Light Spirit Epic

Chapter 1264: Hunting the Devil in the Night (7)

Chapter 1264 Hunting the Devil in the Night

At the same time as the trident of ice was shot, the succubus was just in the fight with the comet, and did not notice the trident that came flying. She extracted more suffocating gas from the pillars of the dead, and the suffocating suffocating suffocation was like a black fountain, which was sprayed from the top of the giant pillar, all falling on the comet!

"Hello, ah, ah, ah, ah!!!" The black storm released by the succubus polluted the world into a darkness!

"Oh ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah!! -" The red knives in the hands of the comet are flashing in this darkness!

The helium storm that entangled the dead giants was weakened by this fight, giving the ice trident a chance! ——


The dragon and the succubus's fighting method reached the most intense moment, and the trident passed through the suffocating storm and smoothly penetrated the center of the dead giant pillar!

Nourish your life! The black rotted blood is ejected from the wound made by the Trident, accompanied by the magic of the monster!

"What?!" The succubus felt weak.

"Hah!!" The comet pulled down the next knife, and the enchantress became two halves from the forehead!

Oh, ah, ah, ah, ah! ! - The succubus screams even more fiercely, and her decaying body begins to collapse! But she accumulated the last strength before she died, bursting out with a suffocating gas and shaking the whole comet! !

"Hey--" The exhausted comet only feels awkward, and the demon knife not only absorbs the magic from the succulent body, but also **** away the vitality of the singular dragon, leaving him completely emptied. He was unable to kneel down, and at his feet was a spike of countless waves being blasted! If you fall, it's not just simple!

"The big star of the comet!" Oyun instantly jumped from the back of the crimson dragon, and the dragon has changed back to the sword. The Knights of the Round Table grabbed the long sword and slammed it. The sword Sefner was stretched and split into pieces. Oyun took out the sword whip like a whip, and took the arm of the comet, and then pulled it hard to pull up the falling star.

At the same time they met in the air, Oyun's magic sword changed back to the magic dragon form, caught the two, and quickly escaped the runaway storm!

"Is that dying thing to die?" The comet retracted the knives, panting, and looked back at the dead pillar. The thing is still writhing wildly, releasing a very deadly black suffocation. However, the huge trident of ice has been clamped to it, and its magic is purified every minute, and the monster is constantly weakening!

"Oh ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah I want to - ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah

The screams she made were hard to hear, and it spread with the wind and was introduced into the lounge of the Itinenburg Lighthouse. The children who were screaming in the screaming noise couldn’t stand it, and covered their ears with their hands.

Hey. Elison's harp broke a string. The Elf girl had to stop playing and she frowned.

"Let's let the demon girl stop, ah, ah! Calvin can't stand the disgusting cry!"

Elison painfully touched the head of the fisherman's little prince and stood up from the sofa. The harp in her hand is changing and it becomes a wonderful longbow with seven bowstrings.

The Elf girl took off a golden hair, and the hair was straightened in her hand and turned into a thin arrow about two feet long.

Hey! She pulled the bow and led the arrow out of the window. The golden light made a flash of light in the night sky and finally landed on the throat of the succubus.

Hey - the demon girl suddenly couldn't make a sound. Her face is distorted and her body is melting. Elison's golden hair began to emit white light, because it attached a magic: [sacred] - special magic to kill the succubus!

lb! ! In the next second, the succubus exploded from the inside out, and her flesh and blood flew out with the sacred glory, and it turned into ashes without flying far. The Necromancer lost its core and began to collapse and become a pile of rotten flesh and bones that fell into the sea!

The teenagers looked at the window and looked at it all, dumbfounded.

Calvin whispered to the little friends and said, "So, don't provoke Ilesen. She is angry and angry."

The Elf girl didn't grin and smiled, and reached for the little prince's forehead.

At the same time, Bediville in the artillery room of the Itinenburg also put down the control handle of the dragon gun and breathed a sigh of relief.

"Is it finally solved?" Palamidis observed the situation on the sea with a gazebo. The spine of the Necrotic pillar was completely shrunk and broken like a dead tree, scattered with the huge ice floes on the sea. No longer exists.

"It’s a nasty night!" Biddiville smashed his head: "I don't want to play, I have to go back to the hotel to take a shower!"

