Light Spirit Epic

Chapter 1391: The battle of the teeth (7)

Chapter 1391 The Battle of the Tooth

"What to do. Do you want to go straight ahead?" Solar made a look at Bediville.

The werewolf shook his head. Everything went too smoothly. It’s a bit unbelievable. They can now easily open the patrol guards. Arrive in front of the elevator room. But God knows what will be waiting for them. The seemingly worn and rusty door lock. Maybe it's a camouflage electronic lock that is seamless. Do not open the door in the correct steps. The alert will be triggered.

therefore. Bediville shook his head as the swordsman Solar shook his head. Indicate that you should observe more for a while. The caution of the werewolf youth attracted the nod to the round table knight Ge Wen.

They hide in the dark and continue to observe. At this time, the dust storm outside just stopped. The workers resumed their work. The goods began to be moved into the warehouse one after another. Bediville looked at the workers who walked over to the small room with special care. I saw two of them moving over a rather huge linen wrap. The package seemed to creep a little. There will be no mistakes. It must be a living person inside. Even if there are various fillers in the linen bag. Cleverly make the bag of people like other goods. But Bediville can easily distinguish the difference between a living creature and another dead body.

Two workers carried the linen bag and walked to the front of the room. The one who took the lead out of the waist pocket. That is a key. But it is a bit different from ordinary keys. The cross section of the key is a cross. The whole body is black. It seems to be some kind of magnet. That's right. This is both a key and a magnetic card. The moment the key is inserted into the keyhole. The precision machines hidden inside are beginning to identify themselves. Confirm whether the special key has been forged. Bedyville heard a few consecutive slaps in the small room door. It seems that there are countless machines that are rotating precisely. Next. The seemingly ordinary door handle was finally opened. Rotate along with the black magnet key. Let the door open a slit. The workers who carried the sacks became very alert in an instant. Push the door open and step forward. Then instantly covered the door behind him. Do not give any outsiders the opportunity to invade.

Things are tricky. Beddyville couldn’t help but wonder.

It seems that in addition to using the special key to unlock. There is no way to enter that room. But how should they be in full view? Grab the special key from the hands of the workers. This is a mystery.

Solar once again cast a doubtful eye on Bediville: "What to do. Sure enough, do you still have to break in?"

Bedyville shook his head. The actions of the invasion of the underground research institute have not yet begun. How can I get a stunned snake from the beginning?

The werewolf's brain turned quickly. I thought about it and thought about it. Try to come up with a countermeasure with your existing resources. The environment in which they are located is very hidden. As long as there are no special circumstances. It has been hidden for a long time and will not be discovered. Again. He is able to use [Time Magic]. Let yourself accelerate to an incredible state in an instant; and the round table knight Ge Wen also has that wonderful smoke magic. Can make some cover for the team.

Take this configuration now. They may be able to do something. God steals the key from a worker without knowing it. but. How to do it specifically?

"Gevin adults. Your smoke has the function of hypnotizing people. Right." Bedieville lowered his voice and asked: "In this case, what can be done."

"I can release a semi-transparent smoke that is almost invisible. People who inhale this smoke will involuntarily make some hints that I suggest. Simple action."

"For example. Imply that they are heading in a certain direction. Can this be done?" Biddyville asked. If you can use the hypnotic smoke of the Duke of Gwen, the workers will be led to this dark corner. The problem is easy to handle. They can even put the workers down. Put on the workers' clothes. The big model walked over and opened the door to enter the elevator.

"It's a little difficult." However, Ge Wen said: "Let the other party move continuously in one direction. But very advanced hypnotism. I can increase the amount of hypnotic smoke to achieve this. But they will become very conspicuous. ""

The obvious smoke suddenly appeared in the warehouse. Not a good thing.

The Duke of Gwen added: "But I might be able to distract them with hypnotic smoke. Let them look in a certain direction. Although it can only last for a moment."

"A moment is enough." An idea was formed in Bediville's mind. He thought of the method of cracking. He and his teammates squatted a few times. I told Solar and Gewen about the plan. "Good strategy." Round table knight Ge Wen nodded.

"I won't let you down. My friend," said the swordsman Solar.

After the strategy is formulated. Next, you only need to wait for the next target to appear. A group of people in Bediville waited. Carefully move closer to the elevator room. Without prejudice to the attention of the guards. Approach the elevator room as close as possible. at the same time. A cloud of almost colorless and transparent smoke spreads throughout the warehouse. This hypnotic effect of smoke can affect a person's mind. Let people do something small in a subconscious way. For example, look back and look at it.

