Light Spirit Epic

Chapter 1469: The origin of the night of the curse (27)

Chapter 1469 The End of the Curse Night Twenty-seven

Hey, hey -

A slightly irritating ringtone overwhelmed the noise of the evening wind, causing the attention of an iron rider in midair. Hey.

"Hey?" Albert, who is driving an iron ride in the air, is now ringing his own left hand. The tiger first had a scream of doubt, then raised his arm and saw a light on the bracelet that was barely noticeable.

"Be careful!!" another voice shouted.

"Wow!" Albert returned to the steering wheel, which avoided a fierce impact with another iron ride.

"What are you doing?!" Hall drove the iron ride around Elbert's iron ride and hovered slowly. He just suspended the iron ride in midair and loudly blamed: "Three hearts and two when driving I want to die?!"

"But this thing is ringing." Albert whispered innocently: "What does this mean, is it going to explode?"

"That is the signal that someone is contacting you." The Grand Duke of Heaven Knights said with a disappointment: "Is there a hidden button next to the red light? Press it to answer."

"Okay." Albert pressed the red light on the magic bracelet and spit it out: "The ghost thing originally had communication functions. I didn't know it before."

"The communication function of this ghost thing is originally a secret that can not be known to the candidates. If you know the kid, don't talk about it." The voice of Bediville came out of the magic bracelet.


"Ayr," the voice of the werewolf continued to come from the magic bracelet: "I can't reach Paramitis, I don't know where he went to the place where he couldn't receive the communication. Hehe. But you have you. The door key card of the room, right? Can I borrow it for use?"

"Is emergency communication used for such boring reasons?" Hall can't help but vomit.

Albert looked at Hall and didn't take care of the Knight of Heaven. This has already stretched his face. "Hey, what do you want to do with that kind of thing? I have nothing in my old room." It’s too late for you to invade me~"

"Shut up, stupid tiger, who wants to invade you." There was no good voice in Bediville. "Professor Paul came over to me. He said that he will go back to Great Britain tomorrow. Look at Paramitis that the meteor is shot by Gunn. Hey Gunier is in the room of both of you, right? Open a door and let Professor Paul go in and see a few eyes, it won't take you a lot of time. "

"Hey, Professor Paul, what's the matter? I'm still in the middle of training, can't get away from it? It's obviously you want me to train hard and be skilled in driving the iron ride tonight -"

"Yes, and the iron ride is also what I lend to you." Biddivil interrupted even more impatiently: "So, do you want to give me a key card?"

Although he did not directly say it, his intention to say to Albert is already clear - "You owe me."

I ate the soft mouth of others and took the hand of others short. "Beddyville boss" is so ordered, can the tiger refuse? A drop of cold sweat emerged from Albert's forehead. He stretched his tone and said with great reluctance: "~Good~ Go to the apex on the top floor of the Cairo Hotel. I will be there soon."

"What should I do?" The tiger turned back and asked the Grand Duke of Hall: "My first key card is returned to the stupid wolf."

"Let's go, don't drag it." Hall replied without emotion, although it didn't show up on his face, it seemed to be annoying.

Albert had no choice but to step on the throttle of the iron ride, dragging a long arc of light in the night sky and heading straight for the direction of the Cairo Grand Hotel. Hey. While Hall also stepped on the gas pedal, his iron ride easily caught up with Albert's iron ride.

Together with Professor Paul, I took the elevator to the top floor of the hotel. Bediville just stepped out of the rooftop of the top floor and saw two cold lights smashing through the sky. Albert was training in the Red Sea near the Red Sea, and it was a matter of minutes to drive over to Bediville.

"So, let's change the training agenda first and teach you to land." Bettiville was able to hear the words of the Duke of Hall.

"Wait, you haven't taught Albert to land yet?" The werewolf panicked and gestured to Professor Paul behind him: "Retreat, retreat!! He is going to crash!!"

"Pound!!" Biddeville's reminder came quite late. Albert didn't listen to Hall's tutorial at all. He directly slammed the iron ride on the roof tarmac of the Cairo Hotel and made a loud bang.

