Light Spirit Epic

Chapter 1392: The battle of the teeth (eight)

Chapter 1392 The Battle of the Tooth

"I" round table knight Ge Wen smashed the guard and glanced the key back into the trouser pocket while the other hand pressed darkly on the weapon hidden in the waist: "The villain is the new adult who you have never seen before." It is also a very normal thing"

"哼" guards looked at Gewen with suspicion

Bediville sneaked through the sews of the burlap bag and observed the guard's look. He knew that it was not good to compare with the ordinary piercing workers. Gewen’s face was too elegant. His rough beards could not Concealing the domineering emperor's domineering of the Knights of the Round Table, how can such a person be a city hooligan? Ge Wen's disguise is estimated to be seen in half a second.

What to do, there seems to be no other way to kill this enemy. Bettiville’s hand is moving in the burlap bag with the slightest amplitude and pressing on the silver bracelet. I am ready to use the time magic and the other hand is pressed. On his tungsten tortoise whip, he was ready to let the whip out of the bag and strangle the guard.

However, Ge Wen’s force on the linen bag just squatted on Bedyville’s neck and hurt the werewolf’s cold sweat. Ge Wen knew that Biddyville wanted to kill but deliberately prevented the werewolf youth from seeing the round table knight’s intention.

"The one that we carry this cargo is very heavy. If you have nothing else, can you let us go?"

The guard looked confused: "But you have a hole in your face."

What he wants to say, but his face is getting more and more stagnation. It seems that the werewolf, who suddenly has a dementia, looks out from the net of the linen bag and can faintly see that some kind of slightly transparent smoke is released from Gewen’s body. The guards must also inhale the smoke.

"Come on, my shoulder is sore." Ge Wen continued. "I have already told you that I am new. You can't recognize my face. It's normal. Don't entangle too much."

"But but" the guard looked at the Duke of Gewen for a while. The more he saw it, the more he became confused. Finally, he seemed to be confused and finally said vaguely: "Okay, let's go."

Ge Wenchao Solar made a wink and pushed the door into the room and closed the door behind him.

The "War" Werewolf sighed out from the burlap bag: "You just used hypnotism for him."

"Yes," the Duke of Gewen bluntly said, "As long as he walks close enough, I can use enough hypnotic smoke to make him change his mind. I let him think that I am just a special hard worker. I am suspicious of me"

"Good convenience," Biddyville sighed

"Only effective for guys with low IQ" Ge Wen laughs

Bedyville shrugged and didn't mention it again. He looked around in the room and tried to find the way to the underground research institute from this dilapidated room, except for them.

Everything in the room looks so natural, so old and ruined. I don’t know that a mysterious person will think that this is just a small lounge for employees to use but the werewolf has been able to feel some kind of airflow from the lower layer. This is the airflow that the elevator moves from the depth of the ground. If you look carefully, you can find the location where you can find it.

Then he instantly found that the airflow was just dozens of pores subtly concealed by the wooden feet at the bottom of the table that slowly ooze out from under a table. When Bettiville intended to move the table, he found that it was not moving. Firmly fixed to the ground seems to be part of the entire organization

"哼 interesting" Werewolves signaled to his companions: "How do you see this?"

"It is obviously an organ." Ge Wen came over and stood by the chair and looked at it: "The problem that this elevator obviously needs to be activated by a certain switch is that we don't know how to find it or know the specific principle of its operation."

Bediwell nodded: "The biggest problem is that we don't have time to slowly try to be tempted to be hit by the next wave of porters. But I think we are fascinated by the vast round table knights. The method of the elevator switch is right"

Ge Wen smiled lightly from his expression and he did have a way.

He reached out and released a smoke from the sleeves. The smoke spread around and spread at a very high speed. Only a certain thin layer of smoke was left in a specific place. The smoke seemed to be shining at the table. On the ground, and on the table, there are a total of three fluorescent prints on the ground. The two appear to be footprints and the print on the table is more like the mark left by someone lying on it.

