Light Spirit Epic

Chapter 1588: The battle in the battlefield (32)

Chapter 1588 The Battle of the Battlefield (32)

Albert's sword fell, and the black moon steel scimitar in his hand was also attached to the lightning enchantment, like a golden thunder like a black iron riding giant's cockpit!

Luna Steel's machete has a huge lethality. Normally, even a very strong protective cover can't stop the attack of such a powerful melee weapon!


"Call." Dragon Knight Doha smiled awkwardly and pulled the trigger. At that moment, Albert suddenly yelled in his heart!

lb! ! - A powerful kinetic shock wave bursts in front of Albert's chest and flies the tiger out!

Doha just used the beam gun of the iron rider as the main gun, but he knows how to adapt to the situation. When the shield of the iron ride is covered by the hail and the field of view is blocked, the main gun is switched from the beam gun mode to the kinetic energy gun. The mode is gone. It is a powerful power cannon used for the ship that is used to expel opponents. Although it is only a shock wave, it can also blow the opponent's iron ride! It is even more powerful when used in people! Albert, who was shot by powerful kinetic energy, only felt that the internal organs were shattered. The pain spread from the chest to the whole, accompanied by the pain of the internal and external viscera tearing!

"Hey!-" He slammed heavily on the floor, vomiting blood with a big mouth. Oops, he was really concealed this time. I didn't expect Doha to have it! The tiger's internal injuries are very heavy. Albert only feels that his body's slight movement will hurt his heart and lungs, and there is even the danger of letting the viscera continue to tear!

"Oh ah ah ah...!" He struggled, struggled, but could not climb. This time it was really bad. I didn't expect him to be so easily killed by his opponent!

"It's almost over." Dragon Knight Doha controls the iron ride, and slowly walks over, as if he had expected that Albert could not stand up again.

"Surrender, I think you should now clearly understand the gap between us and know that there is no point in struggling, right?" Dragon Knight Doha manipulated the Iron Giant and raised the super giant photon saber. If Albert refuses to surrender, the photon saber is expected to collapse. Even if he doesn't directly kill Albert, he will find a way to seriously damage the tiger and let Albert, who has lost his ability, lose the game.

Albert sighed in a low voice and opened his mouth to talk.

If you surrender, it may be easier.

Anyway, Albert never came to the real purpose of this roundtable trial. He just came to take the exam with Bediville, and he said that he was just running around.


At that moment, the tiger’s mind suddenly rang through the words of countless people.

"I just don't want to see everyone seeing you as a fool." A wolf sighed so low.

(So, what do I think of people, what is the relationship with you?)

"Can't you cheer up? If you have been a loser, I will start to be ashamed of you." The tall figure in the dark said that when he said this, he still had his back to the state of Albert. .

(So, I am not uplifting, want you to manage it?!)

"Waste." Countless voices began to sound.

"Useless guy." One is more than one harsh.


"You are such a sad idiot." They are prejudiced.

"So, you kid can't stand it." They didn't understand.

(Noisy! Noisy! Noisy!)

"Why do people like you still stay here and don't leave?" They only degraded him for beliving him.

"It is clear that it depends on the relationship. At least it should come up with some results." They did not have any expectations for him from the beginning.

(To shut up!!--)

"Little devil, do you still want to be a defeated dog for a lifetime?"

At that time, it was the adult who appeared in front of the tiger boy.

Warcraft Hunter, Castro.

At the time, Castro was not the vice president of the Hunter Organization, just a hunter. However, the man took a fancy to the tiger boy who was defeated at the time and was identified as a waste. He trained Albert. The then-fighting tiger-like boy was trained as a make-up. Until the end, Albert became little known and no longer looked flat, becoming a qualified Warcraft hunter.

However, the world is very big, and there are still many powerful guys. Just hiding in the twilight region to hunt for Warcraft is not enough to make Albert more powerful. In this round-table trial on the stage of [world], Albert was repeatedly knocked over to the ground again and again, and was flattened again and again. The situation has not changed at all, just like it was then. The situation has not changed at all, it is as desperate as the original.

Anyway, he is the underground mud, the foolish goods that can't help the wall. Even if only a small number of people agree with him, most people do not regard him as one thing.


There was some strange voice, and at this time, it was mixed into Albert's mind.

"I hope you can say it, otherwise - I will hate you forever," the child said.

