Light Spirit Epic

Chapter 1263: Hunting Devil in the Night (6)

Chapter 1263 Hunting the Devil in the Night Six

The golden trident can directly disintegrate photons in the living body, and is one of the most precious treasures left by the Sea King to the mermaid.

The structure diagram of the Trident has been engraved in the brain of the fisherman prince Tristan. He can also use the ice plastic magic to replicate the "Ice Trident" with the same effect. With the 3D printer on the ice crystal, Tristan is planning to copy a giant [Ice Trident] and launch it like a cannonball!

Use it to face the dead giant column, you can purify the intrinsic photons in the monster body, offset the magic of the succubus, and disintegrate this dead spirit monster!

Of course, with this powerful device, the risk is extremely high. The ice crystal has now been exposed in the real world, out of the shelter of the subspace!

"What do you want, strange warship?" The succubus also noticed the change in the ice crystal, knowing that it would move.

The witch controls the giant pillar of the dead, opening a huge gap from it, aiming at the unguarded ice crystal, and launching a deep green giant beam! !

That is a large amount of acid composition, high pressure acid water cannon! If it is hit by it, even the ice crystal with a strong outer shell, I am afraid it will be dissolved and there will be no waste residue! !

"Left full rudder! Retreat at full speed!!" Nasan Zhuona hurriedly murdered.

嗖 —————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————— Its right side of the ship began to collapse! !

The mermaid crew hurriedly reported: "The third power stove caught fire! The fourth residential area and the second environmental adjustment area were completely destroyed!!"

"The blockade area, called the logistics staff to extinguish the fire!" Nashan Zhuona shouted: "Captain, how long does it take to launch the Trident?!"

"Give me another minute!" Tristan was not shocked, and he concentrated on the trident. In front of him is the huge space where the 3D printer is located, in which the hail with a handle length of 300 feet is gradually forming!

"Damn, the ice crystal is also being sunk!" In the artillery room of Aitenburg, Paramitis is looking at everything happening at sea through the lookout mirror: "I can't wait anymore, right away. Launch a dragon shot!!"

"Don't remind me!" The werewolf played with a huge dragon cannon, and kept pressing the buttons on the panel with both hands: "After the sighting, the dragon cannon fired!!"

lb! ! An astonishing buzzing sound almost broke the eardrum of Paramitis. In the glare, a hundred feet of sharp, sharp steel forks flew out and crossed a heavy and sharp parabola in the air. A sound through the bottom of the dead giant pillar!

"What?!" The Succubus didn't expect someone to sneak behind her. She twisted the Necromancer and aimed in the direction of the artillery room in Itonburg: "Dead!!"

Another horrible high-pressure acid cannon shot, this time it intends to take the life of Bediville and Paramitis, and perhaps will ruin half of Aitenburg!

"No way!!" Paramitis picked up a remote control and instantly pressed the button!

Hey! ! A shrill sound sounded, the castle's enchantment system instantly oversold, turned into a powerful protective cover! It blocked the attack of the acid high-pressure gun, and even bounced a part of the acid back and landed on the dead body!

"Wow, ah, ah!!" The succubus seems to be recruited too, and the splash of acid corrode the smoke of the demon girl!

"Refilling the Dragon Cannon - Launch!!" Bettiville seized the opportunity to reoccur the giant Harpoon. He aimed at the bigger goal this time - the succubus at the top of the Necromancer!

tie! ! The harpoon hit the target accurately and completely smashed the half of the succubus. The rest of the harpoon is embedded inside the giant column, hindering its action!

"Amount, ah, ah!" The succubus roared angrily and controlled the Necromancer to make further changes. It was surrounded by dark, dark purple helium storms that were corrosive and capable of bounce off most of the bullets!

"Damn, where did the demon woman get so much power?!" Paramitis looked silly.

"There are evil spirits in those bodies." Biddiville once again loaded the giant harpoons of the dragons: "Probably the sea beasts hunted by the Knights of the Western Heavens resent the spirits that have accumulated over the years."

"Does this work?!"

"These thoughts existed. They only need a core to bring them together. The appearance of the succubus has just become an opportunity for their evil spirits." Bettiville aimed at the Necromancer and fired another shot. . However, affected by the suffocating storm, the huge steel harpoon was also shot. It bypassed the storm and stabbed it on the ice. "Oh ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah. Paramitis pressed the remote control at the right time, and the castle's open protective cover blocked the blow. However, there was an explosion in the depths of the castle. It seems that the enchantment generator has been damaged due to overloading!

"This thing won't last long!" Paramitis hurriedly said: "What are you still tempering with the comet? Fix the monster!"

