Light Spirit Epic

Chapter 1053: Exploring in the dark night (six)

Chapter 1053 Exploring in the dark night

In a slightly oval-shaped square, thousands of shops made of wooden shelves are being opened in a big way, and the scenes are bright and lively. All the roads are expensive, gang characters, heroes, heroes, all in this black market, occasionally pick up the weapons and art in the store, and the shop owner bargains from time to time. What's more, those who are engaged in wholesale art or weapons traders will carry a large number of bodyguards or workers to sweep the goods, drive the car, and transport the piles of goods away.

All in all, the size of this black market is even larger than that of the werewolves, and the weapons and resources circulating here are enough to organize an army. Bediville can't help but wonder if the Egyptian government wants money to be crazy, and even allows such unsettled factors in its own country?

"My God! That's the insect worm of the golden worm!" The werewolf's van just opened the entrance to the black market, and some merchants who knew the goods had seen the mystery from the oozing of the edge of the barrel.

Once someone is jealous, other merchants also focus on the werewolf truck. They soon discovered the thrilling treasures, and they excitedly rushed up to ask the werewolves: "Little brother! Are the goods in your car all worms?! Selling not selling? Counting you a good price. "How about 10,000 Egyptian dollars per barrel?" "I am out of 15,000!" "Hey, this is the first sale I bought!"

"Oh..." Biddeville was frightened by this sudden and lively scene, and for a moment he didn't know how to respond. He simply did not understand the true value of these golden insect worms in his hands, and he was afraid that the sale would be a loss.

When Solar saw that Bediville was hesitant, he immediately helped to reject the merchant's request: "Thank you. But this worm is not for sale, you need to carry out quality appraisal! Something to say back!"

"Oh-" "Hurry up!" "Wait for you!" The merchants immediately dispersed.

One sentence is enough for the merchants to lose interest in doing business, and Solar is really a person on the road.

"Hey, what did you do just now?" The werewolf looked at the magic swordsman incredibly, as if he was afraid that his business would blow.

"They are all veterans of buying and selling materials. You will be overwhelmed by the price of doing business with them." Solar lowered his voice and screamed at Biddiville. "Even I can't cope with these people. So, still Leave them alone, let me take you to see Odin's daddy."


"Or, you don't believe me, I want to deal with these people, my friend?" Solar continued to smile at the werewolf, but this smile with a little pressure.

"Oh... well, okay." Betteville's forehead blew a drop of cold sweat. Indeed, this guy of Solar has a good chance to bring Bedieville to his acquaintance and buy the goods from Bediville at a more affordable price.

But now Beddyville is a little difficult to ride the tiger. After all, he is brought by Solar. If he does not follow the swordsman to his designated shop, he seems to be a bit treacherous when he is doing business with other merchants.

In short, let's go check it out. Whether or not to make this sale, the final decision is still in the hands of Bediville, how to do it will not lose. God knows that the "Odin Daddy" that Solar has to introduce to Bediville is also a person? Maybe he will buy the Werewolf goods at a higher price?

Bedyville drove away from the entanglement of the merchants and headed for the east side of the market. He stared nervously at the mirror of the car along the way, lest any guy who wants to be mad at the car will hit the car with the idea of ​​the goods.

When he was nervous, he finally came to the east side of the black market according to the instructions of Solar, and stopped the car in a slightly dilapidated shop. At that time, the sky was completely dark, and even the point was sparse. The light of the moon and the moon is also covered up by the lights of the downtown area.

It is different from the shops built by the wooden shelves in the black city center. This shop seems to have existed for a long time. The builders took the materials on the spot and renovated them with the dilapidated houses around the black market, transforming them into a weapons store with a smelting workshop.

Not far from, Bediville could see the fire of the red stove in the gap between the houses and hear the sound of the cracks in the house.

That is the sound of someone's hammer knocking on the blade. It is even and stable, as calm and powerful as the sea, but it hides the momentum of worship, which shows that it is a blacksmith with an experienced experience.

Bedyville's understanding of weapon forging is not deep, but he can feel the soul of this knocking iron. With such a good craft, the forged weapons must be extraordinary.

"Odin Daddy, I am back." Soral shouted as he jumped off the van.

The knocking of the house stopped and it was replaced by a sizzle. The blacksmith sent the blade that had been beaten to the water for annealing (cooling).

"Hey, Odin's old man?" Solar pulled the door and shouted again.

tie! ! Without warning, a sharp blade pierced the wooden door of the store and stabbed it toward the face of Solar.

"Wow!" Solar, who reacted quickly, shunned sideways, and finally escaped the full blow of this killing.

