Light Spirit Epic

Chapter 1443: The origin of the night of the curse (1)

Chapter 1443 Beginning at the Curse Night

At the same time the Great Britain East Heaven Knights base Alsenburg

"Hot" "Black Iron Knight Jefferson glared at Daniel's stone statue toward the main entrance of the castle and reached the door, sweating and exhausted.

Even though Jefferson was seeing the woman at the door, he couldn’t help but take his breath and take a deep breath and hold his breath. He was so gasping that he needed more oxygen. He almost died of suffocation.

Because of the long-awaited black woman, although it is the well-known King Arthur’s sister, the actual age of thousands of succubus, she seems to be so dignified and beautiful woman

"I have been waiting for you for a long time," Vivian said, watching Jefferson without feeling.

However, her coldness is a huge temptation for men. Jefferson looks at Vivienne’s already fascinating state.

"Wait, I am, hahaha, cough, cough, and cough." Jefferson was barely killed by his own saliva. He coughed like an idiot with a scream and screamed for a while. He said, "You can wait for me." It’s my pleasure. My dear lady, what can I do for you?"

"啧" succubus screams angrily: "What are you doing, I am busy, I am not busy, I am not going to accompany you, this little devil, are you not giving me the stone statue of the child? What are you waiting for?"

"Hey," Jefferson remembered that Vivienne was waiting for his real purpose here. He quickly unloaded the stone statue of Daniel on his back and was ashamed and red-faced: "Lost."

However, he didn’t feel that he had done a mistake at all. When a man stood in front of a man with a hot and beautiful face, this beautiful woman said to him, "I have been waiting for you for a long time." In this situation, any normal man will Immediately fascinated, I don’t know what to do with my mom.

"哼" Vivienne White, Jefferson didn't say anything at the glance of Daniel's stone statue, holding his shoulder in front of his hand, intending to leave with a teleportation

However, the strange thing happened. Vivian found that the teleportation could not start her and the stone statue still stood still.

"Well," the woman snorted and thought that she had made a mistake. She once again put her hand on the shoulder of the stone statue and concentrated on trying to launch the transmission again.

However, nothing happened, the transmission failed again, or it did not start from the beginning.

"I forgot to tell you," Jefferson understood this. What did Vivienne want to do, and added: "Daniel has a special [no devil] physique. He can't use most of the magic spells on him. Will work!"

"Why don't you say this kind of thing early?" Vivian was angrily screaming at the Black Iron Knight: "The **** waste of my time I was already busy enough."

"I can take you for a ride, my dear lady." The young black iron knight said with a smile: "I will get an iron ride and load it."

I didn’t expect Vivian to listen to it at all, but whispered to himself: "It’s a rare fact that the absolute field of this child is too strong. I’m sorry, what did you say?"

"Iron ride" Jefferson looked quite awkward: "I mean you can get an iron ride to transport the stone statue for you"

"No," who knows that Vivian has picked up the communicator: "Arthur is still in Elsenberg, drive your dragon ride.

(Woman frowns) Yes, you want me to take away [goods] is not so easy to transport things you have to take responsibility to personally send it to my institute

(Women are more deeply frowning and showing anger.) Don't make excuses for less nonsense.

Ok, I am waiting for you at the institute."

Vivienne’s brief conversation immediately cut off the communication as if a thunder had been heard without leaving a trace. She turned to Jefferson and said, “Let’s wait for your king to come over and receive the goods. Take a step"


I don’t wait for the black iron knight to say more than half a sentence. Wei Wei’an has already flew away with a teleportation. It’s almost as fast as a lightning bolt.

"噢" Vivian's cold frosty land makes the young black iron knight look lost but also makes Jefferson obsessed: "It's a cold goddess"

A few minutes later, the Cavaliers drove the dragon ride from the sky over the dragon’s dragon ride. The place where Arthur was close to the ground was less than three yards. Arthur saw the Jefferson’s idiot. The Cavaliers instantly guessed the young. The black iron knight’s mind can’t help but sneer

"Give up the young man" King Arthur jumped down the dragon and laughed and said: "My sister has married her husband, she is the hero of the salvation, Sir Paramitis, and she is also the mother of three children. Your chances can be said. Is very slight"

"There is no such thing as nothing." Jefferson was still in a state of obsession, only knowing that he was silent and didn't realize that King Arthur was talking to him. He found it was dozens of seconds later.

