Light Spirit Epic

Chapter 1584: The battle in the battlefield (28)

Chapter 1584 The Battle of the Battlefield (28)

"What?" The head of the dragon rider Doha is not the heavy rain of large-caliber steel balls, but the heavy rain with large-caliber steel balls.

Before using it, Albert used the frozen turpent that Seglad gave him, and added a few of them to the ball! The moment when the shots were shot and shot, they became countless steel **** with frozen enchantments. These steel **** are extremely cold and cold, not only can cause huge freezing damage to the hit target, but also absorb the water vapor in the air during the flight and become bigger before they almost hit the dragon knight Doha. It has become a big hail of about the size of a fist!

Hey! ! Fortunately, Doha opened the shield in time, and the steel **** that came on the head - no, steel core hail - were mostly blocked by the shield. Black iron ride failed once, and instantly pulled away and drifted far away!

"Call." However, Albert still snickered. The attack is the biggest defense, and this is proven again. His offensive not only resolved the opponent's assault, but also accounted for the cheaper - even if most of the attack was blocked, there is still a part of the steel core hail in the tail of the black iron rider of the dragon knight Doha!

After Doha drove the iron ride to a safe distance, he checked the damage of the equipment and found that there were more than ten hail sticks attached to the tail of the black iron rider and the engine casing. After attaching the frozen turpent, the steel ball blasting not only becomes a hail that absorbs the self-enhancement of the water vapor in the air, it even sticks to various metal products, and sticks to it like a tumor. The object does not let go, it is difficult to get rid of it without a moment!

Doha took out the lightsaber and poked it twice. He found that the ice tumors were so sticky that they gave up immediately. Now is not the time to manage this, rushing to make unnecessary moves to clear the ice, but will allow the opponent to take advantage of the opportunity. Although the weight of the hail is a little inconvenient, it will affect the balance of the fuselage, and will eventually make the iron ride's orbit slightly deviate from the expected - but this is not a problem. The engine continues to use the heat generated to dissolve the hail surface, and they naturally fall.

It is still good to focus on the offense now. But the tiger's sword gun that fired a hail bomb is really an extremely troublesome existence. It is not a safe and effective tactic to approach the war.

That being the case -

Dragon Knight Doha pressed a special button on the iron rider panel and his iron ride began to distort. The black iron rider retracted the giant photon saber with a robotic arm and ejected two brackets from the hidden compartment, which was a large photon gun. In this way, the dragon rider Doha's iron ride with a three-door photon cannon, plus the iron ride can launch a powerful light column to run the main gun. If these guns fire at the same time, then the firepower is fierce!

"Is it still going to play long distance shooting with me?" Albert smiled, which was also in his expectation, or it was all expected by the Duke of Hall. If there is no Knight in the sky to give Albert the first move, the tiger youth may have been flustered at this time. But now he has psychological preparations, but also strong material preparations, the notepad against the enemy's firepower suppression, the situation has become a little better.

And his pre-preparation is also very simple - Albert also pressed a special button on the panel of his iron ride. His iron ride began to release smoke.

"Well?" The round table knight Cador, who watched the battle inside the bridge, saw the battle on the side of the tiger. He couldn't help but frown. "When I fixed the iron ride before, did I install the device for the iron ride?"

"It is estimated that Safir sneaked on the iron ride." King Arthur glanced at the battle screen on the side of Albert and Doha: "The child's hand is very good. If it is just a device that releases smoke, he only needs to spend Let's make it in a few minutes."

Cador was silent for a while. The problem is that the existence of this smog is too convenient. It is almost like someone has told the tigers in the battlefield beforehand to let the tiger prepare in advance.

The organizers of the round-table trials installed enchantments on the edge of the battlefield in order to avoid the flight of Elbert and Doha, who took the iron ride. This enchantment is a powerful force barrier. It is not only to prevent people from flying away from the battlefield, but also to block air circulation, so that there is no half-wind in the round battlefield.

No, the wind is still a bit. Because the top of the enchantment is not completely closed. The enchantment is just a closed cylindrical wall that surrounds the edge of the round battlefield, and its zenith is still ventilated. In the process of two people fighting, there will be a small amount of air flowing in from the top of the round battlefield, so that the battlefield will not be stuffy and suffocating.

