Light Spirit Epic

Chapter 1442: The battle for the latent teeth (58)

Chapter 1442 The Battle of the Tooth

At the same time, Novi.

"H, ha, ha, ha." Solar gasped and stood in front of the cave leading to the Hall of the Spirit. For some reason, the Yoon Giants must not be close to the Great Hall of the Spirit, so if they escape, the Giants will not be able to catch the Swordsman.

As soon as Solarar turned around, he saw the stunned Jodon Giant, who was using his ice blue and white bearded beard to look at the swordsman hiding in the cave passage.

"I know what you are thinking." The swordsman sat down against the wall of the cave and whispered to himself: "But unfortunately, continue to [disturb] your people, in my generation It will be completely over. The dragon hunters have completely perished in my generation. So, before that, you can't get through."

The snoring Jodon Giant is still crying low, as if to tell the magic swordsman his silent anger.

However, he eventually gave up killing Solar and turned and left. His speed is very fast, and the whole mountain forest area is shaken in the process of rushing. Fortunately, this process is not long. The Jotun Giants ran to the Great Lakes and jumped.

"Pounds..." There was a huge roar in the big lake in the distance, and the waves that were raised were smaller than expected.

Despite the great disappointment, the Yodon Giants went back.

"It's a tenacious guy." Solar, who is bloody, leans on the wall and slowly falls to the side, losing consciousness. His blood pulled an arc on the wall.

At the same time, Bediville and others who had escaped to the end of the cave just crossed the hole and immediately saw a bit of dazzling light. They stayed in the dark place for too long, and suddenly there was a place where there was light, and it was a bit uncomfortable.

But the Werewolf's estimate is right, the end of the underground glass world, and it is connected to the underground glass sea of ​​the Sahara. He looked out from the hole, and a huge and flat burly scene was spectacular.

The Sahara Desert is very large. Now, when the sun is coming near at sunset, the afterglow of the sunset is reflected from the zenith of the underground glass world as a billion-dollar light beam, and then matched with the faint lava of the deep underground. Very spectacular.

"Okay, it’s finally coming out. The magic bracelet should also be able to receive the signal." Bettiville knocked on his own magic bracelet: "Let's go."

"Let's wait." The Duke of Gewen said, at the same time, made a "fast squat" gesture to everyone.

Bedyville and Albert were squatting and looking around, only to find that Gewen’s words were correct. There is something less than 30 yards away from them. God, is it the enemy's ambush. Beddyville is now awkward and he is too tired to die. If he is attacked by an enemy, he can’t afford it.

However, his worry is a bit redundant. The thing that is 30 yards away is not the person sent by the Mohammed business group, but the previous [aggregate] meat group monster.

"It shouldn't have escaped long ago. Why is it still here?" Albert asked curiously.

"The reason is very simple." Bettiville saw the thing hiding in a pit with a slightly lower glass topography. With the almost impermanable shadow on the terrain, he immediately understood: "Because of ultraviolet rays."

That's right, the most fearful thing about the meatball monster is the ultraviolet light, which is irradiated by strong ultraviolet rays, and it will be petrified. Now that the sun has not completely gone down, the sun in the west is slightly sloping from the holes in the sand craters of the glass sea zenith. The ultraviolet rays are still a big threat to the monsters. Even now it hides, the faint ultraviolet light still shines on it, as if it were sunlight, slowly roasting the monster.

Although it came out of the glass sea, but this monster has no way to be completely free, it must wait for the sunset.

"Stupid to die." Albert said: "The underground glass sea is all about this terrain, even if he can escape from here tonight, what should he do after tomorrow's sunrise. And dead."

"I think there must be a lot of space to hide in the underground glass sea. It just needs to find this shelter before sunrise tomorrow morning," said Bediville. Despite looking at them, the underground glass sea is endlessly flat, but it is not. Actually, these glass floors refract the light and make the illusion of the observer. If you look at it from a close distance, the glass sea is still a bit pitted. It is similar to the Sahara desert on the surface of the dunes filled with rugged sand dunes, just a little flat. It is not surprising that in such places it is possible to find a hiding place that is not exposed to ultraviolet light. probably.

"Don't worry about it, let's go." Seeing that there was nothing to look at, Albert turned his hand to poke his magic bracelet. "I am so tired that I am half dead, and I want to go back to take a shower and have dinner as soon as possible."

"Let's wait." Biddeville stopped Albert and asked the tiger to remain in a hidden position.

Because there is something moving.

It should be said that the ground began to vibrate.

