Light Spirit Epic

Chapter 1306: Exploring in the wilderness (21)

Chapter 1306 Exploring the Wilderness 21

"Eve," looked at the huge power furnace in front of him, and Bedieville whispered, "What if I want to stop this ghost?"

"Repeat again, the power furnace cannot be stopped by manpower -"

"Just tell me how to do it!" Biddyville was impatient.

Eve was silent again.

"To stop the power furnace, you must personally access its energy core. There is an emergency cooling device, and starting it will temporarily stop the energy core reactor. But the emergency cooling device was originally only used for energy core debugging operations. It is used in the state where the flywheel is installed. It is not suitable for starting at full speed of the power furnace."

"So," the Werewolf youth frowned. "Do you mean to send people through these rotating flywheels and go to the center of the power furnace?"

"Exactly." Eve replied with no emotion: "But that is impossible."

Bedieville looked dumbfounded. He finally knows what it means to be repeated [Impossible].

The power core in front of Bediville is guarded by at least three hundred flywheels.

These ring-shaped wheels, made of unidentified metal, are rotating around the power core at a speed that is almost impossible to capture with the naked eye. As long as the ordinary person is close to any one of these flywheels, it will surely be beaten by the wheels that are rotating at high speed.

No, from the material hardness and rotation speed of these flywheels, even if the heavy armor hits, it will be terrible.

A good person may be able to drill through one or two of the flywheels by luck and skill. But there are more than three hundred flywheels in front of Bediville, each of which is spinning at random, with different angles and different speeds!

Moreover, even if it is able to pass through several of the flywheels, the high-speed flash arc between the flywheel and the flywheel is waiting for the challenger. It’s a horrible way of being killed by the kind of thing, and the body will instantly heat up to several thousand degrees and burn it up.

God, this is what kind of power stove, this is simply a death trap that no one can cross! !

"Eve, can't you remove the wheel?" Beddyville sighed and asked.

"Impossible. The rotation of the flywheel maintains the stability of the power furnace. Forcibly removing the flywheel will only exacerbate the loss of control of the power furnace and allow the power furnace to break out in advance."

The werewolf frowned again. I am afraid there is really no way this time.

and many more.

Normal means does not work, but what about [abnormal] means?

The werewolf thought again and again and suddenly got an idea.

"Eve," Bettiville whispered persuaded: "With our current resources, there is really no way to stop this powerhouse. But I know that one person can let me do this errand."

Eve was silent for a while: "Does the Acting Captain of Bediville ask for additional assistance?"

"Yes. Can you apply for any emergency agreement, let me bring a few people to board the ship and let them enter the power room?" The werewolf lobbied.

"How big is the success rate of the plan?" Eve is still skeptical.

"The success rate cannot be said to be 100%, but it is very high." The werewolf replied.

"What is the specific content of the plan?" Eve continued to ask.

Bedyville was a little impatient: "You always have to ask Dong to the West, is the artificial intelligence made by the ancient gods and people so embarrassed?"

"This system must guarantee the success rate of the plan in order to improve the agreement through emergency authority."

"Oh, anyway, you are afraid that the ancient people's technology was stolen by us, right?" The werewolf gave Eve a look, although he didn't know where Eve was: "But you are relieved. If we fail You can close all the exits of this ship. In that case, we can't escape, and we can only disappear with the explosion of the power furnace. You have no choice but to do nothing to let the ship explode. Still let us try and bet on the feasibility of this plan?"

Eve is silent again. Perhaps her way of thinking is different from that of people. It requires extremely complicated calculations to get the answer to such a simple matter. In short, she replied for a long time before she replied: "Understood, everything is done according to the plan of the acting captain. Who are you contacting?"

Bedyville reveals a winner's smile: "Very good. Send me a signal to contact the people of Great Britain."

At some point, somewhere in the Sahara desert.

"Well, this is fixed." King Arthur fiddled with the dragon's engine and closed the dust cover. The engine was re-run after several ignitions, giving a steady and steady boom.

"Now, let's go back to Beddyville," said the Cavalier King.

"Forget it, sire." Tristan looked dissatisfied at King Arthur: "We also managed to escape from the sinister land full of sharks. It’s not wise to go back now. Even if the guy didn't fall, It must have been shredded and eaten by sharks. Going back to find a dead person is a waste of time."

