Light Spirit Epic

Chapter 1445: The origin of the night of the curse (3)

Chapter 1445 The beginning of the night of the curse

"It seems that the feelings of the two of you are very good." King Arthur saw that Husky and the comet were biting each other and biting each other and laughing. He didn't have to entangle the problem just now and said: "Husky and Ha Your mother’s overtime work today is estimated to be no longer able to take care of you. Will you stay in the palace for a night tonight and say that you are ready to go back?"

"Now, Wang" Husky looks a little dazed: "But now it’s only afternoon."

"So you are too happy to leave Eitenberg." The Cavaliers pretend to be unhappy and frown: "Children are playing poorly. But Greenville didn't give you classes for the past two days. You all play." Go crazy, right?"

"喵呜" Hal frowned, in fact it is.

"But don't worry, you will take you to do something more interesting, neither boring nor you can kill the afternoon." King Arthur

"Interesting thing" Calvin's little ear moved: "Can you follow Calvin?"

"Hey, you're fine." The Cavalier King seems to be deliberately ignoring the little prince of the fisherman. "How can our Royal Highness Prince Calvin run around in the folks or stay in Aitenburg for safer protection?"

Carl text still wants to say something, but he knows that once King Arthur made up his mind, he would hardly change and say anything. It is meaningless. The little prince had to slap his mouth and run out of his nephew Eileen. A crying face screamed: "Hey they bully Calvin"

The elf girl Elison did not feel angry for a while, as if to sing Calvin and pick up the harp. The sound of the piano was spread in the green of the lighthouse and filled with a little bit of sea scent.

"You are too fond of this child, Irene." Knight Wang said: "The star will carry us a good trip."

Xinghui Long has a reluctant look: "It should be where you took us for a ride on your dragon."

"It's better to send it back to the maintenance and the place we want to go is not to use the things that the dragon rides so arrogant."

I can’t help but spit in my heart. If I drive a dragon to a place, it’s Zhang Yang’s. Isn’t it more arrogant to ride a dragon to a place?

King Arthur obviously also knows that there is such a doubt in the heart of the comet, but he just did not say that he did not say anything.

Ten minutes later, Oxford, South Central England

"Oh, it’s the case." The comet saw the city tower standing on the hill and smiled.

It is true that the towers on the hills are the sacred towers of the legendary mages. Of course, the ivory tower is just a nickname for this white tower. Its official name should be [The Tower of the Archmage].

Protected by the powerful enchantment, this tower is a kind of enchantment that combines the functions of the hood and the magic of the disappearance. This way, when the trouble is encountered, the enchantment can protect the tower from the enemy's artillery; Usually, the ivory tower brings excellent stealth ability. Those who come with maliciousness or who are not welcomed by the people in the high tower can never see the trace of this tower and never enter the door.

The most important point is that the tower of the Archmage will "relocate" every year. A powerful transmission magic will transfer the entire ivory tower from one place in the world to another in the world. Therefore, except for the inside of the Masters Association. The outside world does not know the exact location of the ivory tower.

And King Arthur can bring the comet to find the comet here and see the tower of the Archmage far away. It proves that they are the guests of this tower. It is estimated that the Cavaliers had previously informed the ivory tower before they left. Let's go

"The Cavaliers are late for you." Sure enough, the comet has not yet landed completely in the back garden of the ivory tower. Someone is waiting there and complaining.

"I am sorry to have been waiting for Professor Snape." King Arthur just started to chill when he jumped from the back of the dragon. "Is everything well researched well?"

"Hey, come here, I am not here and you are chilling." The faceless black robe mage is extraordinarily indifferent to King Arthur: "Is the Mage Tower demanding everything from Great Britain?"

King Arthur did not answer, but smiled lightly from the belt. A small leather bag was thrown to Professor Snape. The other party was shocked by Arthur’s rash behavior, but the other party was always a professional and quick and quick to take over. a bag that suddenly flew over

After he caught the bag, he fiercely spit out: "My God is crazy, King Arthur, if you accidentally fall to the ground, the explosion will make half of Britain's Great Britain ruined."

"So congratulations, you just saved half of the great British dear Snape Professor" Cavaliers sneer

"哼" Black robe mage stunned King Arthur and glanced at the bag. "The goods did receive another. Your family's Merlin also seems to wake up. If you come to him, go to his workshop. I have something. Lose it first"

"Good slow walk, Professor" Arthur is still a hippie smile and teasing each other.