From the very faint and almost imperceptible vibrations at the beginning, to the increasingly fierce, Bettiville they can clearly feel that something is approaching. "Oh ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah Ok... look at it, let's run away."

"No, be honest, and now it will only stimulate the monster if it comes to chaos," Biddiville said. Their location is still hidden, and it is best to hide here and watch the changes. They can really leave it alone, and open a portal directly to escape from here, but Bedieville vaguely feels that if he escapes at this moment, he will definitely miss something important and solve the important clues of all the mysteries here.

Bedyville’s idea is correct, and in the middle of the vibration, something is approaching quickly. When the werewolves perceive it, the thing is cold and the water is out of the water, or the "sea" surface of the underground glass sea.

That huge thing is nothing else, it is the most familiar and most terrifying nightmare of Bediville.

Desert Whale, Moby Dick.

That's right, this ghost thing has appeared twice, and has chased the Werewolf youth twice. And almost all of these two ended in the life of Bediville's nine deaths, and Moby Dick's attack almost came to the life of Bedieville. Nowadays, this huge monster like the fearless warship reappears in front of the werewolf, which is a very shocking and terrifying experience for Bediville.

Because of this, when seeing Moby Dick, Bedieville held his breath and subconsciously shrank down, hoping that he could hide better. He is only less than fifty yards from the huge whale. If he is spit a dark red beam from the opening of the monster, it will be dead.

However, bigger questions emerged from the hearts of the werewolf youth. Why does Mobydick appear in this place.

Is it because of the [aggregate] monster...

In the place where Moby Dick appears, there will be a group of desert konjac, as if this huge desert whale is the boss of the desert konjac. The aerial konjac seems to be a by-product of a study in the secret of the Muhammad business group. So, Moby Dick really does have anything to do with it.

The huge devil whale opened its mouth and its mouth was filled with purgatory flaming light. It really came to meet that [aggregate]. The aggregated meatball monster also began to move, ran towards the direction of the desert whale's mouth.

It’s like going to die and getting ready to be eaten by Moby Dick.

At the same time, Bedieville also had some small commotion behind them. Is there still a chase. The werewolf looked back curiously.

It’s a fin...

There are countless tiny tentacles on the white fins, which crawl strangely on the ground. Bedyville recognized it instantly, this is the dorsal fin when Elaine becomes a desert konjac. After the white shark was cut off the dorsal fin, he lost his strength and almost died. Or Solal rescued Elaine with the lake that was not dead. But this fin has been mentioned in the mouth of the rotting giant, it should be something called [bacterial community]. This thing was cut off from Elaine’s back, and it would move on its own...

It is constantly moving and not slow. It quickly approached Bediville and others, especially close to Elaine.

"Wow." Scared Elaine's whole bear back, and he was afraid that the dorsal fin would stick to his hand and turn him back into the fierce white shark.

However, the fins did not do this, but ignored Illine and went directly to Moby Dick. At the same time, the huge desert whale has opened its mouth to swallow the [aggregate] monster. Elaine's white dorsal fins quickly rushed past, and before Moby Dick completely closed his mouth, he jumped into the mouth of the desert whale and merged with the huge monster.

It is fusion. This word suddenly appeared in Bedyville’s mind. That's right, Moby Dick is definitely a product of the lab, and it may be a collection of countless experimental failures that escaped. Like the aggregated meatball monster, like the desert konjac, it is actually a giant biome that has been aggregated by people who are experimental.


The same voice rang again in Bediville's mind. That is the telepathy, the most real thought in Moby Dick's heart, the echo that is projected in the hearts of others.

That thing must have hated the Mohammed business group. Therefore, it was the first to hate the sand boat of the Mohammed business group with hatred, and also regarded Bediville, who was responsible for guarding the ship, as the number one killing target.


Elaine’s exclamation just made Moby Dick aware of the location of Bediville and others. As the sun sets, the entire underground glass sea begins to become very dark, but the lava from the deep underground reveals the point where the werewolf youth and others can be seen.

There is no point in hiding here. Go back and go back to the glass cave.

No, no use. Moby Dick also has the ability to sneak in the glass sea, even if he ran back to the cave to escape its pursuit...

The monster once again opened his mouth, and the mouth was emitting red light. In fact, as long as a beam of light is subsequently spit, all the people in Bediville can be buried.

However, Moby Dick did not do this. It turned a ninety-degree body and glanced at Bedieville with its big, **** red eyes. It began to sink, and soon half of the body sneaked into the glass floor, disappearing in less than ten seconds without a trace.

Bedyville, who was glanced at by this huge monster, is still worried.

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