Light Spirit Epic

Chapter 1444: The origin of the night of the curse (2)

Chapter 1444 The beginning of the curse night

After tens of minutes. King Arthur’s dragon ride arrived at the destination.

"This is... a lake." Black Iron Knight Bach jumped from the dragon. Seeing all dumbfounded. They should have sent Daniel's stone statue to the Vivian Institute. But the institute.

"Of course you don't know. The lower-level knight knows that the Vivian Institute should be unique." The Cavaliers jumped from the dragon and said: "Okay. Help the scorpion to remove the stone statue from the passenger seat. Then the original Stand by."

"Follow. Your Majesty." Tarkas replied. He and Bach together removed the stone statue. King Arthur also held the walkie-talkie and contacted anyone. When two young black iron knights moved Daniel's stone statue to the side of the dragon ride and stood upright. There was a sudden slamming sound not far from them. A woman's figure appeared out of thin air.

"It’s okay to be sent here." Vivienne glanced at Arthur coldly. Her tens of silky hair immediately caught the stone statue. Lifting Daniel effortlessly: "Next I will be responsible for sending him to save. This way. He will not be in danger until Master Merlin wakes up. You can go back."

"It’s too much." The Cavaliers smirked and said: "I can't help you send the goods over. You just sneak away in one sentence. You can't even drink a cup of tea."

Wei Wei An looked at her half-brother with disgust in disgust: "Listen. I am now with Lian Yin. I am going to ~ you ~ to clean up the mess that was made today. The ship is very damaged. We are all at all I’m too busy. I’m going to stay up all night tonight. You can’t help you. Don’t come back and increase my workload. Don’t know.”

"Understand. Understand." The Cavalier King perfunctored his head: "What about the two kittens and puppies? It seems that you and the lotus sounds are not likely to take time out to bring the children."

"They are in Itanium." Vivienne sighed: "Fortunately, the fisherman and two princes of the Kingdom of Iceland took them to play. Said to take them to the fishing club - say if you have something 瞒With me, Hal can't be so keen on fishing."

"No. How could it be. Hahaha." Arthur said with a smile. Let Vivian know that the Cavaliers brought the children to the "play" in the virtual world used to train the knight. Vivian is afraid to kill Arthur.

Vivian looked at Arthur’s suspicion. Although doubtful, there is no evidence. I had to sigh again: "Take them to your bedroom tonight. Okay. Just one night. I believe Greenville -"

"Hey. Greenville has something wrong. Now I am sick in bed." Arthur had to tell the truth: "It seems that only one child will be taken care of tonight."

"You..." Vivian looked at the King of Great Britain with horror: "God. It will be a disaster night tonight. You may not be able to do well even when you sleep."

"Nonsense. The most basic trust between people." Cavalier King hippie smiled and said: "And he is responsible for taking care of Husky. They are not only one. There are comets."

"He. That dragon is the most worrying for me." Vivienne frowned again: "It is already an adult. But it has become a human child. It always feels that he is perverted. You I will find a bodyguard with psychological problems for the children. It will only have a bad influence on them. Even if I don't talk about this, I still think that this guy is not reliable. He is not suitable for taking children."

"It seems that you have a deep understanding of the comet." The Cavalier King stretched his face: "Do not worry. I promise that the comet will do the job he was delivered to. The dragons' self-esteem is very heavy. Once decided Going to do something. It will definitely be done. It will never be abandoned halfway."

Vivian still looked at Arthur King with disbelief: "I hope so."

She left with a stone statue. The Cavaliers also turned to the two young black iron knights: "Help me to drive this thing back to Elsenberg. There are other places to go - right. This dragon ride just finished Wax is not too long. Don't let the scratch."

"Kneeling you -" has not waited for Talcas to answer. King Arthur has already spread his wings. flew away.

Bach looked far away from the light that passed away at the speed of the sky: "Hurry. Our Majesty the King is really coming and going. In fact. If he flies faster than the dragon ride. What else to do with the dragon ride."

Talcas did not swell on the driver's seat of the dragon ride. No response was made to Bach’s question.

at the same time. The base of the Western Knights of Great Britain. Ito Fort.

"啾~." The little balloon fish slid in the air. Flying with the soap bubbles in the sky. He saw these flying. Reflecting the beautiful and colorful seven-color glare bubbles in the sun. I am happy to be open. He chased soap bubbles. Sometimes sniffing with a small mouth. Sometimes use the tail to dial. Just like playing with balloons, playing with soap bubbles. Then he played off. A big soap bubble burst in front of him. Plop a little squid and turned around and ran.

