Light Spirit Epic

Chapter 1600: Change to the battle (5)

Chapter 1600 is transformed into a battle (5)

Elaine’s punch was supposed to be a direct abolition of Lawrence’s entire arm, but —

Lawrence raised the shield of the other hand! The photon shield plus the double resistance of the photon blade that floated over it, maximally preserved Lawrence's arm. The armor of Lawrence Lawrence was not broken, just a crack!

The photon shield that was used to seal the impact spurs was disassembled very quickly. Not only did the photon blade used to protect Lawrence's body be removed, but also two blades that attacked Elaine's face. They rotate at high speed and become the eyeballs of the white dragons!

Elaine quickly rushed back and lifted the impact glove to smash the two thin blades. But this also gave the counselor a chance to retreat, Lawrence took the opportunity to pull away from the white dragon!

"Well, I am looking down on you." Lawrence used a medical gel to apply a plaster-like effect to his arm, and only after they hardened and solidified did they move their arms. The arm is only slightly cracked, not too big a problem.

Elaine also had a cold sweat on this side, and he felt quite regretful that he had taken out the handcuffs this time. The impact of the spine can split this secret, which should have been used in a more appropriate time, as a killer to determine the outcome. If the opponent knows that the impact of the spine can split the secret, then the opponent will be on the alert, and the threat will be greatly reduced when this trick is used.

However, this is not all.

"Listen to you." Bai Longren recalled what Saifei had said to him before: "I have modified the impact spine for you. It is exactly the same as usual, but just press the button in the center. Going on, it will start to split up."

Safir pressed the button and split the weapon into two parts: "The full version of the impact spur is a sharp-pile weapon, and after splitting it becomes such a glove."

"Does this mean anything?" Bai Xiong asked questioningly.

"Meaning? This kind of thing you find on the battlefield yourself." Saifei said: "If there is only one kind of weapon in hand, it will be a disadvantage in the battlefield anyway. Because the weapon in your hand is not When the law changes due to the situation, your tactics will be very simple."

"I, I still don't understand..."

"If you don't have a good brain, think about it." Saifei whiteed Elaine. "Just keep the idea of ​​never letting the enemy guess your thoughts. The opponent thinks you will use the impact spurs." At that time, you will take out the fists; on the contrary, when the opponent thinks that you will use the gloves, you will take out the spines. So alternately, no matter how smart the enemy will be fooled by you. The timing is up."

"Yes, but -"

"Don't forget this trick." Saifei pointed to the green button on the glove: "Press this -"

Following the memories, Elaine here and now pressed the button on the impact glove.

Hey! As if it were adsorbed by the magnet, the gas in the first half of the impact spur that fell aside flew up, flew toward Elaine, and once again joined the glove part tightly and became complete. The impact of the spondylosis.

"Automatically guided returning system." Coach Lawrence whispered: "I have to say that the guy who created this weapon is really talented."

Elaine did not answer. He always felt that he would continue to expose more information to the other party after answering the answer. After all, Elaine was stupid. Ming knows that his mouth is stupid, and he still speaks less when fighting. It is that Betdiville and others taught Elaine to do so.

Because there is still a small secret that has not been exposed to the impact of the spondylosis, using this can also make the opponent scared, so Elaine feels that there is still a value to try.

His broken leg has been regenerated - the scales covered on the surface are not too thick - but the leg injury has completely disappeared and no longer affects the action. This way he can let go. What's more, his opponent also broke his arm. It is still a human being without self-healing ability. White Dragon Elaine is currently in an excellent position in physical condition - of course, his opponent may also have some kind of Hidden means of killing, God knows. Light hesitation is useless. Elaine’s primary goal is of course to attack and to break the current unfavorable situation before being surrounded by the thin-bladed army. The Bailong people rushed toward the opponent, and before the strategist Lawrence raised his hand to command the photon blade attack, he first launched the hook that hit the spur.

The claws came too fast, and Lawrence didn't put up a defensive posture, so he flashed sideways! However, the claws that flew out were not aimed at the strategist. It fell on the ground and hooked the ground. At the same time, the steel cable was instantly rewinded, driving the Bailong people to rush forward! In conjunction with the traction of the cable rewinding, Elaine also sprinted his wings to sprint, and instantly approached his opponent. The other hand of the Luna Steel Sword also made a wide sweep of the ground! Once again, Feisha took the stone to face Lawrence, and he had to develop a shield composed of photon thin blades to defend.

