Light Spirit Epic

Chapter 1307: Exploring in the wilderness (22)

Chapter 1307 Exploring the Wilderness Twenty-two

King Arthur’s voice just fell, and the microphone was taken for granted by Archmage Rogan’s exclaimer: "What?!"

"You can use the conveyor of the bracelet to go back to the battleship's transfer room. - Biddeville, you also open the portal with a bracelet. It's better for you to meet in detail. You will follow the signal from you, as soon as possible. Come over."

"Understood, Arthur." Biddeville pressed the transfer button on the magic bracelet. He had expected a portal to open in front of him, but nothing happened.

"Eve?" The werewolf blamed.

The gold ship's artificial intelligence navigation system was silent for a while, and said: "The anti-intrusion firewall is closed."

This time it is true. Without the obstruction of the enchantment, a portal will appear in front of the werewolf youth.

The Archmage Rogan, wearing a light robes, traveled leisurely from the transfer room of the Great Britain battleship, across the portal, into the powerhouse of the desert boat.

"Oh." The old man glanced at the almost naked Beidiville and gave a sigh.

"Serious, this is an emergency." Bettiville whited the old Master.

"It's urgent." Rogan looked at the huge, crazy running machine in front of him: "Build a sophisticated bomb."

Bedyville almost spit a blood: "Who told you that it is a bomb, it is the powerhouse of the spacecraft! But it is out of control, exploding -"

"I can flatten half of Africa, yes, I have heard of it." Rogan confessed to the dialogue before Bediville, and he was not welcome: "How is it to stop it?"

"Avoid all the flywheels, go to the center of it, press the emergency cooling device." The werewolf repeated: "It is an impossible task according to common sense."

"According to common sense." Rogan smiled confidently: "But just because you can't follow the common sense, you called my old man this place, right?"

Bedyville did not answer, only nodded in response.

"Beddyville, Beddyville, I predicted, one day you will come to me to learn [Time Magic]." The old Master laughed and ate, and when he laughed, the mighty chest muscles were clothed. The robes trembled loomingly: "I didn't expect you to come to me so soon."

"What? I have never said that I want to learn magic." The werewolf was not happy: "I want - you - to turn off the **** powerhouse, yes - you - go!"

"Hey, how can this be done." Rogan slammed his abdomen in an injury and smiled. "My injury was not completely cured yesterday! You told me this old bone to do this kind of poor pool." A dangerous mission that will kill you? No way."

A huge blue vein emerged from the top of Bediville: "You mean"

Archmage Rogan looked at the werewolf with humorous and sinister eyes: "Of course it is up to me to teach you [time magic], and then you will do it. Even if it fails, it will only be you."

Bedyville is angry: "I don't have time to do this! It will explode in a few hours. Where can I squeeze out the time to learn magic with you?!"

The old man smiled and shook his head.

Not also.

Bedieville himself should be very clear about it. The so-called [time magic] does not need to learn at all. It is actually a matter of learning.

Because Rogan's [Time Magic] is already a finished product - he sealed the [time] created with magic into pure water and hid it in his subspace bracelet. No matter who you are, just injecting these "accelerated water" into the body can get amazing speed in a short time (actually it takes extra time).

The old man took out a silver bracelet from his arms: "You are very lucky. Although you broke one, I still have spare parts. I put on this, you are my apprentice. The old man has never accepted an apprentice, but today he is an exception. Once again."

"You don't have any meaning at all." Bettiville shook his head. "I am an orc. I can't use magic anymore. Even if you taught me everything about time magic, I can't use it alone. Those [times] still have to be produced by other magicians."

"I know. But you don't need to be a [producer] of time, you just need to be a [consumer] just fine." Rogan speaks profoundly: "The orc's physique is very special, and the werewolf's The physique is special in special. [Time Magic] is used on you, I am afraid it is more effective than using it on me?"

in other words--

"Actually, you just want to use me as a mouse for experimentation." Bettiville was cold and could not pierce Rogan's intentions.

"Positive solution." Even if it was poked, the old man still smiled shamelessly.

The werewolf suddenly sighed and only felt that the whole body was off. The magicians are really eccentric, unreasonable guys – or just because they are eccentric, they became magicians. Talking about conditions with such people is basically a waste of words.

"Okay." Bediwell nodded. "Learning to learn, as long as you don't ask too harsh conditions, it is not a bad thing to learn more."

