantly returned to work after two days of rest, with the difficulties and tensions that existed together. After Merlin's research institute was burnt to ashes by the fire, the staff of the original institute moved to this annex in the castle of Elsenburg.

People are busy rebuilding new files for all kinds of burnt materials, and they are too busy. The size of this temporary research institute is much smaller than the original one. The staff who are busy in the corridor are almost shoulder-to-shoulders and feet. Stepping on the foot, I spent the morning on Monday in this crowded space with a slight sweaty smell.

Arthur also traveled in a low-key manner in this crowd. Its destination is Merlin's office, and it is also the most accessible room in the institute.

Of course, as a king, he is willing to use his privileges. It is one of the privileges of the king to drive away other instigators and let them negotiate with the prime minister as soon as possible.

Arthur pushed the door open and slowly broke into Merlin's office. He looked at Merlin, who was almost buried in the file pile, not only sneered: "You are still busy as always. Didn't the old institute burn all your files?"

"It was burned down, so I had to rebuild the file. As a result, my workload has increased. Thank you, King." Merlin replied ironically.

He did not look up at Arthur at all, but the two eyes were separately examined for the two documents on the left and right sides. Both arms held the pen at the same time and quickly reviewed it on various documents. This is one of the most famous abilities of Prime Minister Merlin: he can use one heart and two, one person can top two people or even a few people's workload, this kind of magic is often amazed - although this ability and Merlin's original The appearance is closely related, and those who know the reason will feel that this is actually no big deal.

The Cavaliers are the one who knows the true identity of Merlin, and perhaps the only one in the world.

He looked at the guy in front of the god-like efficiency and couldn't help but jokingly said: "Since it's busy like this, why don't our Master adults apply a magic to make themselves three heads, six arms? Will it be better to review documents?"

"I hope that I can do this. But the deputy is expected to scare a lot of people, or forget it." Merlin also replied with a half-joking: "I am really busy, gossip is free, kneel down." You came here to find me, have something to talk about?"

"Then I won't turn around." Arthur took a chair and sat down. It was a hardwood chair that was not very comfortable to sit on. It was not suitable for sedentary, but Wang did not intend to sit for a long time: "About the wormholes in the children -"

"Wait!" The Archmage Merlin was like a strong current. The whole person jumped up and stopped King Arthur's words with shouting and body language.

Like his hand, he released a black ball. The ball swells at an alarming rate and instantly wraps Arthur and Merlin in a black area. This is Merlin's shady magic, a special spell that completely isolates outside interference, cannot be peeked from outside, and cannot be eavesdropped.

"Now I can talk with peace of mind." Merlin just breathed a sigh of relief and said, "Please, my Majesty, when you talk, you will have a dim sum. I just moved the office to this temporary research institute. The people here are here. The things are not completely trustworthy."

"Oh, sorry." Arthur didn't seem to care much about it, just replied perfunctorily: "So, the two children of Husky and Hal -"

"Oh, kittens and puppies?" Merlin put the documents on the workbench aside and took out a document from the old wooden table with a mild musty drawer. That was Hal’s medical report: "Is there a wormhole in the chest that connects to another universe? It's not a big deal -"

Arthur was very surprised by Merlin's unnatural calmness: "No, not a big deal?! From which wormhole, the genius ran out of another universe, almost killed! You But said [not a big deal]?!"

In the face of Arthur's questioning, Merlin disapproved of leaning against the back of the chair and gently spit out a strange vocabulary: "[transcenders]."


"In a nutshell, there are [people who connect multiple parallel universe bridges."" Merlin began to explain, "The transcender, as you see it, there must be some kind of wormhole in the body, connected to another A universe. All [impossible] belonging to our world are [contradictions] arising from the wormhole and from another universe. This [contradiction] flows into our world and interferes with the [phenomenon] of the world. "

"I still don't understand..."

"Your Majesty, for so many years, you have thought about what you can use [the third miracle - photon creation], what is it?" Merlin suddenly asked.

The Cavaliers took a sigh of relief: "You should not say -!"

