Light Spirit Epic

Chapter 1593: The battle in the battlefield (37)

Chapter 1593 The Battle of the Battlefield (37)

Even this kind of attack is blocked! Dragon Knight Doha has a cold in his heart.

When did the tiger get back the scimitar?

It turned out to be the case. Doha knows it in an instant. Elbert was inducing Doha, letting the dragon knight take him out of the scimitar. Although Albert, who was thrown out, also suffered a lot of damage, he took the opportunity to recycle his weapon! Originally, Doha's attack was blocked by a storm gun, and Albert also broke his arm and lost his resistance!

However, with the help of two weapons with both hands, Albert forced to block Doha's full blow!

No, or because of the characteristics of the black "glass" machete! Dragon Knight Doha has watched this wonderful "glass" weapon used by the group of Alberts from the previous combat video. I know that these weapons are hidden far from the iron and hard. Beyond the singularity of physics common sense! From the point of this next block, it is the strange characteristics of this scimitar that saved the tiger a life!

But now it doesn't matter. The main point is that Doha hit the epee but was blocked. His reaction was shocked by the light sword! The situation is very bad for him. If he is not good, he will be caught by the opponent to overcome this moment of counter-attack!

The nature of a person will be revealed in this most critical moment. The aggressive and aggressive people will try to resolve this nine-death life situation. However, the dragon knight Doha chose a completely different coping style. He took a steel wing and made a quick counter with the ejector on his wings. Advance, let yourself quickly get away from your opponent! ——

It was this action of full defense that finally dictated the situation of Doha defeat!

The moment when Albert blocked the next shot, he was also paralyzed by his hands, and cracks appeared on his arm bones and shoulder blades. It can be said that his situation is not much better than the dragon knight Doha. But in this critical moment, he made the opposite of the dragon knight Doha. He raised the storm blade without thinking, and opened fire!

No, he didn't use his gun to aim at his opponent to fire. He did more and more directly. He also kept the original two arms crossed, using his right hand storm blade to shoot the left hand of the Luna steel scimitar!

The large-diameter steel ball shot from the muzzle of the storm gun blade, and then hit the strange black translucent knife on the Luna steel scimitar. The characteristics of Yueshen Steel began to work, and the steel ball was immediately attached with amazing kinetic energy, so that the steel **** sputtered at a certain angle were shot at a speed close to the speed of sound!

The particles are extremely small and the speed is fast. This type of steel ball can be described as fatal in people, and it can easily cause great damage through the human body. It is not difficult to penetrate the steel. They are sprinkling on the ultra-high speed and oversized fan-shaped shooting range to the dragon knight Doha, which is rapidly retreating, and it is surrounded by Doha from every direction!

Doha is not a blind man, he can see how terrible this attack is. He can hardly believe that Albert will suddenly make such an attack, because if Doha is not hiding and being killed by a steel ball, the tiger will lose the qualification!

In other words, the stupid tiger did not think much. This blow is entirely based on intuition, just like an accident caused by a gunfire!

Accidental accident, Dragon Knight Doha still have to deal with this kind of attack, can not watch yourself being shot by a steel ball headshot! The speed of his retreat could not keep up with the speed of the steel ball launching. It seems that even if he continues to retreat, he will be caught up immediately! In order to save lives, you can only do this -

He is a backflip and at the same time curls up as much as possible and protects himself with his own steel wings! He swiftly swung in midair, and the airflow ejected from the steel wing reached its peak! This airflow is like a circular vortex, with the rotation of the dragon knight Doha producing a strong air wall. Doha is planning to use this one stroke, hoping that the airflow can offset the attack of the shotgun - at least offset part of it!

Hey! ! The storm of the steel ball bursts around and makes a loud sound like a thousand thunder and lightning flashes, which is particularly harsh.

This wave of steel ball storm has finally passed, and the dragon knight Doha has also stagnated in the high-speed rotation in the air. He opened the steel wings and landed on the ground.

Motivate and nourish! ——The wings of the pair of steels have produced amazing white smoke, which is obviously beyond the load and is on the verge of failure! The steel plates that make up the wings are also damaged by the scattered steel balls. Some of them are unnaturally twisted, and the end of the steel plate can no longer eject the airflow!

On the other hand, Albert also slowly got up. The wings that had been cut off on his back had been regenerated, and they were as white as they were at the beginning!

That's right, the wings of Albert and the wings of the dragon knight Doha have a decisive difference. The tiger's wings are a biochemical component that can be regenerated and there are no problems with how many times it breaks. The Dragon Knight Doha's [Feather Knight System] is a machine, only one chance of damage, broken or broken.

