Light Spirit Epic

Chapter 1040: Hunting in Shahai (fourteen)

Chapter 1040 Hunting in the Shahai Fourteen

"It's here." The werewolf looked around. It was so remote that it could be described as uninhabited. There were also several large sandstones in front to cover it, no matter what they did here, they would not be seen by people in the city.

"Here?" Seglader followed more doubtfully, following Bettyville to the back of the sandstone.

"Hey~" The werewolf took off the blood-stained shirt: "What are you waiting for? Get off your clothes."

"Hey?" Elaine and Segrad.

"Undressing and bathing!" Biddeville had already taken off his pants, leaving only one crotch. He took a pile of sand from the ground and began to scatter on his body covered with blood: "Don't you know? People in the desert wash their bodies with sand like this. The sand here is very clean. It’s even cleaner than water, and after rubbing it with your body, you can take away the dirt on your body. Come wash it.”

The white bear and the leopard youth face each other, and for a time they don’t know what to do.

"Do you really don't wash?" Bettiville was lying in the sand, rubbing the whole body's hair with delicate white sand: "Oh, it's so comfortable, it's refreshing in a flash!"

That's the big truth. He was originally made up of sticky and itchy body by shark blood. It was dry and comfortable when the sand was cleaned. The sand rubs against the silver hair of the werewolf, and the blood stains on the surface of the hair are scraped away, and the hair or skin of the werewolf is not damaged at all. Those are weathered in the desert for thousands of years, and every diamond in the microscopic particles is smoothed with sand, which is the highest quality abrasive.

"Okay, okay." Elaine saw Beddyville's bathing very cool, and he took the letter off his shirt and plunged into the sand: "Hey--"

He learned the werewolf, and took a handful of sand and squatted on his chest. The dry, smooth sand and the blood on his chest hair rubbed against each other, and quickly turned the blood into tiny particles of blood red, slipping along the sand. As a result, Elaine felt like an unprecedented refreshment, and the stickyness of his body was swept away.

"Very, great!" The white bear smiled and took off his pants: "I can wash and wash!"

"You..." Segred looked at the two companions who were only wearing half-breasted pants and couldn't help but look red: "This is a public occasion..."

"Take it!" Biddiville picked up a handful of sand and yelled at his own armpit: "This desolate place, even the personal shadow is not there, you are afraid of people seeing it? And men, when going to the beach to swim Don't you only wear a pair of pants? Is it so shameful to be seen?"

"That's swimming trunks..."

"It's the same!" The werewolf laughed in disapproval. Then he dug a hole in the sand and saw that there was no side around him, so he got into the sandpit and moved. When he took his hands out of the sand, he took off his pants.

"Hey--" Elaine learned to dig a pit like Beddyville and buried the lower body in the sand so that he could be stripped off without hesitation.

"Really, I really can't help you." Segrad couldn't help but tempted to take a shower. He began to take off his shirt and jump into the sand pool.

"The place to wash should be well washed." The werewolf smiled and said, one hand kept squatting in the sand, washing the lower body buried in the sand. In addition to the dryness and heavy pressure of the sand, this sand pool is not much different from the ordinary hot pool!

"Oh ~" Elaine even lay comfortably in the sand pool, enjoying the sand bath as if it were soaked in hot water. The afternoon sun in Egypt is quite sinister, and the sand is also amazingly hot. It could have burned the skin and is not suitable for bathing.

But through the cover of the large sandstones and the shadows of the city buildings, the sand pool where Bediville was located was not exposed to direct sunlight, and the water temperature - or sand temperature just right, became very suitable for bathing. Shachi has experienced a direct sunlight in the morning, and has been completely killed by the bacteria. The sand also has an ultraviolet ray, which is white and slippery under the sunshine, giving a very clean feeling.

"Yes, it's really good! Hahahahaha!" "Segred after a few squats on the body with sand, I feel so refreshed and can't stop!" He took off his pants and rolled back and forth on the sand.

"That's it, what to hold, anyway, the bath is always to be washed!" The werewolf looked at the crazy leopard youth sneer.

"Wow!" Slag said the sand that had been splashed like a spray, and the white bear licked his head and cleaned the sand on his face.

"Revenge, revenge!" Elaine played like a child to play with water (sand), picking up the smooth sand like water and splashing it towards Segrad.