"Yes, you are the same, you rely on the [contradictions] drawn from other worlds, have an impact on the world, and create things that are [in the middle of nothing], [impossible]. More specifically, it is you The wormhole in the body has brought in photons from another universe. You are relying on the photons of these different worlds. [Third miracle] - You are also the [transcender] under King Arthur. You are, the two children are also, And your Cavalier Lancelot is also."

"It turns out." Arthur’s eyes were freed: "I thought it was related to the physical physique -"

"I thought so at first," Merlin frowned. "But after a long period of research, I found that this has nothing to do with [Light Spirit]. The nature of His Majesty is indeed very similar to our light, but at best It’s just that the breath of [soul] is a bit similar, but [beyond] is related."

The prime minister paused and smacked the documents and said, "And, is it true that you are under the light... I can’t say it right. Maybe it’s very close to us, but it’s different. presence--"

King Arthur’s face was slightly unpleasant: "You are saying this again..."

"Don't forget our agreement, Your Majesty." Merlin's pair of silver scorpions stared straight at Arthur, with a question in his eyes: "I will help you, based on two conditions, first, [We are the same kind]; Second, [liberate the world from the erosion of the Dark Son]. None of these two conditions can be satisfied, I have not continued to help you. At that time, Prime Minister Merlin is no longer prime minister. Merlin."

"This cockroach still remembers." The Cavaliers replied in an understatement.

Different road non-phase plan.

Archmage Merlin, or Light Spirit Merlin, the reason why he will help King Arthur is entirely because of the faint scent of "the same kind" that Arthur has.

But whether Arthur is really a light spirit, this point has not been determined so far. If you let Merlin know that Arthur is not the same kind, he will not only help Arthur, but he may even kill the Cavaliers.

King Arthur is accompanied by enormous risks while serving the great powers of the gods. That's it.

After warning of Arthur, Merlin fell into some kind of contemplation. He held his chin and said: "So, you can summon the illusion of the sci-fi crimson dragon. It seems that there is another viable saying. Maybe [the transcender] can summon the illusion. , not clear."

"Yong Yu asks you a few more questions." Arthur interrupted Merlin's meditation: "Is there really a wormhole in the body? When did you find out?... Does Greenville know this?"

"Nothing I know, I don't know. It was originally the Queen who came to ask me." Merlin shrugged. "The Queen of Greenville has been monitoring your physical condition for years. How could she not know that you have Wormholes? I think she is just afraid of your fears and not willing to tell you."

"Yes?" Arthur plans to ask another question.

"Where do you want to ask yourself where the wormhole is, right?" Merlin replied first: "No guess, it's in your left eye. More correctly, it's on the retina of your left eye." "


"When you use the third miracle, will there be occasional blurred vision or an illusion?" Merlin tapped his finger about one inch below his left eye and said, "That is the wormhole." The result of enlargement in your left eye. If you see the illusion, the illusion you see may not be pure illusion - it is the [real] that occurs in another parallel world.

Therefore, every time you launch a miracle, the [real] of that world will impact our world and change the [real] of our world a little bit.

Therefore, every time you launch a miracle, you are using the [real] of other worlds to change our world. The nature of [Beyond] is what it is. "

The Cavaliers were silent and looked dignified.

"So, sire." Merlin sighed and said profoundly: "When you learn to screen, you should learn to believe. There is no absolute lie in this world, and there is no absolute truth. Some are just [Things that can be used by you], and [the things you choose]. As a transcendent, have more choices than ordinary people, and even every choice has the potential to bring about tremendous changes in the world. Therefore, how to choose, which road to choose, please carefully consider -

Please don't rewrite the world in a mess. "

"Understood." The Cavaliers stood up from the chair and seemed to be planning to end the conversation: "Merlin, can you finally have a question for you? When the war ended seven years ago, the choice to do - Is this choice to save this world that should have been swallowed up by the darkness correct?"

"What the **** is talking about?" Merlin laughed funnyly. His eyes seemed to see everything, but he was revealing the dullness of no modification: "The choice seven years ago is not what you did." -

Because, you have not paid any price for that choice. "

After listening to the prime minister's words, the Cavalier's brow wrinkled deeper.

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