Light Spirit Epic

Chapter 1599: Change to the battle (4)

Chapter 1599 is transformed into a battle (4)

White Dragon Elaine got up from the ground and trembled. There was a big sweaty bean in his forehead. This sweat came from the pain in his leg, and it was also caused by his nervousness.

Elaine's broken leg has been successfully connected, at least the bones have been regenerated, and some of the internal muscles and nerves are also connected, only the outer meat and skin (scale). The moment when the broken leg was connected changed from the bear leg of the white bear to the dragon leg of the white dragon. This wonderful transformation process was amazed by the opposing strategist Lawrence.

The Bailong people moved their legs and feet. Although it still has severe pain and a little instability, it is still possible to use this broken leg in the regeneration to support the running. He just needs to use it in his next plan.

"So, let's continue fighting?" Seeing Elaine take action, Lawrence opposite also raised his weapon.

Elaine didn't take care of his opponent. Anyway, he was stupid and didn't need to talk more in battle. The White Dragon man spread his wings and suddenly slammed back and rushed to Lawrence at high speed.

"Call--" Lawrence sneered, and with a wave of hands, he directed a large number of photon thin blades to attack the White Dragon from both sides.

Useless! Elaine flapped his wings while sprinting, and he came to a big maneuver of 360 degrees. The sword of the Lunaru Steel in his hand was swept wildly on the ground, and the rocky ground was like a sweeping ground. pulpy. Raising the laps of the lap is enough to drive away the close-up of the photon thin blades. Many thin blades are even hit by the broken rocks and fly away in the distance!

And the white dragon Ilan, who keeps the sword constantly rotating and scratching the ground, attacked the strategist Lawrence with a broken bamboo, and he would hit the opponent!

"It turns out that there is this one." Lawrence was less than ten yards away from Elaine, but he was also interested in analyzing Elaine’s actions: "Because I know that the light feathers are too light and easy to be The shortcomings of the impact force dispel, so I used this wide-range sweeping attack. Although it is very labor-intensive, but the attack is really effective, you make my light feathers completely inaccessible."

"So, how about this?" Then he calculated the distance and suddenly got into trouble. Thirty photon thin blades descended from the sky, and that was the ambush that had been placed there for a long time, just waiting for Elaine to be close without a head and stepping into this trap! The photon thin blade rotates at a high speed and changes into an electric drill, which is drilled toward the top of the white dragon. According to common sense, even if these thin blades can't drill the heavy dragon scales on Elaine, they can at least press the white dragons on the ground, so that Elaine can't continue to move!

However, it seems that Lawrence has already been expected to have a second time, Elaine suddenly stopped spinning, raised the shock spur that had already been prepared on the other hand, and slammed it on the ground!

Boom! The powerful impact not only shattered the surface, cracked the rock and soil, but also produced the same powerful reaction force, flying the white dragon to the air! Elaine, who was rushing to climb, immediately encountered the high-speed rotating photon blade, but Elaine had already prepared it. He used the sword of the Moon God Steel to make a slash, and smashed several photons that hit him face to face!

The photon thin-blade group that was originally arranged to suppress the opponent was not dense, and the gap between them was still very large. It is estimated that Lawrence intended to use a wide range of attacks to prevent Elaine from escaping from the ground. But the sudden and unpredictable action of the White Dragons disrupted Lawrence's plan. He had no time to change the arrangement of the photon thin blades. Elaine had climbed from the thin blade to the air!

"Call, stupid." But Coach Lawrence did not agree. After all, Irene, who is now in midair, is just the shackle! The magic is sealed, the white dragon who can't fly, can't change the direction of movement in the air!

So Lawrence waved again, twisting the direction of the group of the photon blade that had fallen down to a hundred and eighty degrees, and attacked Elaine again from below!

Hey! The Bailong people slammed their wings and sprinted about three yards in front of the sky. Lawrence thinks that Elaine can't fly, but it's not completely correct. Although it can't really fly, Elaine can still pat his dragon wings and force a short distance in the air!

"Call, what's the use?" However, Lawrence still disapproved of his face, waving his arm again and directing those photon thin blades to catch up. After all, Elaine couldn't really fly, that is, using wings to beat for aerial sprints. This sprint is not continuous and incomplete, and it is easy to be caught up by photon thin blades! And when the army of photon thin blades completely surrounded Elaine in the air, it was the time when the strategist Lawrence could kill the white dragons!


Hey! Suddenly there was something in the air that was fired toward Lawrence. The strategist jumped away from the side and the thing fell to the ground! He hasn't had time to see what's on the ground. A white shadow falls at an astonishingly high speed. The moon **** steel sword in Elaine's hand is roaring like a giant beast. Lawrence's brain!

