Light Spirit Epic

Chapter 1589: The battle in the battlefield (33)

Chapter 1589 The Battle of the Battlefield (33)

(very scary!)

Albert was shaking with the hand of the storm blade.

(can't fail!)

(But, terrible!)

The fingers seem to be stiff.

(The more you understand that you can't fail, the more you feel terrible!)

Albert, who had already trembled with pain all over the body, had a more trembling hand.

(No, it’s so uncomfortable.)

(I want to vomit.)

The turpent that can increase the power of artillery has been used up. The number of shots is quite a lot, but they are weak and it is impossible to penetrate the armor shell of the iron ride.

(Why do I have to do this!)

(Maybe put the gun down and honestly cast it down, it will all end -)

(——I didn’t have a reason to be desperate for this kind of thing!)

Realizing what seems to be behind him, Dragon Knight Doha began to turn around!

A thousand miles!

However, the more the millennium, the more the scene of Albert's eyes emerged.

It was the look of Albert before the cat man, Mute, was sent to the medical cabin.

That was the first time Mutter had voted for Albert, an absolutely trusting look.

(If it fails here -)

(If it fails here -)

(I always feel that even that look can't be guarded!)

boom! ——

The tiger youth buckled the trigger.

The large-diameter steel **** that flew out were scattered, and they were scattered in a cone and flew around.

However, this is not a novel, not a drama, not a fantasy of Albert. How can there be such a lucky thing in the world, let the tiger break the opponent's power furnace with a shot!

The steel **** that flew out were scattered everywhere and fell on the backs of the iron riders, but they did not fall into the gap of the power furnace!

Brushing la la la la la! - Like heavy steel raindrops, the sound of the shots hitting the iron armor is particularly loud, causing the attention of the dragon knight Doha.

"Found you." Doha returned from the driver's seat to the back of the driver's seat and saw Albert in the cold gun: "I was really scared by me. You are hiding in this place!"

He twisted the joystick and was about to turn the Iron Giant to turn around and continue to smash his opponent!

Albert was blurry in front of him. The body is sore, the internal organs are all in the river. The hand can hardly lift, and he has almost no way to do it. Maybe this is the end of the game. Maybe no matter how hard it is, if he is not strong enough, he can still leave the game with defeat.

No, no!

boom! !

Although his eyes are no longer visible, Albert is still stubborn, using his last bit of force to shoot.

boom! ! boom! ! boom! ! boom! ! boom! ! boom! ! boom! ! ——

Continuous crazy shots. Large-caliber steel ball shots are thrown to the opponent like a storm, jumping wildly between iron and fire, dancing, and spinning back! The density of the steel ball shots is so great that the power is so low that they can no longer make a half scratch on the iron ride of Doha, just constantly hit the iron armor surface of the iron ride, then Being bounced, repeating almost meaningless behavior again and again!

When seeing Albert blindly blindly, but nothing can change, the dragon knight Doha could not help but frown.

Weak and weak people are not uncommon in this world.

So weak and weak, but die and do not admit defeat, and continue to struggle to the last breath, but very few.

He saw the tiger there with his last bit of strength to shoot, struggle, struggle, struggle, but nothing to do, the dragon knight Doha, in addition to feeling ridiculous, also felt a little sad.

But the test is always a test, after all, it is still necessary to win the game. Doha minimized the output of the Iron Knight's Light Saber, turning it into a long, photon javelin that was as thick as a finger, and hitting Albert's arm with a single blow. Arm.

boom! ! boom! ! boom! ! boom! ! boom! ! boom! ! boom! ! ——

The gunshots did not stop. The arm was pierced, and Albert should feel the pain of the heartbreaking lungs. However, he held the arm high, continued to move his fingers, pulled the trigger, and fired a shot.

It’s really stubborn and unreasonable.

"Since you decide to fight back, don't blame me." Dragon Knight Doha pushed the joystick and just wanted to move the iron giant's arm. In this state, the Iron Giants only need to gently move their arms, and they can cut off the entire arm of Albert, who is still shooting, and end the game. Everything should be done in this way, however -


Muffled, coming from the inside of the iron ride.

"What?!" Doha couldn't help but be surprised - the iron riding giant's arm was caught by something.

What caught the giant's arm was nothing else, it was the large-caliber steel ball that Elbert fired.

Although insignificant, in Albert's repeated use of the storm gun blade, after the release of the frozen steel ball bomb, each time a little frozen rosin adhered to the gun's internal manifold.

