Light Spirit Epic

Chapter 1050: Exploring in the dark night (3)

Chapter 1050 Exploring in the dark night

Perhaps, in the eyes of humans, these orcs are not [people].

Leopards are just beasts, just low creatures.

It turned out that this is not hunting for thieves, it is hunting.

Not also! This is not hunting, it is harvesting livestock!

That's right, this was a [bureau] from the beginning, and from the beginning it was to [reap] these leopard teenagers and condone them to steal. Because the fur obtained from this group of special leopard-haired teenagers has been well received by some human collectors, and each fur is a high price.

Whether it is the Romans or the Gryks, there seems to be some sort of dirty trade between the two sides, in order to sneak up the fate of the wilderness species, in order to obtain better quality fur.

At that moment, Phileos, who was on the verge of death, realized this game. At the age of thirteen, he understood the sinister world and knew that he was in trouble.

Without waiting for him to die completely, humans couldn’t wait to smash the fur of the leopard teenager.

The leopard skin of his soft, semi-ripe boy was torn from him by humans mercilessly and bit by bit. The flesh is torn, bloody, like a flame, but also like a thousand needles. This is the pain of being stripped of life. There is no pain in the world that can match it.

In the pain, Phileos lost consciousness.

His cold body was randomly discarded by humans in the corpse and was disposed of as waste. It was late, the Romans took a nap and were about to wait until tomorrow morning to set fire to the dead body. However, no one thought that Phileos, who was stripped and bleed, and who was so weak that he had lived in a line, miraculously survived one night.

"Hey, come see this kid! Actually, there is still anger!" The next morning, he was stupid because of a fever, and he vaguely heard who was yelling.

"Really yeah!... Even the fur has grown, this monster!"

Humans use their dirty hands to stroke the back of the leopard. New fluff grows on his back, very short, very sensitive, sensitive to the blood of those hands.

After learning the peculiar physique of the leopard, the human did not kill him, but the young boy was imprisoned in a cage and transported to Egypt.

The Egyptian surgical skinning technology is leading the world, and they can peel off the fur from the animals with minimal damage and the slightest pain.

The leopard, who is able to regenerate throughout the body, seems to have been sent to hell. Every three days, humans will come to cut a knife from the leopard teenager, carefully tearing it and peeling off his newly grown hair.

Yes, the Egyptians' skinning techniques are very good, and the peeling is clean and neat, which minimizes the pain when Phileos is peeled. But this does not mean that it is not painful. For leopard teenagers, being peeled is still a severe pain in heartbreaking.

Therefore, in those days, he was too bad to die.

Humans grabbed his hands and feet and, like animals, kept him in a small cell of less than ten square feet. In order to prevent him from committing suicide, the human did not let him eat any food, but to plug his mouth and use a drip to enter various nutrients into his body.

There is no such thing as the dignity of a [person], nor the freedom of a little activity. It is a painful heartbreaking every three days. Phileos is not able to survive this life. Life, for three full years.

When his spirit almost completely collapsed, whoever broke this crazy cycle, came to the leopard youth and extended a warm hand to him.

The hands are big, very warm, but there is blood in the palm of your hand. The masters of the hands alone smashed the organization that abused the leopard, and killed all the Egyptians in the base.

The master of the two hands smashed the door of the cage, and easily shattered the chains on the ankles of the leopards, and took the weak boy out.

"Don't be afraid, my child." The man whispered to Philaeus: "From now on, you are free."

"Who is that person!" Paramidis could not wait to interrupt the memory of Phileos.

"It's my old lady." Phileos spit out a word with pride and gratitude in his tone: "Sphinx." Palamidis felt that he seemed to have heard the name?

"He is also -" the blue leopard slowly added: "The richest man in Egypt, the big boss of Cairo Grand Casino... and the leader of Egypt's largest mafia, [Blood Lions]. His name is, Sphinx Lyon Rio."

After listening to this sentence, Paramitis suddenly had a bad feeling. The original "Lao" in the mouth of Philaeus is the gangster boss?