Although the dragon wing of Doha's steel wing is not completely broken, some damage is still there, and each part of the damage will affect the performance of the wing, so that it continues to deteriorate. This is also the decisive difference between machinery and biology -

The battle situation was suddenly changed.

Albert moved his arm that had broken his arm. Fortunately, the pain does not affect the battle, he can hold it again, this is enough. He grinned the dragon rider Doha and sneered: "I declare: in the next blow, we will separate the outcome of the battle. And it must be me to win."

"Call, a big tone." Doha smiled in disapproval and looked at the injured Albert: "Why are you so convinced?"

"Because I saw it." Albert squinted slightly: "In the next five rounds, take every move you will die."

I heard that Albert said that the dragon's forehead in Doha's forehead could not help but stand out. But the face of the young black-haired youth is still calm and consistently elegant. He took the second lightsaber from his waist and held it in the assistant's hand. It’s not his usual style to fight with his opponent. However, since Albert has plans to block everything in the next strike, then the courtesy of Dragon Knight, Dora, may not be prepared.

The two of them only lasted for half a second, and the two fluttered their wings and rushed to the opponent at full speed!

Draw! Doha first attacked, the lightsaber swept across Albert's chest. The tiger lifted the sword in an instant!

Draw again! Dragon Knight Doha's other lightsaber smashed to the tiger's head! Albert slanted up the black moon steel scimitar and parried the attack!

Poke stamp! Doha took back the right-handed lightsaber and stabbed three swords in the tiger's abdomen! Albert twisted a few waists and almost escaped. The lightsaber only left a few traces of burning on the tiger's belly!

Plan again! The other lightsaber cut two times in a row and attacked Albert's right shoulder from different angles! The tiger tilted his shoulders and rolled out the first one perfectly, but the second one was cut down, leaving a scar on the upper right side of the shoulder!

However, the dragon attacker Doha's continuous attack also came to this, and Albert's opponent raised his arm and revealed the flaw, while the storm gun blade slanted out!

(first step chess!) -

Boom! The tip of the gun blade was swept under Doha's left armpit, just in the middle of a steel plate with a broken steel plate on Doha's back! --boom! The steel plate was originally in a semi-bad state, and then it was completely destroyed by this poke, and a small explosion occurred!

(Second move!)

Influenced by the explosion on the back, Doha's body involuntarily leaned toward the right shoulder! And Albert seems to be able to determine this situation, and immediately lifted the Luna steel bending knife to smash it! But Doha wouldn't stand up and beat him. He also stabbed a sword and just collided with Albert's scimitar!

Useless! The sword collision can't make Doha recover the disadvantage. It is not stable enough to fight with the opponent, it will only make the dragon knight's body further unbalanced! The reactionary missile passed by the lightsaber has to lean back, and the dragon knight Doha intends to use the other side of the wings to restore the balance of the body! I didn't expect Albert to drill to the side of Doha's moving wings. The sword is a glimpse!

(third move!)

If the Wing of Steel is destroyed by Albert in this way, the situation is not good! In order to keep the wings on the right, Doha turned sharply and the backhand was another sword! The lightsaber fell vertically, and it was originally intended to force Albert to say it again!

But the tiger has no intention of retreating, even if the lightsaber that fell from his head is not afraid! He used his own wings to forcibly slant one, letting the lightsaber unload from the right side, slashing his large half of the wings, but did not hurt the body of the tiger. At the same time, Albert's Luna steel scimitar has been cut from the bottom up, jingle as a jingle, and continuously smashed the right wing of Doha's steel wing, about ten steel plate feathers!

(fourth move!)

The moment the steel plate was destroyed, it exploded. The explosion was continuous because of its scale. The blast that it caused immediately reversed the direction of rotation of the dragon knight Doha, which was originally spinning in the air, and reversed it! Doha can hear the continuous sound of karaoke, which should be the sorrow of his spine when he is subjected to great torque! However, his bones are well-prepared and well-trained, and the ligament muscles of the waist and abdomen are very sufficient, so that he will not be twisted and broken by this change! While he resisted the pain and hardened, the other hand's lightsaber sneaked into Albert's abdomen!

"It's just a kidney, give it to you!" The tiger didn't plan to dodge because he was nearing his opponent!

(The fifth step! The last step!!)

Doha's lightsaber runs through Albert's right abdomen, and the tigers also have two swords, and attack the opponent's steel wings!

In the midair, Doha has no way to dodge, and the wings are flying by Albert! !

Bang! ! - The steel wing that was cut off immediately exploded, and two strong waves were picked up in the air!

General (checkmate)! - Albert used the head to smash the dragon knight Doha!

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