All are laid out later. It’s coming here too. Two workers carried the same bag as the linen bag. Go to the room in the warehouse. Bedyville made a look to his companions. Show everyone to coordinate his rhythm. Start acting together. They are only ten steps away from the workers. Seven steps. Five steps.

it has started. Gewen first made a psychological suggestion to people affected by the smoke in the entire warehouse. People are at that moment. Subconsciously glanced at the ceiling of the warehouse.

at the same time. Bedyville also took a silver bracelet from his right hand. Instantly launched [Time Magic]. [Accelerated water] was injected into the body of the werewolf youth. Bediville began to accelerate. The whole world is as static as him. The werewolf also handed out a tungsten tortoise whip. The worker who was in the distance was caught in a moment. Pull him over.

In order not to let "time" be lost too much. He just pulled the other side and released the whip. Then change the angle. Wrap another worker with a whip. Pull it again. Then he instantly released the worker. Instead, they used a whip to wrap up the linen bag that the two workers had originally carried (there was a living person inside). Another pull.

Continued contact with other objects several times. The effect of acceleration is also gradually lapsed. The world that was originally stagnant is getting faster and faster. Eventually restored the original speed. The two workers (and the linen bag) also lost their balance under the influence of the Bettiville Whip. Follow the inertia to the werewolves on their side. The workers saw hiding in the shadow of the pile of goods. Oncoming Solar. Just want to shout. But the swordsman has a quick eye. I ordered a few times on the workers. His acupoint technique is superb. The workers were determined in an instant. The determined workers then fell into a sleepy state. Pour into the shadow of the pile of goods. No more murmurs were made. Bedyville also reached out and caught the linen bag that fell from the sky. The whole process seems complicated. It's actually only done in a few seconds. Quiet and silent. The guards in the warehouse only looked at the ceiling. I didn’t realize the sudden disappearance of two workers who were on the road.

"Very good." Bedieville began to lay down the workers' clothes. At the same time, the key was found in the waist of one of the workers: "Can you put on their clothes? Install the workers here. Just mix in and open the door."

"What are you going to do. Mr. Bedieville." Solar turned and asked. The wolf's silver wolf hair is particularly conspicuous. And the people working in this warehouse are all human. There are no half orcs. Even let Bedieville put on the clothes of the workers. It is also impossible to confuse the past.

"I. This is still asking." The werewolf smiled. Open the linen bag. The big living man who was stuffed into the linen bag was taken out.

five minutes later. Ge Wen and Solar pulled a large linen bag in tandem. Get out of the corner. Go out to the small room with the elevator.

"It's very hot." Bedieville gasped. Look out from a small slit opened in a linen bag.

"Some people don't have to walk on their own. How are you still complaining about this?" Round table knight Ge Wen was fun.

"I didn't expect them to have such a lot of stuff in it. Well, it's all ghosts. It made me itch all over - oh. Solar. Where are you going to touch..."

"Hold, sorry." The swordsman Solar pulled the back half of the linen bag. In fact, it is quite uncomfortable. Because his height and Ge Wen have a big gap. One high and one low carrying a linen bag. Most of Beddyville's body weight is concentrated on the shoulders of Solar. And it’s not very good to start up. He just tried to change his position and continue to lift. But accidentally pressed a palm on a soft, palm-shaped projection. When Bedieville screamed and protested. Solar realized that he had touched something. So quite embarrassed.

The two men carrying the linen bag walked about twenty yards. Finally came to the door of the small room. It was very peaceful along the way. Did not attract the attention of the guards. Came to the door. Ge Wen took out the key at the waist. Carefully inserted into the keyhole.

It’s la la la la la. At this close range. The mechanical rotation in the door is more pronounced. Bediville was able to clearly hear that at least fifty mechanical axes were rotating inside the door. It can be seen how complicated the actual construction of this seemingly simple iron gate is. After a complex incomparable turn. The various bolts in the door were finally unlocked. The cross-shaped key turns the keyhole. The door opened a small slit.

And it is at this time. A good security guard also came over. I saw the uncle, the Duke of Gewen, glanced: "Hey. Are you a worker here? I seem to have never seen you before."

A drop of cold sweat oozing from the forehead of Bediville.

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