"Hey!" The leopard youth was also recruited. He did not want to be outdone, but also took a handful of sand and shattered it into the white bear.

"Hey!" Elaine shrank to the ground, avoiding the oncoming sand. This sand flew over the head of the white bear man and poured it on the face of Bediville!

"How can I even attack? You guys!" The werewolf reached out and waved a huge sand wave, trying to bury Sedge and Elaine under the yellow sand!

"Wow, hahahaha!" Elaine took the sand and sprinkled it while doing the defensive action.

"Hey!" Segrad flashed another sand, while his hand crossed the sand and raised a wave of sand.

Just as the three young men used sand to splash and play with sand, there was a little black shadow that smashed into the sandstone and peeked at the action of the Betdiville group.

The werewolf put on the crotch and continued to roll in the sand if nothing had happened. But he has already noticed it all.

The black shadow stretched out from behind the sandstone and quietly touched the clothes of Bedyville and others.

Hey! The werewolf pulled something out of his waist - his tortoise whip! The whip flew out under the control of Bedieville, and he rolled the hand that wanted to steal clothes!

"Hey, see what we have fallen?" Biddyville pulled the whip and pulled the black figure out from behind the sandstone: "Mr. over there, you can steal our clothes and you can't get anything!" Our money has already been deposited in the bank, but there is no one in it!"

The figure also grabbed the sandstone by hand and avoided being caught. But after all, he was the enemy of Bediville, and he was pulled out by the tortoise whip!

Once the guy is in shape, the situation is far beyond the expectations of the werewolf - the thief who wants to steal their clothes is not a sinister, but a child!

It was a human boy, probably only a teenager, with a wheat-colored skin due to years of sun exposure. He is very tattered in his clothes, and he can even be said to be undressed. He was wearing a cloth with countless holes, only covering important parts.

This kind of little devil actually came as a thief? !

"This is... civilians?" Seglad just took off his pants and tried to wash the important parts. I didn't expect an outsider to peek, scaring him to put on the half of the pants again. The young Leopard looked nervously around and blushes and said, "What is this, how is this child going?"

"Little thief, and still a little thief who is stupid to die." Bettiville took the whip and pulled the child over and grabbed the other's neck: "Do you understand English? Can you understand me? Who sent you?" of?"

"No, no one sent (me)!" The child answered the werewolf in poor English. Bedyville and others finally understood: "Stolen (something) to eat (only)! (you guys) stingy ghost!"

"Oh, so I should let you steal it?" The werewolf angered: "So small children learn to steal things. What should I do when I grow up? Where are your parents?"

"No! Let's die early!" The child cried, "Let (I) come down, (you) killer!"

"Kill, murderous?" Elaine saw himself being murdered as a murderer. He was very surprised and quickly denied: "Yes, it is not!"

"Just (still) full of blood!" The child then cried: "Help! Killer!"

"Those are the blood of Satay..." Biddeville wanted to explain, but he turned to think that even if the explanation would not be understood by these civilians, it would be vain.

He picked up the little devil: "In short, send this kid to the police station. What should the police do with your thief? I don't care."

"Don't! Help!!" The children struggled with their hands and feet: "Brother!"

"What!?" Betdiville discovered that the thief had the same party. Another child took out from the sandstone and robbed the clothes on the ground in a flash.

"I, my pants!!" Elaine shouted with a red face.

"Damn! My short sword too!" Biddyville saw his lizard dagger in the thing that the Egyptian kid had stolen, and could not help but exclaim. They don’t have much weapons in hand, they can’t lose more weapons anymore!

"Hey!" At the same time as Bedieville's hair, his right arm was also attacked by a painful pain. He turned his head and saw that the stupid ghost caught by him actually bit the werewolf with his teeth! Bedyville released his hand because of the pain, and the kid was released!

"Ha! idiot!" The Egyptian child grabbed a handful of sand on the ground and blew it to Bediville. The dust cleared the eyes of the unsuspecting werewolf for a while!

Then the kid grabbed Bedyville's tortoise whip and took the thing and fled to escape!

"Cough, cough, cough! Damn!!" The werewolf yelled angrily. When he cleaned the sand on his face and opened his eyes to find the thieves, the stinkers had disappeared into the alleys of Zwar. in!

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