Light Spirit Epic

Chapter 1583: The battle in the battlefield (27)

Chapter 1583 The Battle of the Battlefield (27)

"Yeah!" Albert has just cut the two swords with the dragon knight Doha, and his right arm is sore and paralyzed! But he knows that he doesn't have much chance to breathe, because the opponent will adjust his posture and attack again!

And the dragon knight Doha is the leader in the riding battle, and the iron ride is drove. The black iron ride that just flew away will immediately adjust the posture and launch an offensive against Albert again!

Sure enough, Doha took only one second to make a posture adjustment in midair. The body in the drift has already pointed the nose at the side of Albert, and can't wait to shoot!

Twelve illuminator shells slammed into the ground, and they rubbed against the air to give a thick, low weight feel, which clearly felt the lethality of these shells was much greater than the previous shelling! Albert hasn't been able to get his iron ride to complete the U-turn, and then he will only be hit. But he will not stand still and kill, and the tiger will force the iron ride to go ahead as soon as he step on the throttle! In this way, the iron ride will move in an arc while flying in the air. It avoids most of the attacks, leaving only two illuminating bullets at the nose and tail of the iron ride. Albert catches The large photon sabers bounced them off.

However, the offensive of the other side is far from over, and it is only a wave of first strikes. Followed by a powerful beam gun, the golden light swept through the air, chasing Albert's iron ride!

"Wow!" the old mixed exclamation, another stepping on the accelerator quickly flashed away. This trick he had seen this morning, it is this powerful beam of light that defeated the large aircraft carrier of the Congolese Air Force, and Albert was able to escape from the siege. When I first saw this, the tiger was still very happy. I didn't expect it to become the nightmare of Albert when I actually played against the Dragon Knight Doha!

Come again, the second shot! The huge golden beam was calculated in the direction of Albert's flight, and it was almost impossible to avoid! Is the Dragon Knight Doha joking? If you are hit by this, Albert is not only as simple as a broken bone, I am afraid it will be wiped out!

However, Albert has already predicted that the opponent's moves cannot directly hit himself - the reason is very simple. If Albert is directly killed by the beam gun, the dragon knight Doha will also lose the battle, and maybe even Lose the qualification to continue to participate in the round table trial! Therefore, this shot does not directly target Albert's iron ride, but at most it is wiped from the side, using the heat of the beam to destroy Albert's iron ride. After knowing this fact, the attack became very good. The Albert directly placed the shield of the iron ride on the back of the body, and shielded the heat of the beam with a shield!

Rumble! ——In spite of this, the beam cannon has a great impact when it is swept, and the kind of torn atmosphere and earth-moving momentum is quite scary! While grabbing the joystick against Albert, Albert also found his opponent rushing over!

This unscientific. Ming Ming just launched the high-energy beam cannon (and two bursts), should the black iron ride be overheated or low in energy? Why can this guy rush to attack at this high speed? How strong is the engine of the black iron ride, how good its cooling system should be! ?

However, Albert did not have much time to be surprised, because the dragon knight Doha had drove a black iron ride close to it, less than twenty yards from Albert! This distance is only one and a half seconds between the iron rides with high engine power! Albert can only adjust his body quickly, and lifting a large photon saber is a slash, first push the opponent away!

Useless. Dragon Knight Doha swayed to the left with a very subtle evasive action, and escaped Albert's saber cross-cutting! This action is followed by the attack of the photon saber, and the dragon knight's giant saber stabbed in the direction of the engine of Albert's iron ride! This kind of sting is the most difficult to avoid and the most threatening. Once it is stabbed, Albert's iron ride will be scrapped - it can't fly without the engine!

However, in spite of this, the tiger replaced the defensive with an offensive. He knows that his driving skills are far worse than his opponents - anyway, it's just a gun, how can he use this half-barrel of water technology to avoid the opponent's full force! Therefore, instead of evading or defending, it is better to take this opportunity to cause a fatal blow to the opponent. After the kill, he will take more advantage!

Albert then drove the large photon saber to slash and target the body of the dragon knight Doha. If you hit it, you can directly put the Doha waist! And Albert's attack is far from support. The photon saber has just been shot, and the tiger has pulled his own storm gun blade from the side of the large saber. The gun is the shot! The saber was dragged away by the robot arm because of inertia, and it would not change its original attack orbit. Elbert's shot was a cone-shaped sweep of a large-caliber steel ball, and the hit rate was very high. At that moment, the dragon knight Doha faced the dilemma of being either smashed by the photon knives or smashed by steel balls!

