Light Spirit Epic

Chapter 1415: The battle for the latent teeth (31)

Chapter 1415 The Battle of the Tooth

"You are his illegitimate child..." Juliet showed an incredible expression.

"Yeah. So it is a very common thing to say that a man is a wife and a wife." Seglad said. The surface pretends to be difficult to open. In fact, he is competing for his own time to win time: "In short, this is the case. In addition to having a home in his own village. Uncle Paramidis has another home in Athens. That is the family of my mother and me. Although my mother is only the mistress of Uncle Paramitis."

"My God." Juliet immediately looked at Segrad with a look of disdain. But she quickly put away this look. In the usual way, he calmly asked: "So. Did Sir Paramitis have a relationship with your mother before meeting the Duke of Vivian? At that time he obviously had a wife. But still with Wei. Wei'an has a relationship."

"No. At that time my mother was gone." Segladh tried to finish the story. One side is to excuse yourself. On the other hand, try not to discredit your father's image as much as possible - not as dark as possible.

Juliet said with a sigh: "Yes. That is to say, the Duke of Vivian is still the only spouse of Sir Paramitis. It is acceptable."

Seglad did not understand what the girl was tangled in front of him. The idea of ​​a woman is really strange.

"Besides your father, Paramitis. Do people know about this?" Juliet continued to ask: "Your [brothers]. That is, Seifer and Mr. Seglad. They know that you are Is it the illegitimate son of Sir Paramitis?"

Seglad shook his head with all his strength: "They don't know. The only thing in the world that knows this is me and my dad. Please don't say it."

"So Sir Paramitis knows that you are his son. But he doesn't say anything; he doesn't care about you after your mother's death. Let you alone in Athens. But now he has his own Family. There are three sons. There is such a good wife. But regardless of your life and death. Even secretly carrying your wife. To date with your lover. Well. I already know him."

Seglad is simply laughing and crying. I did not expect that the lies he had compiled would be misinterpreted by Juliet and extended to this point. The girl’s ability to associate is simply scary. How to do it well. Things have been drawn darker by him. Go on like this. His set of lies will only make Juliet's impression of Paramitis worse and worse.

"This is a very complicated situation. The relationship between Uncle Paramidis and the Gryk is also very poor. The former Gryk patriarch also imposed a restraining order on Uncle Paramitis. He is not allowed to enter Athens. Oh, and I was raised as an adult. Let Uncle Paramitis have to work for the orc army. Although the war between the orcs and humans is now over, the restraining order has been lifted. But our position I still don't allow Uncle Paramitis to publicly admit that I am his son. In short, I beg you. Big sister. Don't delve into it. Okay."

Juliet will be suspiciously looking at the leopard boy. After a few seconds, I replied, "Okay."

Segrad was relieved. He is once again complacent about his wit.

"Hey. Little Harris." Juliet suddenly opened her arms. The leopard was given a hug without warning.

"Hey. What are you doing with your big sister..." Segrad couldn't help but flush his face.

"The big sister doesn't know what you have experienced in the past years. But you have encountered so many misfortunes. It's really hard for you. But it's strong. These are the toughest years. You are all alone. From now on Everything will be fine. Everything will be."

This sentence is deeply hurting Segrad. The leopard teenager whispered in a whisper: "No. You don't know what you are. It won't get better. Mom is no longer in this world. And Dad will only go with one woman after another. I don't care about us." What? [Everything will get better after this.] No. It won't be embarrassing at all."

He broke free of Juliet's hug: "I want to be alone. Don't follow me."

The leopard boy turned and rushed out of the store.

"Wait. Little Harris. Wait." Juliet quickly caught up. But the Leopard is a leopard after all. Segrad ran very fast. The moment when Juliet chased the store door. The leopard boy has disappeared.

"Miss. Miss. Did your little slave run away?" The owner of the clothing store even came over and asked, "Will you go to the police? Notify the slave administration in Cairo. It is easy to get the little ghost back. ——"

"Shut up. He is not my slave..." Juliet yelled. However, in the time she was entangled with the store owner. Segrad also ran further. There is no longer any trace.

at the same time. There are also a group of unscrupulous followers. In the dark corner of the street corner. Quietly monitor everything.