Suddenly, he screamed and slammed to the ground: "Long live the King Arthur"

"You can revolve around Elsenburg in a circle." The Cavaliers smashed the young knight and didn't look at it with a good look: "So it's the kid again."

"Yes, His Majesty," Jefferson took course to follow the image of Daniel's stone in the eyes of King Arthur.

The stone statue is as dead as it has completely lost its vitality. However, its essence is not the same as the surface. The stone statue after the petrification of ordinary people will crack in a short time and eventually become weathered and become sand. The dust has returned to the earth, and the stone statue of Daniel still has a trace of vitality. Even a crack has not appeared yet.

"This kid's anti-magic physique is so powerful that even Vivienne can't take him away." King Arthur couldn't help but exclaim: "If you can save it, it must be a good experiment for Vivienne." "

King Arthur also has a strong anti-magic physique, but Vivienne's transmission is at least effective for Arthur. It can be sent with the Cavaliers. However, under actual test, Arthur found that Vivian could not transmit this called Daniel. The kid is also wonderful.

The young black iron knight looked at Arthur’s thoughts and didn’t answer. He was actually dissatisfied with the three words of the experimental product, but he did not dare to face the big man in front of Arthur, but the king of Great Britain, a low-ranking British Knight, how dare Shouting in front of the king

King Arthur glanced at the young man in front of him and continued to say, "Come and help put the stone statue of this child into the front passenger seat of the dragon ride. Be careful not to break it. You won't want your friend to wake up. I found myself missing an arm."

"Following His Majesty" Jefferson’s forehead rushed out of a cold sweat and moved to the stone. However, the co-driver’s seat of Arthur’s Dragon Ride is not suitable for placing an upright stone statue. Jefferson’s horizontal distraction feels that there is a problem with the vertical and it’s awkward to put it on. I don’t know how to be good or not, but I’ve almost broken Daniel’s stone statue.

"I am here to help," as if I have been waiting in the distance, it seems that I really can’t stand it, and another Black Iron Knight has come to support.

"You are" the Cavaliers King glared at the young man. The black iron knight looks more stable and obviously more reliable than Jefferson.

"Your next day," the other party respectfully said: "I am a black iron knight of Talcas belonging to the Knights of the East Heaven. I went out with Mr. Daniel to perform the task today. I was dull. He took care of my life is Daniel. I am saved by the gentleman, so I want to help me as much as possible to repay this kindness."

"I am also" another black iron knight behind the Talcass, who yelled at the Cavaliers: "The black iron knight of the Knights of the Great Britain is willing to serve you."

"Hurry up and do it." King Arthur was perfunctory, but he was thinking about something else. The low-ranking black iron knights were really not so simple to face the young people of the Great Britain.

I saw that Bach and Talcas took out the rope with the ropes and began to carefully wrap around the waist of the stone statue. They lifted the stone in tandem and slowly moved toward the front passenger seat of the dragon. Just fit the stone statue horizontally into the passenger seat.

"Please allow our peers to kneel down." Talcas fixed the stone statue firmly on the passenger's seat with a rope to prevent it from shifting during transportation: "The removal of the stone statue from the driver's seat after that will also be a This fact is a very troublesome thing. You shouldn’t let your troubles go down."

"You can keep up." King Arthur has jumped to the main driver's seat of the dragon ride. The dragon rides a limited load of four people. The space occupied by King Arthur and Daniel can indeed bring two helpers.

"Ten's grace" Talcas jumped to the back seat of the dragon ride

"I am also" Jefferson just wanted to come to Bach but took the first step in the dragon to ride the last seat.

"You will talk about it next time." The Cavaliers couldn't help but smirk: "I don't need a clumsy helper for the time being."

Jefferson had to succumb to the backsteps and watched the engine of the dragon ride to take off. The engine quickly flashed a long light and flew away.

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