Light Spirit Epic

Chapter 1585: The battle in the battlefield (29)

Chapter 1585 The Battle of the Battlefield (29)

When ejected from the gun, those large-diameter steel **** are actually the size of mung bean.

However, because Albert mixed the frozen rosin powder in the shot, the rosin attached the steel ball to the frozen enchantment, and the steel ball was extremely cold. Moreover, they are originally excellent condensation nuclei. When the steel **** are flying in the air, they will absorb the water vapor in the air and become bigger and bigger. Eventually, this fist-sized hail will become the dragon knight. Falling on top of your head!

And from this parabolic parabola, the tiger should initially be a gun against the sky. The steel ball shots flew vertically at a angle close to 90 degrees, and it took a long distance to fly in the sky. This is a real hailstorm!

Doha, while driving the iron ride, carefully avoided the falling hail and calculated the position of the initial fire. However, this blow was originally fired into the sky. Similar to the anti-aircraft gun attack, the projectile was even a shotgun. It is not an easy task to calculate the initial launch position of this scattered high parabolic attack.

Hey! More hail fell, and it was clear that Albert had fired a few shots in the smoke. If the storm gun blade in the tiger's hand is a light gun, it will be more convenient for the dragon knight Doha to judge the position. But Albert's hand is a live-fire gun, relying on the photon explosion inside the gun to drive the steel ball to shoot, let the steel ball in the barrel shoot out. This way of firing will produce a sound, but it will not shine (maybe only a small amount of fire). The most annoying thing is that even the light of the fire seems to be obscured by this strange smoke, and they will even reverberate in this closed battlefield, making it impossible to tell the first few guns. The location of the sound.

No, no. Maybe there are more. Dragon Knight Doha began to take a defensive after avoiding another wave of hail, and there was no more light bomb to spy on the opponent. Sure enough, if he does not shoot, his opponent will not release more steel beads.

It turned out to be the case. A drop of cold sweat appeared in Dora’s forehead. His opponent, Albert, is more embarrassed than he imagined, or who has taught the tiger the embarrassing tactics.

Tigers hiding in the smoke want to hide their position in any way, so Albert will never rush. If the dragon knight Doha fires a light bomb to spy on Albert, Albert will launch a steel ball shot at the moment Doha fires. When the steel ball is fired, the sound of the gun is much smaller than that of the black iron, and it is still single, so the sound of the shotgun is more easily covered up.

In this smog, Doha will expose his position once he shoots, and even if he shoots, he can only use a less powerful light bomb to conduct a tentative shot, and there is no way to use powerful firepower; in contrast, Elber But it can be counter-attacked completely silently and silently. At first glance, it seems to be extremely passive. In fact, it actually takes the initiative in a certain sense!

"It's really troublesome." The dragon knight saw that the smoke grew more and more throughout the battlefield. If this continues, the battlefield will be completely covered by a mist. At that time, Doha can only be more passive, and his black iron riding weapons with great firepower will become ineffective!

"I didn't want to use it in this kind of qualifier, but -" Doha pressed another button on the iron ride control panel. He is not the kind of person who will make arbitrary decisions at will, but he is not the kind of person who will hesitate because a decision is too big. As long as he feels the danger of losing, even if it is only a small possibility, Doha will decisively use the handcuffs that he hides in the morning.

His black iron ride was deformed again, and the original main gun of the nose was taken up and replaced with another "barrel" that could launch a special warhead.

"So--" Doha grabbed the joystick of the iron rider and was ready to charge. On the other hand, he also fastened his finger to the trigger of the main gun. He was about to fire: "Let us have a big fight!" "

Bang! ——The earth-shattering loud noise, instantly bursting in the battlefield!

It is a very unique means of attack. The gun barrel is not a projectile, nor a light beam. It directly connects the iron stove's power furnace, gains energy from the light explosion of the power furnace, and produces a shock wave!

In fact, this kind of shock wave is similar to the common weapon plug-in that can launch shock waves. It is a thing that has almost no lethality at close range, but its size is dozens of times larger than the ordinary plug-in shock wave, so the impact wave has a large influence range. Several times! The most important thing is that it bursts in this smog, and the impact can quickly disperse the smoke and open up the horizon for the dragon knight Doha!

"Yeah." Albert snorted and didn't expect the opponent to hide the attack. The smog that was blown away revealed the appearance of Albert's iron ride. It turned out that the tiger almost always stayed in the original position and did not move, but only slightly retreated. When the iron rider was running at a very low speed, the tail light was almost invisible, and because Albert had been facing the dragon knight with his nose, he covered most of the light at the end of the moving moment!