Arthur suddenly looked at Tristan incredibly: "Do you really want to kill Bediville?""Hey, what? I didn't-"

"You have." The Cavalier King was angry and said: "Every time he is in danger, you assume that he will die, give up and rescue. If you have a chance, say that he is not, treat him as a burden in the team. Tristan, no matter what festival you have with Bediville, you are a prince, can't you be a little graceful?"

Refuted by the words of the Cavaliers, the fisherman prince revealed a complex expression mixed with anger and helplessness.

"The words of your majesty are not without reason." At this time, Ivan also interjected: "When we got out of the quicksand, I saw a flash of shadow. Biddiville may be by another vessel. After he was saved, his chances of survival were not zero."

"Even if you say this! You are really a group of optimistic fools!"

"In short," the Cavalier King jumped on the dragon ride: "Hey, go back and search around the sand bunker. If you don't want to, you can't follow it, then you are waiting for the rescue. Anyway, your magic bracelet can send you. Go back to [Paramitis]."

"I will follow." Ivan also jumped into the back seat of the dragon ride: "No matter whether it is search or warning, my armpit needs my ability."

"Oh." Gewen Green yawned and jumped on the dragon ride: "Whatever you want. Please solve it as soon as possible, and solve it all at once. I will come to trouble later in the province."

"You guys!!" Tristan rose his face and was embarrassed.

"Do you want to come back, or do you want to go back to Paramitis?" King Arthur asked the Prince of the Fish.

"I--" Tristan is still hesitant. At this time, the dragon rider's communicator rang.

"Arthur, is Arthur?" Among them is the voice of Bedieville.

"Beddy!" The Cavaliers are overjoyed: "Great, you are still alive! Are you there now? We will pick you up."

"I am on the gold boat."

"Have you found the desert boat? Very good! Then we should take the next step."

"Hey, let's put it aside beforehand." The werewolf cleared his throat: "Arthur, there are some big problems here, I need your help."

Bediville explained the adventure of the desert boat to the explosion and the Cavaliers and others.

"You are a disaster star, and you can bring trouble when you go there." Tristan commented coldly in the moment he listened.

The Cavalier King whited the fisherman prince and turned to Bediville. "Understood, this may indeed turn into a major disaster affecting Africa. In order to resolve this crisis, from this moment, you will get Great Britain. Full assistance - what do you need?"

"I want you to contact a person. If there is only one person in the world who can pass through this crazy flywheel in front of me, this person must be him."

Cavalier curiously pouted: "Who?"

"The Archmage Rogan."

"Rogan?" The Cavaliers quickly made a thought after listening to it: "Hey~ Right. Rogan's words, maybe there is a way to pass that flywheel."

"I only hope that he will stay in Africa." The Werewolf youth said with concern: "Isn't it going to leave the roll because of losing the knockout?"

"You can rest assured that he is still in Cairo." King Arthur explained: "All candidates who took the test, whether they won the game or lost, will continue to stay in the Cairo Grand Hotel until the game is over. Then they will Return to Great Britain by the Paramitis."

Tristan frowned. "The question is whether Rogan will stay in his hotel room. He doesn't have a game, he may have gone to some corner of Africa to play. In a short time. Finding him inside is not an easy task."

The Cavaliers suddenly squeezed out a weird smile: "What the silly words are you talking about, Tristan."

He dialed a button on the dragon's ride and first received the communication on the [Advance Paramitis]: "Cador, help the emergency communication channel, and talk to Logan. "

"Is it really ok? This should not be known to the candidates."

"You can do it!"

"Understood, Your Majesty."

啪 滋 滋 滋 滋 滋 滋 滋 滋

After an electronic murmur, the grandmother Rogan’s exclamation came out: "What is the bracelet?"

"Rogan, can you hear what you are saying?"

"Your Majesty? Wait a minute - can this bracelet be a communicator?"

"Only in the emergency situation when the communicator is used - gossip after the gossip," the Cavaliers came up with a head and asked: "Are you busy? If you are not busy, come over and help a little."

"What do I need to help, squat?"

"There is a bomb that you want to help remove." King Arthur smirked with a smirk: "And it is not a normal bomb. Once this thing explodes, it will destroy half of the continent."

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