"Hey!" Xinghui Long sighed. At this time, he has already risen to the super high altitude, and with a dragon flame, he has pulled out a plasma flame ball with a radius of 30 feet. The pale, huge fireball is placed on the palms of the dragon, and the night sky shines like a sun!

"Dead!!" Xinghui Long throws a huge plasma flame ball. The pale fireball is under pressure, and it is about to crush the dead giants!

"Oh hahahahahahaha!" The witch smiled madly, changing two huge octopus tentacles from the pillars of the dead, and resisting the fallen plasma ball. Everything touched by a 10,000-degree high-temperature plasma ball will be burned in an instant, but the tentacles will continue to squirt water, and the amount of water vapor will be used to offset the power of the fireball fall! These waters, needless to say, are extracted from the sea!

In an instant, the two tentacles not only blocked the attack of the plasma flame ball, but also bounced it back! The fireball is pressing against the comet!

"Hey!" Xinghui Dragon suddenly became a human figure, and the red dragon knife at the waist was instantly squirted!

Nourish! There are tens of thousands of high-temperature, huge plasma flame balls, actually cut into two halves by the demon knife!

The Xinghui Dragon flapped its wings and the demon knife cut along the monster's tentacles! The sharp blade is dragged, and the monster's tentacles are cut in half!

However, more tentacles have been eyeing the comets, and they have come from all directions to completely surround the Xinghui Dragon!

"Yu Xing!" A red light appeared along with the shouts of the round table knight Oyun. The comet stretched out a hand in the direction of the red light, and Oyun flew on the deep red dragon, and pulled the comet. The Crimson Dragon is rushing to escape, fleeing from the tentacles surrounding the net!

"Are you supposed to protect the little devils in the lighthouse?" asked the comet when he jumped on the back of the dragon.

"Ilayson said she can protect the children." Owen replied indifferently.

The comet didn't ask much, and grabbed the corner of the dragon in one hand: "Take me to the witch's body. I will solve her with a demon knife."

"Understood!" Oyun suddenly pulled out a necklace of white diamonds in his arms: "Come out, the Holy Spirit Storm!"

White light emerges from the diamonds, and Olympia summons a holy spirit of incomparable abstraction, a white tornado!

"What is this ghost?" Xinghui Long whispered.

The tornado immediately surrounded the crimson dragon that Oyun rode, as a protective cover, providing a strong shelter for the dragon. Oyun sneered, directing the dragon to the top of the dead giant pillar!

Of course, the monster also noticed the action of Oyun, which released a powerful black helium tornado, and released thousands of tentacles at the same time, fully resisting the sprint of the deep red dragon! The black storm collided with the white storm, and it burst into a fierce electric spark! However, whether it is a tornado or a storm of tentacle, when they encounter the white tornado formed by the Holy Spirit, they are all broken into fly ash! The white tornado runs through the huge, deep bottomless darkness like a drill bit, clearing out a **** path in the ugly and decadent viciousness - the reason is simple, the power of the Holy Spirit storm is far stronger than the movement of the dead giants. That's it!

The crimson dragon with the Holy Spirit's hurricane protects the unstoppable momentum and rushes to the front of the Necromancer, and approaches the target within a few seconds!

"Go!" Oyun shouted, a small hollow in front of the tornado, just enough for the comet to pass. Xinghui Long fluttered and flew out, holding up the red demon knife and stabbing the witch with only half body! And the witch also moved an arm, turned into a black pike, stabbed to the Xinghui Dragon!

tie! ! The comet's demon knife hits the demon's forehead!

The demon woman's rifle was stabbed, and it was wiped from the edge of the armor's waist armor, leaving only a scratch!

"Ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah!!" The witch screamed with a stinging eardrum.

"Hurry, you are the entangled scorpion!!" Xinghui Long writhed the knives and created a bigger wound on the enchantress's head.

"It is not in the present!! -" The demon woman gathers all the magic, and ejects black suffocating from the whole body, trying to push the comet away! The comet uses all the power to release the protective cover - or a protective film attached to the body surface to resist the erosion of black helium! His blushing knives are more able to absorb the magic, whether it is evil, light or dark, it is all received, all sucked away! The comet uses its full strength to stabilize the blade, clenches the teeth and sticks to it, and can immediately see the succubus that is always dead!

At the same time, Tristan in the battleship also completed a replica of the artifact with a three-dimensional printer: "Now! Ice trident, launch!!"

"The lock is completed, the wind error correction is completed, the elevation angle is corrected twice, and the horizontal correction is three degrees." "Ivan forced the trigger of the launcher: "Ice Trident, launch!!"

Hey! ! A huge trident smashed out from the gun barrel of the Ice Crystal, spinning at high speed, and flew away toward the dead giants with the wind!

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