Light Spirit Epic

Chapter 1592: The battle in the battlefield (36)

Chapter 1592 The Battle of the Battlefield (36)

Yes, from the current situation, Albert is indeed far worse than the opponent in every aspect, and is in an absolute disadvantage.

But the tiger youth did not care. Or, to say, in this state, he simply did not care about the tolerance, only to see the move, take one step and count!

Didn't wait for Albert to be mentally prepared, the dragon knight Doha had already flew to the side of the tiger's body, and stabbed it out!

Hey! Albert slammed the storm gun blade and barely put down the three consecutive swords. He should have slammed his opponent's set of hard-hitting counter-attacks, but the dragon's steel wings on Doha's back slap, and the jet of air sprayed Albert's face, and Doha instantly smashed to ten yards. In addition to the safe range, even Albert's shotguns may not be able to match!

The mobility of the steel wings is too exaggerated. Albert is not too late. Moreover, is that thing controlled by brain waves? The tiger clearly did not see too much action with any manipulator to manipulate the wings, and the steel wings moved themselves.

However, Albert also saw that Doha's flight movements were blunt. Just now, Doha should not have planned to fly so far away, but the wings flew out with the dragon knight for ten yards. When the stop came, the dragon knight even shook his body. If you haven't guessed it, Dragon Knight Doha has only recently started using this [Beat Knight System], so he has not been fully skilled in the operation of this system.

Dragon Knight Doha's wings are not yet skilled; and Albert, who had wings seven years ago, can be said to be more skilled.

There was a drop of sweat in the tiger's forehead, and now he still hurts and burns and is not sober, and some of his thoughts are gradually becoming clearer.

Wings are the key to winning the game.

The severe pain of the internal organs is weakened, and the burning sensation of the whole body is intensified. Albert's body seems to have gradually improved. The strength of the undead lake is stronger than he imagined, and the lake that is absorbed from the wound on the palm is so useful.

Now he is not convenient to attack, he should keep the defensive, and his physical condition will continue to improve. But can he wait that long?

Dragon Knight Doha once again attacked, this attack is as fast as a hunting hunter, his whole person into a gray-black shadow across the left side of Albert's body!

Boom! The tiger started the block a bit awkwardly, the block was blocked, and the wings were cut out, and Albert had burns on his shoulder. And Doha broke off at a high speed after hitting it, and it was ten yards away!

The tiger's forehead once again showed cold sweat. The mouth on the wings should be cut by the lightsaber, and the burns on the shoulders are the scourge of the hot air from the dragon's wings. The steel wings themselves are also sharp like blades, and with the ability to eject hot gases from the edges of the steel plates, it has to be said that it is also a threat!

"Oh?" Dragon Knight Doha saw that Albert's white feather wings were quickly regenerated after only a few seconds of separation.

Yes, Albert's wings are not counted as part of his body. Even if he is damaged, his body will not feel pain, and the wings can be regenerated continuously, and the regeneration speed is quite fast. This pair of wings was originally one of the necessary conditions for [Moon CD] launching. Numerous nano-scale miniature figurines were scattered from the feather gaps of the wings. Of course, this move has been sealed and Albert is currently unavailable.

There is one that is related to this wing and that is currently available.

Dragon Knight Doha sees Albert's state seems to be getting better. He knows that the tiger must have used some kind of healing medicine, so he didn't intend to continue to give Albert a chance to breathe. He just adjusted himself and attacked again. Come. The lightsaber was swept to Albert's chest at high speed, as fast as a green lightning.

auzw.com嚯! The tiger flapped the white feathers to help them dodge and flashed off from one side. Doha’s attack failed to hit, but it was swept away from the tiger’s side. Once again, the heat wave burned Albert's wings and burned the right side from some feathers! Although it did not cause much damage, Doha quickly turned around, quickly slammed the ground below with his feet to turn, and stabbed a sword at Albert's lower abdomen!

crotch! The tiger had to use the storm gun blade to block it this time, but it seemed awkward. Because one side of the wing was slightly burned out, his body lost its proper balance!

tread! So the dragon knight Doha once again stepped on the ground with his foot and made a second sharp turn. Doha, who just turned back, immediately draw three swords, pointing to the tiger's throat, chest, right shoulder! Albert, who had lost his balance, was even more difficult to block. He barely used the storm gun blade to block the attack on the neck and tear the chest, but in any case he couldn’t prevent it in time. Fallen attack! If the arm is smashed down, the problem is serious! The lightsaber is only five inches away from his arm, but the tiger instantly shrinks his body! ——

Draw! Instead of Albert's arm, the tiger's white wings were cut down most of the time! This is also the only way he can think of self-protection in his urgency: use the feather wings to force the attack!