However, the apron work at the Cairo Grand Hotel is very solid. It seems that there have been measures to deal with the incompetent landing of people with poor driving skills. Albert’s lame landing did not make a hole in the hotel’s rooftop, but砸On a rubber-like cushioning medium on the tarmac. Bedyville's iron ride was almost the first to land, and it was placed on the tarmac at forty-five degrees, but it was miraculously not reimbursed. Its outer shell was only scratched a little.

"Call." The Werewolf youth couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief: "Damn, you almost broke my iron ride!"

"How do I know that landing is so difficult!" Albert coughed and crawled out of a piece of smoke, and he had already slammed into his pocket: "Get it!"

He couldn't help but throw it away. The key card was almost blown away by the wind on the roof. Fortunately, Biddyville had a quick eye and grabbed the key card.

The werewolf glared at the tiger, and the Knights Hall, who was riding the iron horse and landing down the ground, jumped from the iron ride. He also stunned Albert. "The young people are really amazing now." You don't have to teach to know how to use the emergency landing. But next time you may want to use a more normal method to land once, after all, this sudden drop may have your life."

Albert showed a look of annoyed expression and spit his tongue.

"You also borrowed the key card, and went to do what you want to do." The Knights of the Round Table Hall gave a white eye to Bettiville: "This kid’s broken iron ride has to be refurbished to continue on the road, but we are here. You don't have to worry about things."

"Okay." Biddeville was too lazy to take care of the broken things on Albert. Anyway, he also got the key card - but wait, how does the door card look like his own? The hotel door card is a bit different? This card is obviously much more luxurious

"Hey, that's my key card in the top-floor luxury suite." Albert added, "My other room's key card is in the luggage of the luxury suite. You can find it by searching. "

"Deluxe Suite? When did you have a luxury suite?"

"Hello, hahahaha, envy? I worked for the Sphinx boss these two days, he sent me." Albert turned magical. In fact, the tiger had long wanted to take this matter in front of the friends. However, everyone was busy these days and could hardly get together to talk about it, so Albert has not been able to find this opportunity.

"Spinks?" The face of the Grand Duke of Hall was immediately gloomy.

"You have done something that doesn't shine." Bettiville also spit. He also knows that Sphinx is a big man in the underworld and is the owner of this Cairo hotel. And it is also the real property owner of the dockhouse they attacked today.

Although it has been confirmed that the underground research institute has nothing to do with the Sphinx, it is entirely a matter of the Mohammed business group, but it is not a good thing to relate to the dangerous character of Sphinx. .

"What? Are you going to get the key card, or don't you go?" Albert urged: "I don't have time to wait here for you for a long time. The door key to the old room is in my bedside table. Above, don't mess with my luggage."

"Okay." Anyway, since Albert's luxury suite is on the top floor, not far from here, Bedieville put away the key card and said to Professor Paul: "You are here, I will be back soon."

After all, Bedieville can imagine how messy Albert's room can be, and the kind of unsightly sight is best not to let Professor Paul see it.

"Okay." Professor Paul nodded and promised.

Take a key card, but this road is far more twisted than Biddyville imagined, but he still easily found Albert's room with the house number on the key card of the luxury suite.

beep. After swiping the card, he easily opened the door.

Beddyville took the door for granted, but did not expect to see the cat and the boy who heard the sound coming out of the door.

Mutter had not had time to see the figure of Bediville. The man who rushed into the door when he opened the door said, "Oh, are you coming back?"

"Hey?" The werewolf didn't think that there would be other people in the room.

The opposite cat and young boy Mutter did not think that it was not Albert, but other people who came in, so he bowed.

However, the two men clamored together, and the first reaction was Bediville. He was very surprised after seeing Mutter's gray tiger-printed kitten face. He immediately said: "Lu, Luf?! You, how are you here? Are you still alive?!"

"Luf? Who is Luf?" Mutt said with a shocked back.

"Wow, ah, ah, ah!!" "I think that it seems that something leaked, Albert has been rushing to the rescue at this time, but it is too late, after all, Bedieville and Mutter I have already met. He had to scream out loud to interrupt the conversation between the two, and rushed to give Badiville a brutal collision!

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