"What? You can't come to my house to take a trip?" The Leopard warrior was a little surprised: "I'm going to introduce you to Vivian. - If Vivian doesn't remember you, and Xiaohar and His friends are said to be spending the night at my house, and the children will be very happy to meet you."

"Hey--" Hearing the big cat said, Bedyville had a sting in his heart. He once lost his wife and children, saw that Palamidis had a happy life of his wife and children, and psychological imbalance is a matter of course.

"Let's talk about it next time." The werewolf waved his hand and fled outside the door of the artillery room: "That is the time for you to spend time with your wife and children. I still don't want to hinder you."

"That's alright." Palamidis watched the werewolf leave, and then he walked out of the artillery room and headed for the lighthouse - looking for his son.

At the same time (?), Egypt's Cairo, Dark Fighting Field.

When Albert woke up, he found himself lying in the backstage locker room of the Sands Sphinx.

"Oh--" The tiger wanted to get up, but found himself unable to move. His eyes and forehead were covered by a large bag of ice, and his head was like being caught by a door, and was dominated by a sharp tear.

"He will be fine, right?" asked a familiar voice.

"Oh, it’s just a slight concussion. It will heal after a restful night." Another voice, who seemed to be a doctor, replied: "But I found some strange shadows in his head from the x-ray photos. It's not yet certain what it is, I will check him in more detail."

"Is it possible to be bruised?"

"Should not, the shadow of the blood is much deeper than this."

"Cough." Albert couldn't let others talk about himself without snoring. He deliberately coughed twice: "Who asked me to help me get this bag of ice away?"

"Are you awake?" Who reached out and took the ice on Albert's forehead: "How do you feel that your head is still dizzy?"

The tiger looked at the tall figure in a blink of an eye, and it really was the Sphinx. The old man was wearing a black suit with a slap in the face, a big cigar, and a team manager.

"嗷" the tiger struggled to get up, supported the head in the pain with his hands, and did not forget to complain: "Suffix, you pulled me into this crazy game, almost killed me. It is."

"But the result is good - in the case of the game, it is the same for you, right?" The lion took out a small book from his arms, wrote a few times on it, and then tore it off. A piece of paper, handed it to Albert.

The tiger was still dizzy, and for a time did not realize what the little piece of paper was. Just as there was blood oozing out of the tiger's nose, he took it with him and took the piece of paper as a paper handkerchief and put it to his nose, trying to wipe it down -

However, the next second, of course, when the eyes focused on a string of numbers on the piece of paper, the tiger suddenly froze. Surprisingly, he hurriedly removed the piece of paper and looked at it with horror on the piece of paper that had been stained with some blood:

National Bank of Egypt Cairo First Branch General Check Union

Account holder: Sphinx Dx Sal Latin

Payment amount: 600,000 Egyptian coins

"噗-!!" The tiger almost spit a blood: "Six, six, six hundred thousand? You gave me 600,000?!"

"You deserve it." Sphinx said with a smile: "You helped my team win the game and let the Sphinx get the Super Bowl. This reward is taken for granted. "

The tiger clung to the huge check: "Okay, okay, then I will accept it."

He persuaded himself, this is the legal reward he used to fight for his life, and he looked around to see who else on the team can get the same treatment. However, it is clear that Albert has been fainting for too long, and other players in the team have already changed their clothes and left. The leopard, who was late, also came out of the bathroom and was wearing pants.

"There is another game at 10 o'clock tomorrow morning," said Sphinx, who picked up the checkbook and persuaded the tiger youth with an amiable look: "If you think you can still play, then come back." Me. As long as you work hard and help me win, I will not treat you badly. Then, see you tomorrow."

Elber nodded and watched the Sphinx leave.

"Hey, if you want to do it, you can still do it." Fileos changed back to take a casual look and join in the fun: "Working hard, today's game is awesome! When I saw your kid making out [Sandstorms] At the time, I really touched it!"

"But Mutter’s death today’s team’s losses are too big.” Albert frowned and his face was depressed: “I didn’t even have time to talk to the child – he died like this. ""

"Who are you dead?" A voice suddenly interrupted Albert's depression.

A cat-and-boy who walked out of the shower room was drying the dripping body with a large towel.

It is a cat man Mutter.

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