Yes, Albert's wings also have its extra usage, which is defense! Because the toughness of the wings itself is extremely high, it is more than enough to stop all kinds of deadly attacks! Even if the wings are damaged, Albert's wings can be regenerated quickly. It is a "allowable loss"!

Despite this, the impact of this attack is unusual. Albert was affected by the impact of the lightsaber splitting his wings. The whole man flew out and rolled on the ground for dozens of laps! In order to avoid himself from hurting, he also used a good wing and another wing that was cut off most of the time to cushion, so that he would have injured the internal organs of the body from the uneven rock on the ground!

But Doha is obviously not satisfied with the record of cutting the wings, because Albert's wings can be quickly regenerated, it is useless to cut it! The dragon knight smashed the tiger while rolling on the ground. The tiger rolled on the ground, and he flew in the air about five yards from the ground! The momentum of Albert’s roll out has just slowed down, and Doha has stabbed three swords in succession!

Dangdang! Albert hits the storm with a violent gun blade, and he still picks up while rolling, almost breaking his arm because of the improper movement of his arms. At the end of such a strenuous defense, Doha took another dead chess, using all the steel feathers on the right side of his steel wings, stabbing Albert on the ground!

Those steel spikes are like swords and have a good sharpness! And they also brought high heat because of the continuous high-speed jet! This row of rows is like a sharp sword. The sharp feathers are terrible. If they are stabbed, they will not be said to be fleshy. It is estimated that even the bones will be split!

That's right, if Albert's white feather wings are an auxiliary tool that combines both power and defense, then Dragon Knight's steel wings are an auxiliary tool that combines both power and attack, and mechanical attacks. Of course, the force is far above the flesh! After this stabbing, it is estimated that Albert will not block all the other wings that have not been damaged!

Zazazazazaza! However, Albert still used his wings to force block. The sharp feathers of the steel wings easily pierced the feathers and let the white feathers fly everywhere! The red blood spots are stained on it and splashed farther!

Doha looked at it and looked forward to the large feathers of the steel wings running through Albert's body, at least destroying one of the tiger's arms.

However, it is counterproductive, and the sharp feathers stuck in and stuck! Albert's wings have intricate feather structures, so that when the wings and the wings are interlaced, they will still get the steel wings stuck! Although Doha's wings are full of heat, you can burn the tiger's wings, but it takes time, and the impact of the initial blow is offset!

However, Doha did not give up immediately, but instead thought about it in an instant, looking for ways to continue to create more damage to his opponent. He immediately got the answer, flapping his other steel wing and turning around 360 degrees, with the iron wings and white feathers stuck as an opportunity to use the powerful centrifugal force to bring Albert to the whole Throw it out! !

"Hey!" The tiger flew out ten yards and fell heavily on the ground, rolling on the ground again! His two wings were damaged in the battle, he had not had time to regenerate, and there was no way to fly, so the impact he suffered when landing was almost all on his body, that is, using the remaining residual wing to offset a little The impact has also suffered a lot of damage!

Albert has not had time to gasp, Doha has already leapt, the strength of the whole body plus the acceleration of the wings, the high light sword slammed down! The one that focused on the strength of the whole body is sure to be won, and I plan to put Albert on the whole person! !

However, Albert showed a smile in the moment of almost desperate suffocation. In the midair, I saw this smiling dragon knight, Doha, has a bad feeling!

Dangdang! ! The two swords sang, and Albert's weapon and Doha's weapon slammed together. The impact was completely absorbed by Albert. The rocky ground was instantly cracked around the back of Albert, collapsed and collapsed into a A large hole with a diameter of 20 yards!


No, not two swords, but three swords! Albert didn't know when he started his black moon steel scimitar. He used a machete and a violent gun blade to form a cross, and he tried his best to block the end of the opponent's strength!

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