I have already made an appointment with the child and will win the game together. Whether it is a game of ball or a confrontation here, all the victories must be included in the bag.

"Even if others don't believe it, I will still believe it." The child looks almost exactly the same, and the other child says, "Because I know how hard you work."


(Not more and less problems.)

(Because there are still people in the world who are willing to believe, so there is a sense of going on.)

"So--" From the deep-seated meditation, Albert returned: "It seems that I have to keep working hard."

lb! ! Suddenly he raised his hand and endured the pain of his body and fired a shot at the cockpit.

Hail... No, pure ice fog, sprinkled on the cockpit of Dragon Knight Doha. It is a simple frozen turpentine that shatters like dust in the excitement of the shots, but when it first releases its magic, it turns into cold particles, allowing the surrounding air to freeze completely!

"Wh--" In this distance, the dragon knight Doha has no time to dodge, at most only the fire hood can be opened to protect the cockpit. The protective cover did not block the ice fog of the large units, but the ice cold still eroded the main gun of the iron rider giant, letting the powerful main gun that can simultaneously launch the shock wave and the beam gun, failed!

"I still want to struggle in the end!" The dragon knight under the wrath of Doha controls the iron ride to lift the photon saber, and it is a thorn towards the ground!

tie! The photon saber pierced the rock on the ground without any difficulty, but did not hit the flesh and blood. This sting is empty! At the moment of the shooting, Albert used all his power to roll over and roll away from the place!

At this time, the ice fog was still in the vicinity of Doha's cockpit, and it took about a second to completely dissipate. After the ice fog dissipated, the dragon knight Doha looked around for the trace of Albert, but he could not see the tiger at all.

Did he hide? When did this happen? ! The injury is so heavy, but can you hide silently in such a short time, and run beyond the perspective of the dragon knight Doha? !

Although unbelievable, this should be the truth - at least Doha thinks so. Dragon Knight Doha does not understand the essence of Albert's [Shen Yin]. Like most people, he only thinks that Albert's move is a move that moves at a very high speed.

Since there is no tiger in Doha's current vision, and this battlefield is flat and open, it stands at a glance, which means that Albert has been behind Doha. !

In order to prevent further attacks by the tiger, Dragon Knight Doha quickly controlled the Iron Giant to turn around and search for Albert's trail.

What he saw was still an empty battlefield.

Albert did not hide behind him, nor did he appear in front of him. Where did the tiger go, suddenly it became a mystery!

"Hey--" Albert, who has been suffocating and launching [Shen Yin], has not escaped far.

He was in the same place, next to the ground pierced by the photon army knife, less than a yard.

He barely moved, just to avoid the stab of the saber, and turned over from the side. Then, he knew that he would no longer have to deal with the attack that Doha took over, and he would definitely lose again in the battle. So he did not hesitate to take out his own handcuffs, [Shen Yin].

Albert was "invisible" in place. And Shenyin is also decisively different from ordinary stealth spells. It is not just to make Albert's form disappear or invisible, it actually makes Albert's [present (Kama) )] A technique that has temporarily disappeared from this world is something like [miracle].

So at this moment, the dragon knight, Doha, no matter how strong his insight, no matter how sensitive he feels, he can never detect Albert, who can't move there. He thought that Albert's heavily injured body ran away at a very high speed, but never imagined that Albert had been staying in place for the first time!

And when Doha stunnedly controlled the Iron Giant to turn around and search for Albert, but fell into a stunned moment because he didn't find anything, Albert also reluctantly raised his storm.

His hand was shaking and his body was almost sore.

He was so hard, exhausted all available methods, and finally came to this step. However, the effect of [Shen Yin] can't last long. If Doha turns around again at this moment, it is estimated that he will immediately find Albert, who can't move there, and let it end.

However, Albert still took a little head at this moment, and his gun blade was also easy to point to a small gap in the power furnace exposed by the steel giant's back. This is absolutely not allowed to be lost, it is true, the last time to attack!

If you hit it, you can abolish the iron rider of Dragon Knight Doha. But if it fails, Albert will not only reveal his position, but will use up the remaining strength and can't continue to go round with that huge steel monster. However, can Albert's shooting technique really be able to hit with the scattering method of the shotgun? !

Can the steel ball that flew out of the sky really just drill into the small slit and destroy the backup power furnace of the iron ride? ! ——

Uneasyness and fear instantly caught the hearts of the tiger youth.

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