Light Spirit Epic

Chapter 1068: Exploring in the dark night (21)

Chapter 1068 Exploring in the dark night 21

"Ready?" Hal has not forgotten their original goal, which is to collect materials for enchanting weapons.

He unfolded his props bar and took out the list and glanced at it: "So, let's go to the mother...what is the witch?" Although the materials on the list have not been fully collected, we made a lot of money. Insufficient materials should be able to make up for it with money."

"Yes, I have to sell the useless waste to change the money." Husky nodded. "You go to the witch to discuss how much money you need to make up the rest of the enchantment. Husky goes to the merchant to sell." East and West."

The leopard, the young boy, the Hales, the young boy, Hask, nodded, and, along with the comet and Calvin, walked toward the witch's house.

Husky went to the house of the merchant's old woman, and planned to sell the defective weapons in the arsenal that was searched yesterday and the crystals obtained in the power furnace. He doesn't expect the money of the Zhang people's defective weapons to be sold, but the golden power crystal is estimated to be worth a lot, which will definitely make him a lot of money.

The canine boy just walked to the merchant's old woman and opened the merchant's inventory. When he planned to start trading, he had a voice behind him: "Oh, kid? Never seen you, are you? New knight trainee?"

Husky took a moment and turned to look. Behind him is a human juvenile who is not much higher than Husky. The person's appearance is extremely ordinary. At first glance, it can be seen that it is a child of a poor family. The faint acidity between the eyebrows can't be concealed even in the game's pinch system.

"Wow, hahaha! This kid is so cute! I still have a tail and a puppy's ear!" The teenager smiled and said that although his mouth was full of sarcasm, there was no malice in his tone. Although not malicious, the teenager’s curious series of questions made Husky bored: "What is your name? How old is this year? Why does the Knights allow you to pinch your character? Does it really affect the balance of the body?"

"Oh..." Husky didn't know which question to answer first. He just stunned: "This is Husky's tail... because Uncle Arthur said this must be kept in the game. To maintain the original balance of Wang..."

"So, are you an orc?" the boy asked again: "It’s strange, the Northern Knights began to recruit orcs to be trainee knights? Wait... I just saw the orcs in the computer room? You really It’s from the machine room..."

"Yesterday, I used the computer room to enter the game." Husky explained: "But we are connected by remote network today."

"Oh, the remote network can also connect to the internal server of the Knights? It's amazing!" The other side made a surprised look: "It seems that they are ready to let the system open beta."

Haski squinted his head and asked inexplicably: "The beta?"

"Well. It is open to the outside world, so that more people can use this system." The boy nodded and said with a slap in the face: "Since you have used this system, you should be very clear. The system is ultimately open to all of Europe, with the aim of enabling more people in the community to learn how to fight."

"I have never heard of Wang." Husky replied in a low voice. Although he can vaguely understand what is going on.

"Haha. Forget it, this is a matter for adults. It doesn't matter if you don't know this kid. Don't care." The man smiled arrogantly - at least in the eyes of Husky, the man was very arrogant.

Upon hearing this sentence, the canine boy immediately gave a long mouth: "You don't look much better than Husky."

The boy smiled again: "Oh, hehe, forgot to introduce yourself? I am Daniel, 12 years old this year, the Knights of the Northern Knights. I am very glad to meet you, not to mention."

"...Haski, eight years old this year." The canine boy reluctantly replied that this ratio is indeed compared to the age.

I didn't expect the other person to frown immediately. He looked at Husky with a look of pity: "I am a trainee when I was eight years old? God, how bad your family should be."

"Hey, things are not as good as you think." Husky quickly argued.

"Okay, no explanation, I understand." Daniel seems to be caught in some strange misunderstanding. "Poor child. However, I am not much different from you, um. Like the poor people like us. Children, can't read books, go to work, and no one is willing to take them. Being a trainee knight is the only way out."

"Things, things are really not as good as you think!" Husky reluctantly explained that there was a huge sweat on his forehead.

