Light Spirit Epic

Chapter 1441: The battle for the latent teeth (57)

Chapter 1441 The Battle of the Tooth

"it's him."

The rotten giant stared at Elaine with a big eye, suddenly suddenly realized, whispered and exclaimed: "This is the kid. This kid must be the [completed body] that Veruk is looking for, the key to the recovery plan of the entire ancient god. No. I have to report this matter to Mr. Veruk."

Only the rotten giant in the upper body began to move. His two arms were actually eaten by Elaine, but he recreated something like a finger on his chest and used his hundreds of fingers to move his body.

"It's awful." Listening to the sensitive Bediville, this time also noticed the movement of the rotten giant. The werewolf knew that the rotten giant had witnessed everything and must go back and ventilate the letter.

He knows that if this guy is let go at this moment, the people of the Mohammed business group will know everything and aim at Elaine's "experimental finished product" and continue to find Elaine's trouble... endless trouble...

The werewolf then took a deep breath and shouted: "Stupid tiger, what are you doing with him? Come on the guy..."

"Oh, oh." Albert was looking at Elaine's regeneration process and looked dumbfounded. He slowed down his duties for a while. He was stunned by Bedyville and suddenly realized that he was going to catch up with the rotten giant: "How can you not die?"

Of course, at the speed of Albert, it is no suspense to catch up with the rotten giant who used only a few fingers to move to death. The tiger rushed up a few steps, and the hand fell from the knife. Once he smashed the head of the rotten giant into two halves, he then smashed it a few times. His stormy blade smashed the body of the rotten giant.

But he was far from thinking that the monster body suddenly burst out with a small insect with a huge eyeball, and rushed toward him... The thing looked like a fat and big cockroach, and the head of the cockroach was still connected. The bloodshot big eye is very disgusting.

"Oh..." Elbert was most afraid of this kind of thing. He was scared and quickly stepped back a few steps and sat down on the ground.

Eyeball bugs scared off the tiger, immediately ran off, and ran fast.

"Budget." Bedyville rushed to catch up with the past, hoping to intercept the eyeball in time. However, the thing always ran faster than the seriously injured Bedieville, and it has already gone far.

Oops. If you go on like this, it will run back to ventilate the people of the Mohammed business group. Next, waiting for Elaine, will be from the group of madmen of the business group, eternal pursuit of ......

In this moment of the millennium, it was in the moment when Bediville felt extremely desperate.


A sharp arrow flew from the endless darkness of the distance, accurately piercing the small bugs crawling on the ground.

Hey, hey, hey. There was something on the arrow that rang three times. Betteville, who had been rushing to catch up, realized that the big event was not good and quickly took his footsteps...

Bang...The explosives attached to the arrows are detonated in an instant after the countdown is completed. A small explosion that was set off was instantly smashed by eyeballs.

At a distance of two hundred yards away, on a naturally formed raised platform on the walls of the glass cave, Karna is using the high-powered telescope to observe everything that happened on Bediville.

"Good arrow method." She put down the telescope and smiled mysteriously.

"Where. Compared with my sister's arrow method, I am far worse." The dark elf Chanel also put down the bow and arrow and took a sigh of relief.

"Very good, the last one [Viruk's Eye] was also wiped out." Kana moved a little and seemed to be leaving: "This way, as long as the stupid bear does not reveal his secret in public." I can find a way to help him fool the past and then delay the plan for a while."

"But they will eventually complete the plan, right," Chanel asked without affection.

Kana puts up the telescope: "Yes. In addition to the stupid bear, there are dozens of candidates, and the institute is not limited to this. They seem to have noticed that with the orc to conduct research, the success rate will increase. A lot. In short, no one can stop the progress of this plan. What we can do is just delay the time."

Chanel reported a silence. "This time you found an excuse to lie to them and smashed one of the institutes. But next time, your excuse is enough," Karna asked. .

"That stupid tiger is better to lie, I always think of a way." Chanel laughed.

"Yes. Okay." Kana jumped from the high platform and landed lightly on the glass floor below: "You are going back soon. Be careful, don't let your identity be exposed."

"Of course, my sister." Chanel also put away the bow and arrow and replied indifferently.