And leaving the store to walk a long distance to Paramitis and Rosetta. At this time, I have entered another large shopping center.

"I am a little tired. Let's take a break." Queen of Gems sits at the bench of the musical fountain in the middle of the shopping center. "It was really thrilling."

"Thrilling." The Leopard warrior pretending to ask: "What is the thrilling place?"

"Hey. Don't pretend. I know you've also noticed it. There are two people in the fitting room of the clothing store."

"But the people inside have never rushed out to attack us. They have not continued to follow." Paramitis continued to test: "So. This should not be too big a problem. Maybe they are not tracking or I want to attack us. It’s just a pair of young people who are intimate."

As a leopard. Paramidis's sense of smell is actually quite sharp. He was able to smell the smell of the person in the fitting room. And from that smell, I can tell who the other person might be. Say it correctly. He smelled two men and one woman. And there is a faint hairspray and perfume smell on the girl. It can be seen that the girl has carefully dressed before going out; the boy is even more outrageous. He seems to have a strong smell of hair dye. The smell of this hair dye even covered most of the boy's body odor. The child is estimated to be one of the most fashionable and trendy children. Only this kind of devil will dye the hair into that kind of nondescript. Colorful colors.

"Paramitis. Don't look at the clothes that are sold in the shape of the clothes. That shop is a high-end clothing store. The average young person can't afford it at all." Rosetta smiled: "Two people I hide in the fitting room like that. Besides ambush or tracking. I can't think of other possibilities."

However, the two people in the locker room are definitely young people. Perhaps it is a very rich young man. Take the squandering of the parents before they earned their hard work. Also young and light, chaos and relationship. Paramitis thought. I really want to know who the parents of this little boy are. It must be a guy who has no way to teach.

But Paramitis does not want to continue to argue with Rosetta. I casually said: "You are too nervous."

"Maybe." Rosetta said with a wry smile: "But don't forget. I have many enemies. Whether it is a commercial or a political enemy. These people want to take my life all the time. Today I am dating you. I have removed the close guards. I am completely unprepared now. You must protect me."

"You're kidding." Paramitis frowned in suspiciously: "You must still have a guard. They are hiding in a corner and secretly protecting us. Right."

"Not at all." Rosetta smiled again: "This is a rare date. How can a group of guards of the landscape sweep my heart."

Hear it here. Paramitis began to panic: "You should tell me earlier. I came out today but I was empty. I didn't even bring half of the weapons."

"Then play on the spot." Rosetta ordered the big cat with a mysterious smile.

"Even if you say this," Paramitis is depressed. The weapons that can be found in such a place in the mall are nothing more than a knife and fork. Take that kind of thing against the guns and swords in the hands of the assassins. It is tantamount to hitting the stone with an egg. But of course. This kind of thing is not when the attackers actually attack them. Not sure at all. Only one step can be taken.

Paramitis couldn't help but take out a handkerchief and wiped a sweat: "I only hope that I can pass safely today."

However, the paradise of Paramitis is always easy to show. What seems to happen to the east of the mall. The crowd has begun to panic. People are constantly fleeing in the opposite direction. They came to Paramitis.

"Oh. Great." The big cat couldn't help but cover his face: "What is this again?"

"I can hear the gunshots. It seems very interesting." Rosetta smiled calmly.

It turned out to be interesting. There was a thousand times in the heart of Paramitis.

Hey. No need for Rosetta's reminder. Paramitis can also hear the gunshots. And I heard it from the harsh gunshots. Those guns are not light guns at all. It is an ancient gun that brakes with gunpowder. People who can use this kind of thing can't come from any powerful organization. Estimated to be some civilians.

"Or don't bother to go to this kind of thing. Let's leave this ghost place as soon as possible." Paramitis advised.

"It can be." Rosetta stood up from the chair at this time: "But isn't it all that makes all the fun disappear?"

I even regarded this kind of thing as fun. Paramitis has tens of thousands of times in his heart.

He had intended to bring the jewel queen Rosetta. Stay away from this right and wrong as soon as possible. But obviously he is already a step late.

A group of gunpowder guns. Dressed as ruined civilian mobs. Has already rushed into the atrium of this shopping center.

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