Once again, when White Dragon Elaine passed by with Lawrence, he raised the impact of the spine and attacked the strategist! While the steel cable is rapidly rewinding, he can still make such a side puncture action, which is really amazing!

The arm of Lawrence's shield has been cracked, even though the photon shield is still not willing to hit the impact of Elaine's impact. He used the lightsaber to block the whole force, slanting a stroke, and guiding the impact of the impact on the spine to be removed from his body!

Elaine’s attack should have been resolved in this way, and then flew away from the side along the momentum of the steel rope. Lawrence also placed five photon thin blades on that track, ready to launch an ambush when Elaine passed! However, Elaine actually was at this moment, with the heavy sword of Yueshen Steel tied to the ground, the other side of the impact splint also separated the first half, leaving a shock steel glove on Elaine's arm!

Coach Lawrence has not understood the purpose of Elaine, the White Dragon has used the big sword to make a sudden brake, drifting to the back of Lawrence! He swayed with a big sword as a fulcrum, and the other hand's steel fist also took advantage of the situation and smashed toward Lawrence!

The range of impact force of the steel boxing is large, and it is estimated that whether it is a rollover or a volt, it will be hit by the impact force and hit it! Coach Lawrence took the opportunity to jump up and slammed into a midair!

However, the Bailongren's offensive has not yet ended. His feet have stood firm. The Yueshen Steel Sword used to make the fulcrum can also be used for other purposes. He then grabbed the hilt and forced it in the air!

Bang! ! Once again, the loud noise like the fission of the heavens and the earth was picked up. The Lunaru Steel Sword, which had been deeply plunged into the ground, knocked the surface rock like a torn crunchy scone, because Elaine did not use the sword to cut the ground, but picked it up with a thick flat blade. Ground! The big sword hits a lot of rock and soil, and they are sprayed out in a vertebra, like a volcanic eruption! These geotechnical dusts are thrown at the head of the Lawrence Lawrence, and they can be expected to smash Lawrence's lower body!

However, Lawrence once again adjusted his posture in midair, and has used his right hand shield to protect the lower body! About ten light feathers fly over to form a shield to strengthen the defense. This should be able to block the rock bombardment in the area!

lb! The rock and the sill collide and make a loud noise. The dust that was raised caused a lot of confusion everywhere, and suddenly blocked the eyes of the two!

Elaine just finished the ground with Luna Steel's big sword. It didn't waste half a second, and took three steps to the right. It still locked the position of the original Lawrence, lifted the impact of the right arm, and pressed another. Hidden buttons!

Hey! ! - The second hidden secret of the impact steel box is exactly at this moment! The glove-shaped weapon on Elaine's hand suddenly flew out. The entire steel boxing is a structure that can be fired. The other end is connected by a steel cable to the steel ring fixed on Elaine's arm!

This sudden flying fist penetrated the dust in a cold, and slammed on something!

This time, the continuous assault of White Dragon Elaine really fell to the strategist Lawrence! Lawrence was flying in boxing, the whole person flew out, and flew far away, his body was beyond the scope of the battlefield, and was about to fall to the surface of the Red Sea!

"Oh--" Lawrence Lawrence, who had a hard punch, did not faint. He knew that his situation was not good. He waved his broken arm and intended to summon a photon blade to form a shield to catch himself. However, Elaine is not stupid. He is out of the way. Lawrence has no floating weapons near it in the direction of flying out. Even if more photon blades are called from a distance, it is impossible to save near. fire!

The rules of the game are exactly the same: even if Lawrence does not fall into the sea, as long as he falls out of the battlefield and the height of the fall and the height of the battlefield differ by more than ten yards, the organizer can judge Lawrence to "fall out of the field" and let him lose the game. !

Because Lawrence can only mobilize about 30 floating weapons at a time, Elaine's previous repeated attacks have forced Lawrence to move a large number of photon thin blades to him! Therefore, there is hardly any light feathers around the battlefield, and the photon blade that is farthest from the strategist Lawrence is at least 20 yards away. They can't wait to save Lawrence anyway!

Bai Longren finally breathed a sigh of relief, Lawrence is back to the sky this time, and finally forced to lose the off-court is forced to lose it?

……However, it is not.

Without any photon blade to help stop the fall, Lawrence still stopped in the air.

He stopped in the air like that!

It was not flying, not floating, and there was nothing to hold him up. Coach Lawrence is just in such a wonderful face-to-face position, suddenly standing still in the air!

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