Light Spirit Epic

Chapter 1416: The battle for the latent teeth (32)

Chapter 1416 The Battle of the Daggers Thirty-two

"If you don't want to die, everyone will stand for me." A mob, who took the lead in the atrium of the shopping center, shouted loudly and fired a gun.

His gunshots and intimidation also naturally attracted the exclamation of a group of people. Most people were scared to kneel down and feared that they were injured by a stray bullet. However, there was a civilian man who did not know how to live in the distance. He ignored him and thought he was thinking that he was then The hiding position was not found by the mobs, so he turned his head and ran towards a small lane in the west of the shopping mall. He thought he would be safe as long as he ran into the lane to stay away from the range of the mobs.

呯 倒 倒 倒 才 才 才 才 才 才 才 才 才 才 才 才 才 才 才 才 才 才 才 才 才 才 才 才 才 才 才 才 才 才 才 才 才 才 才 才 才 才 才 才 才 才 暴 暴 暴 暴 暴 暴 暴 暴 暴 暴 暴 暴 暴 暴 暴 暴 暴 暴 暴The civilians who were scared to the scene were all panicked and called.

"I have said that I will stay in the same place." The head of the mob still felt that the shot was not enough to look at the man’s head and fell to the head of the fallen man’s head. And then a little bit of flying towards Paramitis is about to fall on the clean white clothes of Rosetta. Paramidis subconsciously moved and moved away from his shoulders. Dirt

The "哼" thug leader took a look at Paramitis but he did not understand that Paramitis did not escape or resist. The Leopards announced loudly: "You listen to us as the Egyptian Liberation Movement Association." This mall facility is currently under the control of the association and you are all hostages for me to gather together and don’t play tricks."

Paramitis is more puzzled. It seems that this group of mobs is not even a criminal who robs the mall but a more troublesome role. A group of anti-government elements.

"What" after listening to a man's whispering thief in his ear snorted: "Well, bring the kid to bring this group of people together."

What kid, Paramidis thought about it, but he didn’t have to guess that the mob had come over with a kitten.

It was a little boy dressed in short-sleeved clothes and short shorts, and a little leopard boy, Paramitis, looked at the child who felt a little familiar but the child’s wonderful blue-black hair. It also made the big cat unable to completely affirm the identity of the person. However, he learned from the strong hair dye smell of the other person that the hair on the child was not originally such a wonderful blue and black but was later dyed.

Unless there is a special need, an orc will rarely dye the hair on the body because the hair dye will irritate the hair and pores, making an orc itch itching. A child will take the initiative to dye his hair without being threatened. It’s even more impossible to make this color so the child should be a slave to a rich man. It’s estimated that the slave owner feels fun and forced to dye the little devil.

And this little devil is not one of the two young people who just hid in the fitting room of the clothing store. It’s so clever, it’s like asking for help, the child turned to look at Paramitis but at the thugs. Pushing the belt and climbing to the other corner of the square

Paramitis wanted to do something, but he had a lot of concerns. What he feared most was that he would irritate the mobs with his rash action. It is not what he wants to solve this group of mobs or escape from this place. Big problem, but he has to take care of Rosetta and the hostages who are there. If they really fight the thugs of the mobs, the people who are here will be out of control.

What's more, he is wearing a casual wear that Rosetta forcibly bought for him. This is new clothes and is bought by a woman's money. It is also a high-end brand. It’s a coat that’s expensive. If you’re going to fight, What should I do if my clothes are torn? Singer, who was left alone, was also worried about the same problem. His child’s clothing was too slim, especially the cute little shorts that affected the action. The weapon's Segrad is not afraid to fight with this mob. He is afraid that the clothes will be broken during the fight and the clothes are not bought by his own money. Juliet forced the money to buy him if it broke. It will be very troublesome after going back

So neither Paramitis nor Sedge can only lie in the corner and let the mobs slumber here. If they are unwilling to take it, they only hope that the Egyptian police will do it. What to beat this group of gangsters smoothly

But they don’t even know that their hopes are impossible to achieve. The Egyptian government has become extremely corrupt in recent years because of corruption. Their military and police organizations are also a group of wastes that only eat soft rice. Even if the policemen come over, they are busy. They can't help but know that Rosetta can't help but smile but still maintain a calm and confident look. She is looking forward to the next good show, no matter how Paramidis decides.