"So," Paramedis decided to listen to the words first: "What have you said before? You are afraid that I will dislike you... because everything you do...?"

"I still want to mention this after all." Phileos stunned his head slightly, poured a whole glass of wine into his stomach, and picked up the bottle and poured it into a cup: "Yes. If you I have seen, I am also a Chinese. In the past few decades, I have worked under the old man, killed people, sold drugs, smuggled abductions, and did every bad thing. If the soul can be blackened, my I am afraid that the soul is already a black ink?

I will tell you that in order to survive, it is a matter of course. But that kind of statement must be an excuse to find the words of dodge in order to cover up your sins. In fact, my life is already owned by the Sphinx, and I can do it to help the old man achieve his hegemony. I am such a person, little Paramy. "

After listening to this, Paramitis has been stunned for a long time.

The leopard warrior took a sip of whiskey, and with a little drunkenness, he took up the courage and said his doubts in his heart: "...including, buy me, right?"

Philaeus looked straight at Paramitis, and his eyes flashed a strange, alienated light: "You are so smart, my brother."

Paramitis touched the bottom of the cup and smiled slyly: "Casino slot machines and Keno lottery tickets are things that can control odds. Casinos don't let gamblers win, gamblers will never win. The two stinks The kid can't be so lucky, just buy it once and win the grand prize.

In other words, your casino secretly made a hand and sent money to us deliberately;

Also, my vigilance is not bad. Generally, thieves can't steal money from me. The Egyptian thief who steals money from my pocket must have been very professionally trained. Is it estimated that you are one of the best gangs in your gang? ——

In order to arrange for you to meet me, you really staged a gorgeous drama. "

At that moment, Phileos's face changed. It is a look of surprise, appreciation and fear.

But his smile quickly covered up the complex expression on his face, and admitted admitfully: "Yes, little Paramy. I didn't expect you to become so smart when you grow up. It really is nothing to you." , my good brother."

"You have made a lot of tricks, just to take me to see your big boss, Sphinx, right?" Paramitis looked at Phileos with a near-questioned look: "And What you just said -"

"Everything I said just now is true." Fileos hurriedly interrupted and subconsciously touched his neck: "Three hundred and fifty-seven times. It was like being in **** for three years. They stripped 357 skins from me. Even now, whenever I caress the scar on my neck, the pain will emerge. If the Sphinx does not come to save me, really Know what it will look like."

"Understood." Paramitis sighed: "I will go with you."

Phileos did not hear the words of Paramitis and continued to persuade: "So, please, let me go with me... Hey, what?"

"I will go with you to see the Sphinx daddy." Paramitis repeated: "Although I really don't like you to turn around, it is a mystery, but the old man is saved. My brother, who is my benefactor, is not asking me to do anything that is irritating. It is no harm to meet him."

"Little Parami..." Fileos looked at Paramitis, and his expression gradually rose: "Ah hahahaha! Great! I know you will say this! This is like my brother. , Little Parami!"

He grabbed his brother in one hand: "Come on, drink! Drink it! Let's take you and the children to see Sphinx's dad tomorrow, and eat and drink tonight, not drunk!"

"Oh, are the children going too?" Paramitis was a little upset.

"Of course, the old lady will be happy to see them! The two kittens are your son, right! I can see it at a glance!" Fileos laughed and said: "They grow old with them." Dad is the same as young, thin, but furry!"

"Is this... praise?" Paramitis was very depressed.

Moreover, Phileos seems to have misunderstood one thing: two young people who went to the casino with Paramitis today, although Saifel is indeed the son of Paramitis, but Albert of his peers No.

What is the boss of the casino, Sphinx, thinking about why, even the sons of Paramitis want to see?

...Take it. The other party does not seem to be malicious, and Paramitis is also capable of handling any unexpected situation. Even if he goes to the gangster, there is nothing to be afraid of.

Paramitis thought, picking up a huge roast chicken leg on the table and sending it into the stomach with the spirits.

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