At the same time, on the side of Bediville, the werewolf youth also climbed up from the ground and patted the dust on his body.

"Hey, you are not dead yet," Albert rushed over to see the trace of the explosion: "Who was the one who shot it?"

"I don't know." Bettiville said with a look of dissatisfaction: "Fortunately, I am quick to respond, otherwise the explosive arrow will kill me."

However, this is not the case. The other party may just shoot this arrow to completely eliminate the eye bug. If the person who just put the cold arrow wants to harm Badiville, the explosion arrow can be set to touch the ground and immediately explode. There is no need to set the time bomb on the arrow, and it is even more unnecessary to let the time bomb on the arrow Warning buzz.

Of course, even if there is such a warning buzzing, the average person is not so agile behind him, the reaction is not fast enough and the hearing is not sharp enough, it will certainly not be able to be killed by the incident, the warning sound is of no use; in other words, The man who put the cold arrow from afar must have a certain degree of understanding of Bediville, and will use this explosive arrow to remind the werewolf.

This may be Kanagan. The werewolf wondered. He actually guessed the majority.

"So, let's go back." The Duke of Gewen has picked up the white bear Elaine and walked toward the exit of the glass cave: "And please return the token to me."

"What about Solar?" Biddeville had no choice but to return the golden hammer to the Knights of the Round Table. "If he has been trapped there, he may not have time to come back to participate in tomorrow's game."

"Take him. He won't come to the best." The Duke of Gewen said coldly: "You saw it anyway. He used the dragon scales of the immortal cologne. Once you cheat, you must cancel the test for the round table test. It would be useless to be able to come back to the third round of the knockout before two o'clock tomorrow afternoon. He was disqualified before the competition."

What did Bedieville suddenly think of, he made a look from Albert, and then he said, "Hey, what are you talking about, and what kind of dragon scales have been used by Solar?"

"What," the Knights of the Round Table were shocked by Beddyville's remarks, even if only for a moment.

"Yeah." Albert also echoed: "Uncle, what are you talking about, I haven't seen the dragon scales used by the Solar guys. Isn't he relying on his own strength and Elaine? Counterbalance,"

"Oh, I understand, are you playing this with me?" The Knights of the Round Table looked back at Bradyville and Albert: "It’s a great courage to lie in front of the examiner."

"We didn't lie." Biddyville sneered back and said: "Soral has never used any dragon scale power. Since there is no, you can't make up the fact that he has done this. I am very Understand that you and him have deep personal grievances, but since you are a round table knight, you must be fair and rigorous in speaking and acting. Use the position of the Knights of the Round Table to bully other candidates and force the candidates to withdraw from the competition. It’s not a bright and upright thing. Let outsiders hear it, it may damage your reputation.

The Knights of the Round Table were silent for a while.

"Ilan, you said, what kind of dragon scales does Solar have used to fight against you?" Biddiville asked the white bear again.

"Nothing is not there." Bai Xiongren replied arbitrarily: "One, none at all."

"That's right." The werewolf looked funny: "Look, Ge Wen, the three people at the scene are biting that Solar is not cheating. What are you planning to do, and you have to make this piece of nothing happen. The matter is reported to the test organizer,"

"So you are planning to cover him to the end," the round table knight snorted: "Very good. Very good. You are all a group of idiots, have such a good chance to get rid of the strongest enemy, but choose to cover the kid." What. When he beats you one by one in the knockout round, when you become a round table knight, you will regret it for today's stupidity."

"I don't really do this, I really regret it." Bettiville shouted.

Even now, he still does not want to fight with Solar. His ideals are in perfect harmony with the ideals of the swordsman. Even if Solar has used Bediville as the biggest enemy in his life, the werewolves will not feel happy, or even feel overwhelmed.

However, one thing is the same. This time, Solarr put on his life to save Elaine's life. The people here owe the swordsman once. Since Solar has used the dragon scales of the immortal cologne to save talents, it has nothing to do with cheating, so it is unreasonable and extremely unfair to punish the swordsman.

Although they are not worthy of the people in Bedieville, they have at least a conscience and know how to act with their own conscience.

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