"You are still standing and doing something." One of the mobs pointed a gun at Paramitis and Rosetta: "Go there and don't make any tricks. Be careful, I will blow your head."

The big cat looked at the gem queen and looked at Rosetta. It also made a look at the big cat. It also seemed to mean that Paramitis didn’t mean to move rashly. There was no way for Paramitis to go to the group with Rosetta only. The hostages squatted down and put on a pair of shackles. The gangsters came over and tied the hands of the hostages with hemp ropes. But the anti-tied technique was too unprofessional. Paramitis looked at his heart and secretly liked him. In the orc army, he received considerable military training. This stupid hemp rope bundled him in only two seconds and he was able to lift it and could not tie him.

Before Slagrid was tied up, he was very worried. He now becomes a child. He doesn’t know how many adults will decline in his physical ability. He may be able to easily break away from this kind of hemp rope. But now he is a child. Up

"Well, this kid also has an interesting wristband." The mob who was responsible for the tying of Segrad saw that the sports wristband on Segrad's left arm could not help but wonder: "There is still a bracelet hidden underneath." It’s worth it."

In order not to be suspected by Juliet when Sigrad went out, he used the magic bracelet on the wristband to hide it (in fact, it was a wristband on the magic bracelet) because Juliet Lusford’s brother, the Viscount Lusford, was also a round table. One of the candidates for the trial is to let Juliet see the identity of this wristband, Glad, will be instantly recognized.

"I beg you not to take it. This is my mommy's relic." Segrad's acting first-class moment put on a look of pitiful look with tears in his eyes and watched the mob in order to avoid his father, Paramidi. He noticed that he also deliberately lowered his voice and raised his vocal cords with a false voice. It seemed to be a teenager (or even younger).

Although the mob seemed to be an anti-government actless man, he was also a conscience. He saw a child in front of him and looked at him with tears in his face. He immediately lost his heart and he did not take it from Segrad. The magic bracelet was just **** by the leopard's young man's hands with hemp rope and it was quite loose. It seems that Segaid is just a small child with no harm to humans and animals.

This is also in line with the meaning of Seglader. This level of bundling is a piece of cake. Even if it is a child, he can easily get rid of the problem. He can also take care of himself in an instant.

Just as both the father and the son of Paramitis pretend to be obedient in the back, trying to solve the mob indiscriminately, the leader of the mob had already picked up the phone and said: "Call the Egyptian government to Cairo shopping. There are a total of 300 hostages in the mall, and we ask for a ransom of 100 million Egyptian dollars, an armored vehicle that carries the money, and the leader of the Marka in prison to let you get everything ready to be sent to the east of the mall within an hour. Otherwise we will kill a hostage every five minutes from an hour later."

Sure enough, for the sake of money, Paramitis can't help but despise this group of thugs. Although all this has nothing to do with Paramitis, it is not a small amount. Even if it is eager to raise money, it is impossible to raise it within an hour. It seems that this group of thugs will definitely kill the hostages present.

It was really time for Paramitis to have to deal with the problem. What should I do to make the 36 thugs who were in the gun uniform at the same time to prevent them from shooting and injuring people without the magic bracelet? Paramitis The speed can indeed knock down these miscellaneous soldiers at the same time. But now there is this magic bracelet. The ability to discount him as a leopard is not as fast as usual. So it is hard to deal with a lot of miscellaneous soldiers. If it is ordinary civilians, Paramitis can also succumb to their lives and deaths; but there are gemstone queen Rosetta in the hostages, and even a few children are really uncomfortable.

Just when the big cat was uneasy and puzzling, a beautiful figure appeared on the balcony on the second floor of the shopping mall.

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