Light Spirit Epic

Chapter 1470: The origin of the night of the curse (28)

Chapter 1470 The beginning of the night of the curse

"Wow," Biddeville was almost slammed into the air by Albert, and he said with anger: "What are you doing,"

"Ah, hahahahaha," Albert pushed the werewolf to a farther place in the hallway, and then came back to the cat boy and laughed a little. "Where I waited, I have something to talk to my friend."

"He seems to be confused," Mutt asked, frowning.

"He is a madman, you don't have to care about what he said." Albert sang casually and closed the door with one hand.

"Oh, so I became a madman in gibberish." On the other side of the hall outside the room, Bedieville looked at the tiger with anger and anger: "You kid still wants to borrow an iron ride,"

"Ah, hahaha, ah hahahahaha" Albert walked up to the werewolf and smiled. "I have completely forgotten this and let you go into the room, sorry."

"Who is the child," Betdiwell couldn't help but ask: "How could he grow up like Luf, Luf is not dead, and we still buried him in West Siberia. Where did you turn? Come to a kitten that looks exactly like Luf and keeps it in his room,"

"It’s really hard to say that it’s awkward." Albert’s face was sullen: "I know. It’s too clever, not awkward. The little devil is called Mutter. It’s the dark American football that Sphinx’s wife built. The team's members - more correctly, are the outfield receivers in that team."

The werewolf raised his eyebrows: "I listen, then,"

"Then I helped the Sphinx to work. It was actually helping him win a game. In order to get the layman to speed up, he sent the child to be my [personal fitness assistant]. In short, Mu The special thing is to guide me how to play American football better, but there is no other meaning."

"H." Biddyville wants to laugh, but can't laugh: "What is this with nothing, messy. You, go to play, Sphinx hires you for this kind of play, he is not a gangster, Why are you suddenly keen on sports,"

"I know you have this kind of question, but it's all true." Albert tried to explain: "Don't see Sphinx is the underworld boss, but he also runs a gambling career in his back, and is said to be More money than casinos."

"Oh." The werewolf smiled ironically.

"Then things turned out to be like this. Mutter stayed with me for a while, right in this room." Albert sighed: "He and Luf look like they are, but actually There is no relationship. Damn, I forgot about it and let you enter my luxury suite. And you even said Luf’s thing. Damn."

"I don't understand. Since he has nothing to do with Luf, what are you afraid of?" Biddyville asked: "No one would say that the child is a substitute for Luf. And so on. Are you in a guilty conscience?" Are you still worried about the fact that you killed Luf?"

"I can tell you how you can say this." Albert was speechless for a moment.

"So, what do you want to do with the child," the werewolf continued to ask: "Your thoughts are so strange, hide the child in your own room. Is it going to call him as a small servant?"

"I just stayed with him for a while and then waited for the Super Bowl to finish. After the team won the championship," Albert replied stutteringly. Obviously, he didn't think the answer at the beginning: "When you get the championship, We parted ways. He went back to the team to play his ball. I continued to round the table to try."

"Yes." The werewolf couldn't help but smile slyly: "Albert, Albert, you are always this virtue. You don't care what you do for half a bucket of water, it's always irresponsible."

"What, blame me," the tiger can't help but anger: "So what do you want me to do,"

"I don't know, this is one thing that requires you to think for yourself and come up with a solution."

Albert couldn't help but look at the werewolf with a grievance: "You are talking to me."

"God knows." The werewolf didn't look away, looking at the door of Albert's room: "I think you should be aware of it. The cat race is not a big race, the population is not much, the genetic difference. Sex is also small. If the two cats look very similar, then they must have a deep blood relationship. The child named Mute appears here, it must not be accidental. Perhaps it is the reincarnation of Kama - —"

"Let's pick up the kind of ghost thing with me," Albert said, really angry this time: "The kid is a slave who wanders in Egypt. He was given to the Sphinx after being rescued by Sphinx. Working, yeah, he and Rufu really have nothing to do with each other. At most, they only look similar."

"Maybe. But there are so many coincidences in this world," Biddiwell couldn't help but sneer: "Ayr, you drunk the potion I gave you. It's a special potion that reverses the law of cause and effect." Under the influence of that syrup, there will be many unpredictable strange phenomena, even I can't guess."