Although it is insignificant, Albert's (unenchanted) steel **** that have been shot out in a row have been slightly smeared with some frozen rosin powder before they leave.

Although insignificant, these scattered steel **** occasionally fall on the joints of the iron rider, hindering the smooth running of the iron rider's joints.

Although it is insignificant, it is subtle, and this accumulated steel ball eventually kills the iron joint's arm joints!

Albert is not lucky.

Or, the tiger has not been particularly lucky in this life.

However, he did not rely on his own luck.

If a shotgun can't destroy the iron stove's power stove, then two, three, ten, one hundred! If a hundred shots still can't destroy the power of the iron ride, then aim at other places to shoot and destroy the joints of the iron ride! Anyway, the ultimate goal is to make the opponent's steel giant unable to act. In order to achieve this goal, any means can be used!

This is not a victory achieved by luck, it is simply a goal achieved by stubbornness.

If the **** of luck has shook his head and sighed at him, and cites the sign that the road is unreasonable, then use the will to forcibly twist the neck of the lucky god, and use stubbornness to forcibly twist the fate!

Doha was surprised to find that his iron arm could not move, and realized that the shot was still dangerous. In order to avoid continuing to be hit by the shots, he just twisted the joystick, hoping to let the iron ride to avoid, but it was too late.

This time it was Iron's right knee joint that was faulty. Several sticky steel **** ran into the transmission wheel inside the joint, blocking the hydraulic transmission! The iron ride that should have turned around because of the fact that only one leg can move smoothly, immediately lost balance, fell to the ground, and the cockpit fell to the ground!

"Hey--" Dragon Knight Doha crashed and jumped out of the cockpit. Bang! The iron rider slammed into the ground and made a very heavy and heavy sound! Fortunately, Doha's reaction is fast enough to judge fast enough, otherwise he will be pressed into the cockpit by the weight of the iron rider, and can't be separated from it!

Hey! - Albert still holds his arm, which is almost broken into two, and fires a gun. He had a big hole in his arm, his arm bones were cracked, and his nerves were still able to control his fingers to pull the trigger, which was a miracle.

But Albert's eyes don't seem to be visible. He could probably hear the sound of the Iron Giant's fall, but he didn't stop, and continued to be blind there. He didn't know that the dragon knight, Doha, who jumped out of the cockpit of the Iron Rider, was approaching him step by step.

In Doha, the light sword was slowly approached, and his footsteps were subtly hidden in the buzzing sound of each of the storm gun blades.

Although his iron ride was broken by Albert, the dragon knight Doha did not intend to lose the game.

Although Albert's current appearance is deeply sympathetic, Doha does not intend to let the opponent win.

He is like the most deadly assassin, quietly approaching, intending to pierce Albert's chest with a sword, so that the tiger completely loses the strength of resistance. He already knew how stubborn Albert was, so he knew that without this extreme means, the tiger could not stop fighting.

One step, two steps, three steps, five steps. He was only three yards away from Albert, and he was seriously injured and fell to the ground. He was almost unaware of the youth of the tiger. Doha's white-knife battle melee ability is not strong. If there is no iron rider's protection, he will not necessarily win the badly injured Albert, so even if Albert is lying on the ground, Doha decides to take this. The way is quietly close, trying to beat the opponent in one fell swoop.

So now there is an extremely weird and rare situation on this battlefield: on the one hand, Albert, who is seriously injured and fell to the ground almost on the edge of death, continues to use his last stubborn stubbornness; on the other hand, It is close to the battle, not dare to attack, but also wants to quietly hit the opponent's dragon knight Doha.

But this situation is still very powerful for the Dragon Knight Doha. Albert can't open his eyes, he can only lie on the ground, at best it's just a struggle; and Doha, he can still move freely, and he can choose the timing of his shot.

No, wait a minute.

I don't know if it is tired, or I noticed that the crisis is approaching, and Albert suddenly stopped shooting. He may have seen a shadow between the cockroaches, so he is on guard.

But in fact, the "alert" is limited to using another good hand and grasping the black moon steel scimitar. If he is seriously injured, can he wave this machete again, it is still unknown.

Dragon Knight Doha is also only one yard away from the tiger, raising the sword.

Although the offensive from this distance is still slightly reluctant, Doha is still a sword, stabbing Albert's abdomen!

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