"Hahahahahaha. It’s so stupid." Husky looked at the silly performance of the little fish. Can't help but laugh. He and the Leopard, a young boy, had a wink and the two of them picked up a small stick that was blowing soap bubbles. In an instant, there was another storm of soap bubbles. The momentum rushed to the small fish.

"Hey." The small balloon fish Boqi excited to get chaos. Shuttle through the storm of soap bubbles. He probably thought it was some kind of game the children played with him. So the tour is particularly energetic. Use his agile and clever posture. It's easy to get past the lot of bubbles on the way. Arrived in front of Xiaohar.

"Awesome." Leopard, young boy Hal. "Poch is not stupid at all. It's too clever."

"Oh." It seems to understand the praise of the little master. The silvery squid is so happy. It began to frantically revolve around the leopard youth.

"Ha ha ha ha ha. Hahahahahaha." Hal laughed innocently. With other children. Under the blue sky where soap bubbles are flying all over the sky. Enjoy the most original pleasure.

Until the children are tired and tired of playing. They rested on the grass in the sky garden outside the lighthouse. And the wife of Prince Ivan. Elf girl Elison. Then play the harp quietly under a big tree.

The wind is sloppy. Husky lay comfortably on the grass and sun. At the same time, I watched the small squid swimming around. Said aimlessly: "Hal is really good. There is such a cool balloon fish as Pog." Vivian Aunt clearly said that he would get a balloon fish for Husky. When can I get it? To Wang~"

"It will be there soon. Mom will never lie." The leopard teenager teased the fish with his fingers. While ensuring the road. Then he turned his head and looked at the little fisherman Calvin. Whispered: "Prince Calvin also wants to get a balloon fish to be a pet."

At that moment, the little prince of the fisherman seemed to have flashed his expectations. But Calvin is very stubborn. Deliberately pouted: "No need. The prince has already had this super cool crystal dolphin as a pet. No need for other fish. Bit is not so portable, he thought for a long time before he came up with the rhetoric of portability. But this little problem can be solved soon. Soon."

Husky squinted at the little prince of the fisherman. Showing distrust of the face.

And watching the comets of the little ghosts talking on the side. It has already become the form of a small lizard. Lazily basking in the sun. Indifferent to the actions of the children.

Just at this time. There was a cold blue glow in the sky. Husky looked at it curiously. He found out that it was a figure.

"Hey. Children." King Arthur flew quickly. And the slowdown is quite sudden. It only took a moment to land on the lawn sensitively and accurately.

"Uncle Arthur Wang." Husky happily ran to the Cavaliers: "I haven't seen Wang for a long time. Where have you been to Wang?"

"Yu Gang just came back from a business trip to Egypt." The Cavalier King Chong Yingren smiled and said: "In the time when you are not there. Do you have to listen to Uncle Xing's words?"

Xinghui Long instantly whitened the Cavalier King: "I am not their nanny. Why should they listen to me?"

"Don't care about these details." Arthur laughed.

"Hal has heard the uncle of Uncle Xing." The leopard teenager rushed to say.

"Husky also has Wang." The canine boy also said: "Uncle Uncle is good. Wang also promised to teach Husky -"

"Wow, oh oh oh." The star has not changed the momentum of the adult. Rushing over the mouth of the canine boy: "Teach the language of this little dragon. Yes. The language of the dragon. Ah haha."

"Yeah." Cavalier looked curiously at Comet and Husky: "Husky is interested in that kind of thing."

"Yes. Interested in Wang." The canine boy lost his smile. He didn't know what the uncle's uncle had planned. But Husky is a smart child. Know that you are asking for each other. I have to cooperate with the uncle of Uncle Xing.

"The little devil." The comet came over and whispered to the canine boy: "I promised to teach you the swordsmanship will be fulfilled. But now you still don't let Arthur know. This is between us. The secret. Do you understand."

"But why did Uncle Arthur know Wang. And Uncle Uncle, you promised to teach Haskell swordsmanship. Until now, there is no teaching at all."

"I will always teach you. Now... I am still brewing. Wait until I adjust everything to the level that suits you. But I teach you the method of swordsmanship. Arthur will not be happy to see. So don't let him I know it is wonderful."

Haas nodded based on his incomprehension. Although he did not know what the comet said was. Teaching a sword must first brew.

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