This just the breeze from the top down helps the spread of smoke, and keeps the smoke that should have spread over the battlefield for a longer time.

This information, Albert, is impossible to know before the battle begins. The tiger will prepare the smoke bomb in advance, and it is not afraid that the smoke will be blown away by the wind on the battlefield. It is estimated that someone told him the information on the battlefield in today's exam. It’s true, it’s definitely the ghost of the Grand Duke’s behind the scenes. Is this cheating?

"You don't have to go deeper." King Arthur added a sentence to the side: "The tiger side also paid for the request of the Grand Duke of Hall to train him. Our organizers collected money to provide training and give certain Tactical intelligence is also a reasonable thing. This level is far from cheating."

"That... okay." Cador, who had not been convinced, could only remain silent.

Despite this, from the long time ago, the round table knight Cador, who was the deputy of the Duke of Hall, always felt that Hall gave Albert a special treatment. Heavenly Knights Hall is like that every time, taking care of the tiger.

Or, this kind of thing can be left aside. What matters is not the process, but the result. Even though Albert knows more about the beneficial information, the driving gap and equipment gap are still irreparable. Can he resist the attack of Halong Knight Doha by a smoke bomb?

However, the tiger is indeed ok. because--

Dragon Knight Doha bowed and pulled the trigger. The dragon knight that Doha launched was only a light bomb with very low lethality.

He did not launch a powerful beam gun, and even the powerful light cannon was not used. Because these things are too lethal, accidentally causing serious casualties. With a clear vision and the ability to see the target and shoot again, Dragon Knight Doha is confident that he can destroy Albert's iron ride by shooting, and will not kill Albert. But now that the tiger has released the smoke, the situation is completely different.

This is a spiritual repression. Even in terms of equipment performance, in terms of firepower, in the driver's driving ability, Albert is far less than the dragon knight Doha, but the conditions of the game are beneficial to the tiger. Clever use of this condition, Albert can force the dragon knight Doha can not make a powerful attack!

Black smoke is still spreading, and it has occupied about half of the battlefield. The smoke has indeed become thinner and thinner, but it is more than enough to use it to block the opponent's field of vision!

Let's say that the dragon knight Doha fired the light bullets that controlled the past. They scatter into the smoke, but like a sinking sea, there is no sound when they first enter. Because it is a tentative shot, Dragon Knight Doha can also expect that most of this attack will be empty, but is it? Even a luminescent bullet didn't hit, all of them were like air. What the **** is going on?

There are only two possibilities for this: one is that Elbert uses the iron hood's protective cover to offset all of the light bombs, and the other is that the tiger releases the smoke while the iron rides move to other places. With a protective cover to block the light bomb, it should emit a little bit of collision, so the first possibility is small.

The second possibility, that is to say, the iron ride moves this tactic while releasing the smoke, there are also great limitations. Because the iron ride once moved, the jet opening at the tail will shine, exposing the position of the iron ride. The smoke can only block part of the light, but it can't completely cover the whereabouts of the iron ride. Even if you ignore the problem of the ray of the jet, the large mass and large things of the iron ride move in the smoke, and it will certainly raise the airflow, causing the unnatural movement of the smoke. So the possibility of Albert's iron ride moving back and forth on the same plane is minimal. The only thing it can do is to move vertically in place.

In addition, the soot itself will settle. Although extremely slow, from the beginning of the smoke to the present, this black cloud has settled to the ground for about half a yard. If Albert's iron ride moves vertically upwards, it will definitely detach from the cover of the smoke and become invisible. The only thing the tiger can do is to move vertically down!

In this case, Albert's position is almost a matter of clarity. Dragon Knight Doha smiled lightly, and pulled down the position of the iron rider's photon gun originally aimed at one yard. After recalibration, the light bomb was fired again!

Hey! ! Tens of luminaries were fired out, they were quite scattered, and the tactics of the big envelop were used to try to detect the correct position of Albert in the smoke!

But... After the light rainstorm passed, it was still silent! Those light bullets are like only hitting the air, there is no sound of feedback!

incredible! What exactly is going on? Where did the tiger take his iron ride and where did he go?

Just as the dragon knight Doha was worried about his doubts, there was already some kind of sound of breaking wind in the air. When Doha looked up, he found out -

The fist-sized hail formed by the enchanted steel ball is exploding from his head with a parabolic parabola at an angle!

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