Boom! ! Doha’s response was also extremely simple. He immediately set up a black iron riding helmet to block the steel ball, and also pulled the joystick, changing the flight path of the iron ride, just letting Albert’s iron ride The photon saber crossed the top of his head but failed to hit him!

But of course, this also means that the Dragon Knight Doha canceled the attack just now, and the attack that had been aimed at Albert's Iron Rider's engine had to be defeated. The two photon gunships approached quickly in one second and then quickly moved away in the next second. The stressful offense and defense that people can't breathe are completed in that moment!

Hey! boom! ——The two iron riders far away from each other turned their heads again and prepared for the next face-to-face sprint.

Albert's forehead had a drop of sweat, and he couldn't help but tremble, but he was somewhat proud. It works! For the time being, he is not in an absolute disadvantage. The tactics that Lord Duke taught him last night really worked!

The tiger then recalled the details of the training last night -

"Listen well." About 16 hours ago, riding on his dragon ride, the Grand Duke of the Knights of the Heavenly Commander told Albert in training: "I teach you now, actually It's not a way to get you [to defeat the opponent] in a ride. It can only be regarded as a method of [not being defeated by the other party]."

"Hey?" Elbert showed a look of disdain: "You are not collecting money to teach me how to win? [What is the way to not be defeated by the other party?" What a hell?"

"Stupid." The old man was white and the young man looked at him: "You haven't spent a day driving the iron ride. You think that with this kind of gun, can you really win the dragon rider Doha in the riding battle? Don't be naive."


"However, you don't need to win Doha in [Riding Warfare." "I didn't wait for Albert to open the door to protest, and Hall interrupted." You just have to cross the corner with him in the riding battle. He gave up riding and he was fine."

"I still didn't understand." Albert frowned. "Let the opponent give up riding and riding. It's easier than doing it."

Hall grinned: "No. He will give up when he gives up. The iron ride is a precision instrument after all, and the long-term battle is not only easy to overheat, but also various faults. Even if the opponent's iron ride performance is modified to be excellent, The energy consumption will still be there, and the fuel will eventually be used up."

"I am... you want me to play war with him until his fuel runs out!" Albert couldn't help but vent: "Impossible! Your brain burned out? If I can do this." I don't need to ask for help from you in the first place!"

"You can't do it now, but I will teach you how to do it." Hall sneered, not at all ignoring Albert's ridicule: "And, the way to let the opponent consume fuel in a short time. , actually it doesn't exist."

"Hey?" The tiger then wrinkled his brow deeper, turning the black tiger lines of his forehead into countless "w" characters.

When time came back to the battlefield, Albert had just thought about what happened last night. The dragon knight here is already attacking again! The power is significantly reduced, but the beam gun splits into five rays, scattering all the important mechanical structures of Albert's iron ride from the front, middle and back directions! In this way, Albert also faced the need to protect the engine or to protect the important control device of the nose, or the tail of the protection control direction, this trilemma! But this is only for the shooting with one side to meet the opponent, for the time there is no way to completely deflect the iron ride! When Elbert took a turn, he immediately pulled the trigger on the blade of the storm and shot the shock wave from the plug-in system of the gun. Because of the impact of the impact, the iron ride quickly reversed ninety degrees, facing the split beam that was shot. The front of the iron ride also set up a shield, the energy of all the shields is concentrated at a point, just a beam of light shot to the nose is bounced!

"Hah!" Albert also lifted the large photon saber on the iron ride to cut it, and used the sword to bounce another glow beam back!

Originally using the light beam to assist the attack, Doha, who is now sprinting toward Albert, has to reverse the joystick to dodge the beam, so his flight orbit slightly deviates. However, the dragon knight Doha did not give up the charge. His giant photon saber was lifted high, and the momentum of the black iron ride sprinted from the bottom up. The aim was exactly the photon at the bottom of Albert’s iron rider. Reflector. If the mirror is destroyed, the iron ride can not be stably floated in the air, which is equally fatal for the ride!

Albert sneered, and the other side sprinted, the photon saber's knife tip almost wiped the photon mirror moment, the tiger raised the storm gun blade is the smashing three consecutive shots!

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