It seems to be the mark left by the workers who used the elevator installation last time, and the fluorescence emitted by those soots should be left on the scene -

"It’s temperature right," Bedieville instantly understood.

"Yes," Ge Wen saw that one of his housekeeping skills was so easily seen by the werewolf youth. He no longer concealed the convincing point and nodded: "This kind of temperature-detecting soot can reproduce the subtle temperature changes on the scene. The workers who used the elevator switch once stood on the two places and placed the victims they kidnapped on the table. They didn't seem to touch anything near the table with their fingers."

"Can you start the elevator by standing and lying down?" Bedieville jumped to the table and lay down: "So this is a kind of sophisticated pressure sensing device."

When the werewolf youth was lying on the table, a slight karaoke came out under the wooden board of the table. Betwell’s reasoning was quite correct. This is the kind of pressure sensing device that the workers actually responsible for carrying no need to press any mechanism. It is necessary to put the kidnapped person on this table and the workers can stand in the correct position and trigger the switch of the elevator.

Such an organ seems to be simple, but it is incomparably ingenious to know how people who trigger this organ can easily trigger without knowing how to trigger the organ. No matter how long it takes, it will be in vain and will never enter.

After seeing this, Ge Wen and Solar no longer hesitated. One person moved to the ground. The two fluorescent footprints were khaki, and the two consecutive karaokes were triggered. The entire floor near the table began to change.

It splits the crack from the floor to clearly see a square structure and a whole piece of floor near the table where Bediville is located begins to sag. It is an elevator as a whole.

"Haha is so fine," Biddiville couldn’t help but admire the seat from the table.

Solar shrugged and moved toward the table in the direction of Bediville. Since the round table Knight Ge Wen started in the team, the swordsman Soral has been vocal and Buddyville can clearly feel the rope Lal’s alienation between the Duke of Gwen and the Duke of Gwen, I’m afraid there are a lot of festivals, but this kind of thing is still not at all possible.

As the elevator continues to fall, the surrounding scenery becomes darker and darker. The elevator consisting of the table and the floor has no armrests and no safety measures. It only relies on the surrounding walls with high sealing performance to prevent the occupants from falling down but these walls There is no lighting system on the top. When the elevator is constantly descending, the wall will rise less and less, and the light on the zenith will become less and less. In the end, it will be almost in the darkness. Bediwell can only feel the weightless feeling from the body. Estimate the speed of the elevator's fall and this speed can be described as very fast and rough estimate also has ten yards per second.

"Not good," Ge Wen waited for about a minute before he said: "How deep is the underground research institute?"

"On the other hand, it also proves that this Mohammed business group is very strong." Bediville replied in a steadily: "In the underground of Cairo, God unknowingly dug such a deep pit to build a research mobilization. Human and material resources"

"Is it easy to do it with magic?" Solar couldn’t help but open his mouth.

"No magic is not as omnipotent as you think." Beddyville shook his head: "In order to increase the strength of building materials, there are many building materials that have enchanted and enchanted building materials. It would be very difficult to move with magic. Most of the time has to be carried by hand and you know how much money you need to pay for a magician from the ivory tower to help you work. That money is enough to ask more than 300 ordinary cool laborers to complete a simple project. "

"Is that the case?" Solar never talked.

"You know something about the magic, Mr. Bedyville." Round table knight Ge Wen tempted and asked: "Why an orc knows the relationship between magic and architecture so well"

"Because my deceased wife is a magician" Biddyville felt that there was no need to hide it and whispered casually: "And it was also the assistant of a famous mage in the ivory tower."

"Dead Wife" Round Table Knight Ge Wen gently frowned

"Dead and my older son were killed by Warcraft"

"Hey, I am very sorry Mr. Bedieville"

"I am sorry," the Werewolf youth laughed.

The two talents just talked about the landscape outside the elevator suddenly became suddenly clear, and the little shimmer of light from the outside into the Biddiville frowning and glanced at it and found that there is no hole under the ground:

In a huge dark space, there is a huge, underground pyramid

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