Snape looked back at the hippie smile of Arthur, and added a sentence: "Because the king of Great Britain is so unreliable that Merlin will take the initiative to seek the protection of the Masters Association before petrochemicals." "It’s his luck to have such a solid backing guarding you." Cavaliers continue to ridicule.

"啧" Professor Snape is too lazy to take care of the Cavaliers and shake his head.

The comet on the side feels particularly strange in the eyes. He also knows that King Arthur will face different people with different faces, but the Cavaliers will come up with this kind of hippie smile and talk to people. The comet seems to be the first time or maybe it is Because these mages are very special.

"What the **** was it?" So after the Snape professor left, the comet whispered, "Do you usually talk to the Masters like this?"

"It's almost like this" King Arthur smiled. "The Masters are a strange group of guys or a rather weird geek who won't choose to be a Master. The Master in the Ivory Tower is even more. It's a weirdo. Concentration camp

When the ivory tower was first transferred to Great Britain, the relationship between China and the Masters Association was still very tense. The straightforward knights did not know how to get along with this group of sorcerers. It was often because of a little misunderstanding that we knew that our Merlin Prime Minister told us. We have a [correct method] to communicate with the Masters."

"That is" Xinghui Long can't help but curiously ask

"Just kidding them," King Arthur said with a smile: "When you talk too seriously, they will think that there are other attempts in your words. Instead, they are jokingly talking to them. These strange people will be relieved of your vigilance. When you don’t know what to talk to, you can choose a satirical choice. Only a satirical option will allow you to get the most out of a mage. I believe this method is unsatisfactory."

Husky and Hal on the side heard the frontal sweat

Because of the fact that King Arthur led the way, he did not spend much effort to reach Merlin's (old) workshop. Before becoming a prime minister, Merlin was also an ivory tower. His position has not been replaced by other mages. So his workshop still has his work. There are very few exceptions that have been kept intact in the Tower of the Archmage and are not occupied by the next major Master of the same profession in the highly competitive Masters Association.

"Merlin" King Arthur knocked on the door

"The door is not locked," the prime minister seems to be busy with something, and there is no leisure in the door.

The Cavaliers then boldly pushed the door open. Merlin’s workshop seemed to be a long time. Their kittens, puppies, nose

"Merlin" King Arthur came up and rushed to the silver-haired mage and complained: "You are really enough to see you in the tower of the Archmage. Do you really believe in the Great Knights of England? There is a traitor who hurts you when you become a stone."

"It's true that you can't believe you." Merlin did not pay attention to the anger of Longyan, and he still sorted out various materials in his studio. "But this has nothing to do with whether there is any ghost in the group."

"How can I say this?"

Merlinton looked at the people present. There are only comets and Husky and Hal. The former ones are indifferent to the world. The latter two are all little devils.

After considering this, the prime minister opened the door: "After all, the other side can use the countermeasures of the British Knights to prevent the invasion of the spirits."

"Where is the spirit?" Husky was provoked by the curious nerves.

However, Merlin did not pay attention to the canine boy to continue: "Compared to the spirit of the Great Master's Tower, the countermeasures are much better. At least the enchantment of this side is the most powerful in the world."

"Right" The Cavaliers don't want to go down with the Master's theory and casually perfuse. "Can we go now? Gewen Green has found some interesting information from the ship waiting for you to help analyze it?"

"Yes, but I have to wait." Merlin turned his head and dealt with his own work: "I rarely come back once and I sorted out the debris in the workshop to see what is worth recycling."

The face of the comet has been stretched twice: "You shouldn’t want me to help with the garbage."

"Ha ha ha ha ha not absolutely no" Merlin is indeed putting all kinds of unknown things into his pocket, although his pocket is originally a sub-space technology to expand the storage area. Does not increase the weight of the pocket itself

"How long will he have to do?"

"It will be better to wait a little longer," King Arthur replied in disgust: "After all, Merlin’s old age is relatively slow."

"I know that you are impatient." Merlin glanced at Arthur and the comet: "Let's take this group of buds in the ivory tower. I will say to the Masters Association that they will open a part of you." Visiting area"

"Too good," the Cavalier King seems to be waiting for Merlin’s words and immediately smirked and said: "You come with the kids to play with you, come here and talk to Merlin."

"What I have never agreed to this, my bodyguards are not nannies"

"Hear it, you seem to need to get another nanny for them." Arthur smirked at Merlin Road.

"啧" Master stunned the girl: "Harry"

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