"Don't be shy, don't be small." Daniel did not listen to Husky's explanation: "The trainee is hard and tired, and often hurts. If you are not lucky, you may lose your life, except for food and accommodation. Without a salary, normal families are not willing to let their children come to this kind of hardship. Since you are a trainee knight, you must have your own difficulties? I will not go into too much."

Husky couldn’t speak for a while. Is it poor? It was a world he had never touched.

The canine boy has been loved by his parents since childhood, and he has no worries. Although his father is not by his side, his mommy Lianyin still has a good job to make Husky live a life that is not too poor. Husky, who lived a well-off life, always felt a kind of soreness in his heart after listening to Daniel’s words. Therefore, he can only remain silent, in order to prevent this poor friend who has only one side with him from being hurt.

"But don't give up, little bit." Daniel continued to talk to himself: "The standard for the selection of talents by the Knights has fallen very low. Even our poor children at the bottom have the hope of upgrading. Practice hard and wait for you. In this simulation system, it is upgraded to fifteenth level, and then it has achieved certain results in the real world. It is not a dream to be promoted to a black iron knight. When it becomes a formal knight, life is guaranteed!"

"Yes, is it?" Husky said with a smile: "Husky will definitely work hard."

He is only five levels now. To rise to the fifteenth level, what a distant future. The person who can upgrade himself to that level must be very good at it. Need to become so powerful, can you qualify for the official knight for the first time? So the regular knights of Great Britain are not as strong as a monster?

Daniel is a menu operation for the store trading in the middle of a conversation with Husky. At this point he has completed the sale and waved and closed the store menu.

"Okay, gossip, stop here. I still have the task of cultivation in the afternoon, I will not accompany you, little." The trainee knight took out the delivery scroll: "Look back. You must work hard too!"

"Well, Wang." Husky whispered softly and watched Daniel send away. He has a hunch that they will meet again in the future.

"Husky? Who is that person?" Hal seems to have discussed with the witch, and came over to find a boy.

"It should be the trainee knight in the Knights." Husky took an understatement: "What happened, what did the witch say? Wang?"

"This -" Hal spread out a list on the ground: "We have not collected the materials, most of them can be bought with money. Only this -"

His finger fell to the bottom of the list, which had a name: Fire Dragon Scale.

"We are going to kill the dragon?!" Husky shouted dissatisfiedly. "Wait, what is the weapon of this enchantment, why do you have to go to the Dragon King after completing a small enchantment?"

"It's the tail of the scorpion that you intended to transform into a weapon." Hal looked at Husky and felt helpless for the forgetfulness of the canine boy: "Perhaps it has special power, after spending great effort enchanting." Will it become a super weapon?"

The canine boy stretched his face: "Will? Wang?"

The leopard teenager smiled bitterly: "It's just a game anyway. It's a good thing to go to the monster to collect materials and exercise by the way."

The canine boy has pulled his face longer: "Well... how much do we have to pay the witch?"

"Two thousand, our money is just enough to pay, it will help you all." The fisherman prince Calvin came over and swayed and swayed: "What do we do next? Is it to hunt fire dragons, or Just wait for the time to pass?"

"Let's go." The comet on the side sneered proudly: "This uncle also wants to see what the dragon in this game looks like. I hope that it won't be too stupid."

"But our connection is unstable now, maybe we can't control the character on the way, and then we die inexplicably..." Husky couldn't help but worry.

"Is it scared for this little thing?" The daring comet of the Art High seems to care less about the unstable connection: "If you are afraid, the combat part will be completely handled by me. You will be watching it." You want a dragon scale, you don't need to earn experience, right?"

"Well..." Hal groaned uncomfortably.

"Calvin can protect you with magic on the side," the fisher prince smugly said: "Even if the uncle is defeated, using Calvin's new spells can protect everyone from retreating. Don't worry. "

Hal and Husky face each other, still very uneasy, hesitant to take the risk. The death penalty for this game is terrible, and it will be downgraded once, and upgrading is so difficult.

lb! At this time, a meteor-like object fell in the sky, and it slammed into the grass about ten feet away from the crowd, making a very scary sound!

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