Betdiville realized what the messy knife marks on the door were all about: it seems that the owner of this shop is very tempered.

"Business is still as bad as ever, right?" It was a few steps away. Solar, who had three yards from the wooden door, was indifferent to the sneak attack that had just bitten his life. Not only was he not angry, he even laughed straight. Get up: "Even if you can't cut your great-grandson with a sword, Odin is old.""Hey! You don't know how to learn the sword technology, you know that the treasures left by the ancestors will go out to fight! The dragon hunters will not fall in your hands!! "

Sorry's face changed when he said it here: "Daddy, there are outsiders! How can you just do it?"

"Hey! The people you brought, the secrets of a family are leaked and you are responsible for yourself! Who told you not to choose a friend!"

Bedyville couldn't help but sweat, and there was so much room for dialogue between the two grandchildren.

"Oh..." Solar pulled his head sullenly, gazing at Bediwell.

"I didn't hear anything, don't care about me." The werewolf said quickly.

"Let me see." The man in the house just pushed out the door and ignored Bediville and Solar, but walked straight toward the van as if he could smell the goods from the house. This bearded hair is white, but it is so strong that the whole body is full of muscles, and it looks like the old man of fifty years old. It is actually [the great-grandfather] of Solar?

"Well, the insect worm of the golden worm, the treasure of the millennium." Odin's dad said only one of the barrels: "1.6 billion."

"Wow." Biddiville was shocked. Twenty-two barrels of worms could sell for 1.6 billion, and the deal was worth it.

"Daddy, are you sure?" The werewolf asked again, "Is that 1.6 billion Egyptian coins?"

"I'm sure." I didn't expect Odin's old man to open his hand and ask Bedyville to take the money: "1.6 billion Egyptian coins, pay quickly."

"Hey, what?!" Bettiville almost spit a bit old blood, depressed and grievously said: "Since you want to buy worm, shouldn't you pay me? Why did it become me?! "

"Crap! Who wants to buy you these rags!" Odin's old man waved his hammer and said excitedly: "The 1.6 billion is the price of using these worms to create new weapons!"

"When did I entrust you to help me build a new weapon?!" Bedieville was even more sorrowful. The old man in front of him was simply unreasonable: "I obviously came to sell the worm!"

"Daddy, you can't buy strong sales." Solar also talked to Bediville: "I brought my friend, just to let you see the quality of the insects, just for a price." ""

"So, you don't need the weapons I made?" Odin was so angry that he was full of anger: "You don't even bring me business for you?! You don't even find me forging weapons? Then you guys To hinder what I do!? Roll it, roll it right away!!"

This is not just Bettyville, even Solar is also full of cold sweat, and Odin is not awkward.

Out of curiosity, Bedieville whispered a question: "Daddy...what are you responsible for processing, why did you build a weapon that would cost more than a billion dollars?"

I didn't expect the grumpy Odin to scream: "Kid, who is the illiterate ran out of the mountain pit? We are the dragon hunters, what kind of weapons do the dragon hunters do? Do you still ask? ?"

Bediville couldn't help but shrink to the back of Solar and see that he was temporarily safe. He whispered, "Hey, is Longwu...?"

"Yes, it's Longwu!" The old man sneered like a sneer: "Only our dragon hunters know how to make hard-to-process keels into weapons with special magical powers - that is, Longwu! We made them by ancient methods. The weapons, each one is the best, the toys made by modern people and they are simply incomparable! This is why they are more expensive than the sky!"

This is true.

The old man raised the hammer, used the heat of forging, braved the hammer of the vague smoke, pointed to Solar: "And this is not a bad boy! If the forging technique is not learned, you know Fight! The dragon hunters will also be down!"

"The dragon hunters have long since fallen." Solar whispered back.

"Hey! Don't talk too much!" Odin's old man yelled angrily and didn't give room to the swordsman Solar. "So, what do you want? Is it a money for me to build a weapon, or nothing?" Immediately roll from here? Say, I am so busy!"

"But I don't really have that much money..." Biddeville still hid behind Solar.

"Death ghost!" The old man snorted again. While screaming, Bedieville also shrank back to Solar.

"Hey---" The swordsman Solar smiled and played round: "Daddy, can't you give us a discount? We won't spend a lot of time, we don't need to consume the materials in your store, Use the resources we have in our hands, plus the twenty-two barrels of worms to create something."

"Oh? Say you have good weapons in your hand?" Odin's old man smiled disdainfully.

Solar also reported with a confident smile, pulling out his thunderbolt double knife from the skin sheath - two fine scimitars that SGLed helped him create.

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