He is now asking for what Rogan said. After this crisis was successfully resolved, it would be no longer a big deal to take down the ruined old man of Rogan.

"Very good." The old man seemed very happy: "Then call a master first."

"No way." Bettiville whited the Master, and patience has reached the limit: "You love to teach and not teach, so it is also an option to let the power furnace explode. I will not care. Don't put anything in front of me. Stinky shelf."

"Oh, oh, young, temper is quite big." - "Rogan squinted at the werewolf: "Is there a training room like this? And you better wear some clothes, you The deputy virtue is too easy to be distracted."

"Eve?" Bettiville did not respond positively to Rogan's words, but asked the ship's artificial intelligence: "How long is it from the explosion of the power furnace?"

"All energy consumption has been reduced to a minimum, and the burden on the power furnace has been reduced. Even so, there are only five hours left in the explosion."

The werewolf screamed, and the five hours said that there were not many, saying that there were not many, quite a few, quite subtle: "Five hours, is it enough for you to teach?"

"What jokes are you talking about." Rogan's eyes turned: "What you need to learn is only the [use] part of the time magic - you only need to learn some basic operations, and the feeling of getting used to the magic. Even stupid. Apprentice, it is absolutely enough to study for three hours."

"Good. Eve, is there a training room that can be used? A larger space is also available."

"The authorization is completed. The third mechanical warehouse has been vacated for the training of the Captain's agent." Eve said that there was a very faint light beam on the ground.

"Let's go." The werewolf made a look at the wizard.

"Your female secretary is pretty good, don't be so cold to her." Rogan followed Bettyville and was interested in authenticity.

"Eve is not my secretary, she is the artificial intelligence navigation system of this ship."

"What is artificial intelligence?"

Bedyville suddenly turned his head in surprise and glanced at the wizard incredulously: "Artificial intelligence is the core of thinking about the devil."

Rogan smiled sillyly: "Oh, is that kind of thing? You can't say it at the beginning."

(Sorry, I can't keep up with your Master's thinking.)

This "temporary" mentoring went farther and farther in the darkness, leaving only the power furnace in the room.

At the same time, somewhere in the mountains of southeastern Great Britain.

Under the leadership of a silver knight, a team of black iron knights marched deep into the jungle.

The armor they wear is obviously not suitable for fulfilling in the jungle. Their iron soles are easy to slip on slippery mossy woodlands, and their armor is easily hooked up by dense tree vines, making them difficult to walk. The knights had to wave the lightsaber to cut trees, but the lights of the lightsaber and the snoring of their waves were able to expose the location of the knights at least ten kilometers away.

However, their captain thinks it doesn't matter. They are knights of Great Britain, well-equipped and well-trained, and they face only a group of hill thieves. Even if you expose your position to the thief group, it will have no effect on their subsequent actions.

The captain’s arrogant judgment will make the knight suffer.

However, in this pair of knights, there is a black iron knight who does not wear full armor, and his actions in the jungle are also very easy. It’s not because he’s resisting, he’s not wearing enough protection, but because it’s a child who’s only a teenager, and the armor that’s tailored to fit his figure hasn’t been delivered yet.

Therefore, Daniel can only perform a task in a lightweight middle armor, and there is almost no protection except for the chest and abdomen. Not right. Daniel wrapped his armored bandages on his arms and feet. They provided extremely low defenses. The ordinary sword feather arrows could not penetrate these fortified bandages.

"It's all tight." The silver-clad Knight Sir Stros, who took the lead, ordered: "The thieves are probably already discovering us and are surrounded us. Always pay attention to every move in the forest."

"Yes, sir." Six black iron knights behind him promised. Daniel felt that the answer was stupid, so he kept silent.

"Especially, you are not a little." Stross looked back at Daniel and said, "Give me some attention. Your father has had a precedent for resisting death. I don't want you to repeat your father's mistakes."

Daniel frowned and remained silent. Several black iron knights in the team made a malicious sneer, but Daniel pretended to be inaudible.

At the same time, an iron arrow has flown between the shadows of the jungle. It shot straight into one of the black iron knights, and before the Cavaliers had time to open the protective cover of the armor, the first step from the armored gap between the knight's throat.

"What?!" Silver Knight Stross saw a man squirting blood down and hurriedly shouted: "Enemy! Ready to fight!!"

Hundreds of iron arrows have swarmed from all corners of the jungle.

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