"Damn--" the strategist once again had a sensitive rollover while lifting the shield block.

Bang! ! This assault made a loud bang like a thunder, almost did not break through the eardrum of Lawrence! It turned out that Elaine suddenly fired the hooks attached to the spurs in midair, and then used the steel cables of the claws to make himself fast, and also raised the sword of the Luna Steel! This fast fall assault not only freed the White Dragons from the pursuit of the photon thin blades in the air, but also gave him the opportunity to fight back to Lawrence!

The acceleration of gravity, coupled with the traction of the cable, allows the characteristics of the Lunao Steel Sword to be fully utilized. The impact of this landing is very huge, and the shock wave that is picked up is at least ten yards high, and the trajectory of the ground in the big sword is centered and spreads fiercely along both sides! Under this kind of impact, it is only the rising sand and the stone that has a strong lethality, not to mention the damage of the shock wave itself is not bad! At almost the close distance, even if Lawrence can use a photon shield to block, it is impossible to retreat!

At the moment Lawrence wanted to be recruited, dozens of green rays instantly flew into this chaotic dust storm. Elaine didn't take it for granted at first, thinking that this attack could indeed bring Lawrence out of the distance, so he did not immediately enter the alert state after the attack, so he waited for the sand to disperse.


Hey! The photon rifle suddenly came, and Elaine did not react and was stabbed in the right shoulder by a powerful photon rifle! Fortunately, his shoulders are covered with heavy dragon scales. This blow only penetrates less than two inches deep!

"Hey, still can't aim at it?" The face of the lawyer, Lawrence, emerged from the dust that was sinking. It seems that he originally intended to stab Elaine's eyes with a long-changing lightsaber, but the sand dust made his aim appear biased!

"What, huh?!" Iraine was surprised to see her opponent. Lawrence, who should have been shot by the shock wave, left still in place, and did not suffer much damage! ?

It is not enough to use only a shield to block the impact. Therefore, the strategist Lawrence summoned the photon thin blades arranged around them, and used their prismatic sheet structure to form a one-sided hexagonal star-like thing like a floating shield! Every six photon thin blades are a small shield, and each shield is put together to form a larger shield. The large drift shield consisting of thirty photon thin blades finally forms a very stable structure. It is this structure. Protect Lawrence from the powerful shockwaves and sandstorms! And this shield-like thing subtly vacated a small gap, just enough for the strategist Lawrence to attack with a photon rifle! Before that, the puncture was stabbed from this gap!

It’s amazing! These floats can not only be used as weapons to attack the enemy, but also to combine such a subtle shield! This kind of thing is both offensive and defensive, as long as they are arranged on the battlefield in sufficient quantity, strong enough, and the controller's reaction is fast enough, they are almost synonymous with invincibility!

However, Elaine did not immediately give up the original plan. It should be said that he occasionally had childish stubbornness. The things that were originally planned were not done to the end, and they felt uncomfortable. He thought that he would lift the impact spurs directly without thinking, trying to destroy the photon shield with the spur of the spine. His target of attack, needless to say, is the gap that Lawrence has left on the shield when he used to attack Elaine!

lb! The spike of the impacted spine is just enough to pass through the gap and the shock wave is struck while passing through the gap. The straight shock wave became a thinner but more deadly shock wave because of the limitation of the shield, and it was directed at the Lawrence Lawrence hiding behind the shield! However, this is exactly what Lawrence wants. He expected the White Dragon to do so early, so he rolled out sideways at the moment he hit the spine. The power of the shock but the narrow range of shock waves just passed him, and did not cause any harm to Lawrence!

Because Elaine is too stupid, only knows to follow the instinct to fight, I do not know that this is the trap that the counselor left him! When Elaine noticed that there was a scam, it was too late to withdraw the impact spurs! The photon thin blades next to the shield array stuck to the sharp vertebrae that hit the spurs. The white dragons wanted to pull out the impact spurs, but they couldn’t pull them!

"Pour it down!" While Elaine's weapon was stuck, the strategist Lawrence had already swayed aside, lifting the lightsaber to the white dragon's abdomen was a thorn! The output of the lightsaber has been opened to the maximum, which is a blow that can surely run through the dragon scales of the White Dragon!

"No, you fall!" Elaine suddenly split the impact cone into two halves, discarding the original part with a spike, and pulling out the latter part of the structure like a steel glove, aimed at the arm of the strategist Lawrence. It’s a trip! !

Oh! - That is the sound of the broken arm bones!

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