"It turns out." Dragon Knight Doha snorted and immediately fired. But Elbert’s iron ride quickly fell into the smoke again, leaving no traces. Doha intends to rush to pursue, but finds that there is another hailstorm falling into the sky! Albert is really not missing any chance of a sneak attack! While driving the iron ride in Doha to quickly escape the hailstorm, Albert has once again been hidden in the smoke, completely unable to track!

However, it is just such a small trick, and there is no need to care.

Dragon Knight Doha probably counted the direction that Albert could escape, aimed at the thick smoke, and fired another shot.

Touch it! A powerful kinetic energy gun hits the shock wave, and the shock wave blows away the smoke! However, Albert did not hide in the place where the dragon knight Doha thought that Albert would hide, and the air that was blown out was an empty space.

Then there was another hail rain, and Doha had to move the iron ride to dodge. This is like a turn-based game. Albert has completely adopted the strategy of not moving, and the enemy is moving. It consumes not only the ammunition of the dragon knight Doha, but also the consumption of Doha. patience!

The opponent's intention is very obvious, but the dragon knight Doha is also a veteran who has experienced a hundred battles and has more than a decade of driving experience. He has not been challenged, but just calmly looked down at the fuel tank of his iron ride.

There is still half of the fuel left. It is completely enough. There is no time limit for this competition, which means that the game can start from 2 o'clock this afternoon and last until the evening, or even longer. Doha's black iron ride is highly modified. The customized ultra-high-reserve fuel tank, even if only half of the fuel is left, is enough for the Dragon Knight Doha to drive the iron ride at full speed for a whole night.

[Mobile] requires very little energy, and the big fuel consumers are the weapon systems, especially the main guns of the iron ride. But in order to temporarily disperse the smoke, Doha had to use the main gun. ——

That is to say, Doha had to use the main gun carefully to disperse the smoke, and could not fire it. It’s really troublesome. But from the current situation that Albert has been relying on smoke to hide from Doha, it can be seen that the battle is still the absolute power of the dragon knight Doha. As long as he can guess where the tiger is hiding, Doha has the means to dispel the smoke, and then use heavy fire to suppress the opponent. Regardless of how serious the damage is, the iron rider has an absolute advantage in the battle against the people. In other words, as long as Doha hits Albert's iron ride, he is almost equivalent to winning the game.

The smoke has covered the entire battlefield, and it is not known how big the stock of smoke is, and perhaps it can become denser. Dragon Knight Doha frowned slightly. In this thick fog, I don't know what new tricks the tiger will come up with, and then dragging it down will only have a long night dream. It is still dominated by the offensive, and it is wonderful to take the initiative. Anyway, there is still a lot of energy left, so go to the attack when you attack.

With absolute confidence in his driving skills and reaction speed, Dragon Knight Doha gave up the game of playing hide-and-seek with Albert, but rushed directly into the most densely populated place and opened fire! According to the truth, if the source of the smoke is and has always been the iron ride of Albert, then the most dense place to save the iron ride is also the biggest.

Hey! ! Once again, the powerful kinetic energy shock wave dispels the smoke, letting the dragon knight Doha think that the smoky area most likely to hide the enemy is immediately emptied!

But Dragon Knight Doha guessed it wrong again! There is nothing there!

No, there is still something! A jar! A jar that floats in the air and releases a smoke screen!

Sure enough, it’s still a trap! Knowing that his position was exposed, Doha was alert at once and took out the super large photon saber from the dragon ride. The light of the saber would have exposed his position. It is the best policy to use it in this smog, but Doha is afraid of being close to the opponent and can only prepare for it!

Hey! ! The dragon knight can hear the sound of the wind, it is an attack that falls from the top of his head! Did you sneak attack from above?

No, no! It’s ice and rain! Doha immediately drove his iron ride to dodge, but fortunately, he was hiding fast, and he was almost hit by several big hail! The tiger just took advantage of the moment when Doha used the kinetic energy cannon, and attacked it with the steel ball attached to the magic! Really will seize the opportunity!

But is it just a hailstorm? Dragon Knight Doha just flashed all the hail, and immediately shocked, there are other bigger objects in the sky, which is exactly what Albert is driving at the full speed of the iron ride!

"The game is over." Dragon Knight Doha aimed at the falling iron rider and waved the photon saber.

"Really, it's over." Albert suddenly appeared, standing on the tail of Doha's iron ride, and the storm blade in his hand went straight to Doha's back!

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