Albert couldn't help but ask: "So what is the potion, and where did you come from? You haven't told me the ins and outs of this matter," When it comes to this, Bedieville has a silence.

"What are you saying, damn,"

"Ayr." Biddeville continued: "Go and take the key card of your old room, ok, I will not make more contact with that child. But after the things of today have passed, you must Tell the child all about Luf. I think the child has the right to know all about it."

"He didn't. He has nothing to do with Luf," Albert said stubbornly.

"Yes, if you think so, you will be free." The werewolf whispered: "But you will go your own way and you will regret it one day. The reincarnation of Kama is terrible. If you continue this way, the child will always have One day, I will repeat the mistakes of Luf in front of you."

"He won't. I will take care of him." Albert looked uncomfortably into his room and took the key card of his old room.

"Stupid tiger, you can't even take care of yourself." The werewolf looked thoughtfully at the back of Albert and whispered.

Ten minutes later, Bedieville stood in front of the hotel room in Paramitis and Albert, picking up the door card and brushing it.

beep. The door finally opened. Of course, as the werewolf said, there is no half-person in the room. Albert's driving skills to go out to practice the iron ride did not say, even Paramitis did not return.

"Oh, it’s so strange, oh, Guerniel is hiding somewhere in Paramitis." Biddyville tried to find it in the room, but he just started looking for an instinct and felt that he could never be here. Found in the room.

He was right. When he saw the window of the room being squeezed out of an arm-sized gap, he knew that Gengir was summoned away. Paramitis is the owner of the Meteor Gun. The Leopard Warrior can remotely control and send the 亘Gunnier through the brainwaves, so no matter where the meteor gun is placed, as long as Paramitis has a sigh of relief, this The ancient soldiers on the handle will not be lost.

"What's wrong, can't you find it?" Professor Paul, who was waiting for him, asked a little impatiently.

"Ah, hahaha, Paramitis may have taken it out." The werewolf turned his head and smiled. "I don't know what activities he has outside today, but as long as there is a need for fighting, he may take the 亘Guni. Call for past use."

"What should I do?" Professor Paul looked embarrassed: "The monk thought that he could look at the gun before he left."

"Don't be discouraged." The werewolf had to persuade: "You booked the plane at the time of tomorrow morning,"

"Nine o'clock." The professor replied: "It is estimated that it will arrive at the airport at half past eight."

"That's easy. You stayed here for the night, we are here to wait for Paramitis to come back," said Bediville. "I don't know what he is going to do, but he has a match tomorrow. I will be back tonight to prepare for the battle. The Albert guy is not expected to use this room, and you will spend the night as your own home."

"This won't cause you trouble,"

"No. At least it won't cause me trouble." The werewolf shrugged. "I have a bed in my room. Elaine will not come to sleep tonight. Right, your luggage."

"Luggage. Just this box." Professor Paul raised a small suitcase at his feet: "The monks exchanged a gem from the Pygmies for cash, counted airfare and accommodation. It’s also spent almost the same time. Because I rushed back to Great Britain, I didn’t buy a few sets of clothes that I replaced, and the rest of the box only sorted out half of the information.”

This guy is really a breeze on the wall and two sleeves of the family. Beddyville couldn’t help but wonder.

"Speaking back, if we don't take you, you would have planned to stay there tonight." The werewolf curiously asked.

"Sleep for one night in the airport lounge, of course." Professor Paul replied without thinking.

Ok, it’s losing. Bedyville couldn’t help but spit. In short, it’s good to take this poor guy for a night, and you can’t watch Professor Paul sleep on the street.

"So, I will be here with you until Paramitis comes back - why don't you take a shower. I will give you some tea to get some night snacks." Bedieville walked over and unscrewed the TV. He is also planning to make up for the battle of the gladiator Bereld from the replay of the TV, and prepare for tomorrow's battle with the gladiator.

"That gentleman is worse than respectful." Professor Paul turned to the bathroom.

However, at this time, Bedieville’s magic bracelet was ringing.

"Beddyville, is it?" The voice of the Cavaliers came from the communicator.

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