Light Spirit Epic

Chapter 1609: Change to the battle (fourteen)

Chapter 1609 is transformed into a battle (fourteen)

At the same time as the leopard teenagers rushed with the balloon fish, the canine boy also pulled the sword out of the ground and took measures to deal with it. Perhaps it is to balance the gap between one pair and two (in fact, one to one plus one fish). Husky did not take away the dagger in the other hand, but instead held the battle with both hands.

This type of play has never seen Husky before, and he has never seen Uncle Uncle use. If Husky relies on the power of dragon scales to constantly reproduce the swordsmanship of Uncle Xinghui's uncle, then is the state of this two-handed weapon a hidden trick of Uncle Xing?

Or, is it that Husky himself evolved after using similar swordsmanship, only belonging to Husky’s own swordsmanship?

In any case, Hal knows that he can't be slow. The extra weapon in the hands of Husky has doubled the threat.

Sure enough, after Husky’s threatening slash, it was followed by a beheading. Hal just used a long sword to resist the cross-legged boy and the young man, and did not have the spare force to defend the second combo of the dagger!

Boom! The white light flashed, this time it was Boqi who came to the rescue field and bounced the dagger who was supposed to wear the leopard's chest!

"Thank you, Pocci!" Hal called, and pushed Husky out. Because he was armed with a double-handed sword, he actually had some strength advantages over Husky, who had a long sword with one hand, and he used the [powerful sprint] combat technique to start from the leg and took a breath. Skip opened!

The dog-naked boy who was pushed away was in a state of collapse, and it seemed that he was about to lose his balance and leaned back to the ground!

When Hal saw the opportunity, he rushed up and slammed with a sword! Under normal circumstances, he will not be able to make such a poisonous hand to his friends, but now that Husky is in a state of madness, the leopard is eager to defeat the canine boy and let him wake up from madness, so this sword The thorns will spare no effort, just to "kill" Husky and stab out!

Boom! Unexpectedly, his sword was also blocked by a white light.

"What?!" Hal almost vomited a blood, is this little guy in Pocci a mess? He not only helped Hal to defend Husky's attack, but this time he even helped Husky to defend Hal's fatal blow!

"What are you doing in Pocci?!" The leopard boy, who was in a hurry, shouted. But it’s too late to vomit now. The canine boy who should have lost his balance and revealed the flaws has already gone far before the fall to the ground and has once again re-engineered the situation!

"Hey~!" The little balloon fish excitedly turned around next to the leopard.

Hal finally understood: Pocci actually didn't understand the current situation. The little fish thought that it was Hal and Husky who were wielding weapons "playing" with each other. He felt very funny, so he also blended in.

"Pocci... Don't be awkward!" The leopard teenager sullenly blamed.

"Oh!" is completely useless. Pocci is not the type that can understand Hal's blame. The Leopard teenager thought he could command the balloon fish to help him. He was too naive.

No, or just the opposite, Pocci is so kind, and does not want to see Hal and Husky two small partners playing, so he is trying to prevent the two from harming each other as much as possible.

Forget it. Even if Pocci is in trouble, the situation between Hal and Husky is fair. It should be said that the war situation is always good for Hal, because he is already in a disadvantage, and the probability that Pocci came to help Hal defense is higher. Pocci is not omnipotent. After a defensive defense, there will be a short period of time that cannot be reflected. This moment is enough for Hal to counterattack his little friend.

That is to say, all the defensive work is handed over to Pocci to complete, so that the benefits of Hal in the offensive and defensive war will be maximized. ... in theory, it should be.

There is not much time for the leopards to think about countermeasures. The mad boy and the boy have already rushed to launch the offensive again. Husky's flea is very deadly, and this time it is obvious that the movement has undergone some modifications, and the flea did not make full effort, which can effectively kill the opponent and avoid being escaped by Hal. Take the opportunity to fight back!

Therefore, the leopard youth did not dare to neglect, and launched a strong sprint to dodge toward the side of their own body!

Boom! Husky's sword is just right, the adjusted strong flea did not crack the ground, so the sword was not embedded in the ground and could not be taken out! Normally, after hitting the ground, the user’s hand will be sore for a while, and there is no way to continue the attack. However, Husky is completely unaware of the pain or numbness. Backhand in the sky!

This blow is the real attack that tears the ground. It cuts the rock surface, throws an endless spark, and then drags it toward the leopard's younger chest and abdomen!

Hal tried to take a step back, but he knew that he couldn’t escape this fatal blow by relying on this rush! He is still hesitant to raise his sword, but he knows that if he does this, he will miss the most favorable counterattack opportunity! At this time, if it is Pocci -

Boom! Sure enough! A white shadow swiftly passed, helping Hal to defend this blow! The use of his small fish tail dexterously tapped from the side of the side, easily changed the sword of Husky, so that the attack should be able to completely deflect the leopard's young man's belly!

But this blow is not over, and the dagger in the other hand of Husky is stabbing, aiming at the neck of the leopard boy! Hal is afraid that Pocci will not be able to save the game and has raised his sword!

Boom! The blow was blocked by the small balloon fish. Pocci's athletic performance was much better than Harr's idea, and Pog is also an extraordinarily persistent. In any case, he is not willing to let two friends hurt each other!

But this also coincides with the intention of the Leopard youth. He has been blocked by Husky's two combos. There is no way to continue the offensive, and the balloon fish is innocent and help the defense.

tie! This sword hits the shoulders of Husky, but it is very shallow! Even so, this is also a long battle for Hal, the first time hit the mad state of Husky! The canine boy frowned and didn't speak, but the blood-red fire in his eyes became more vigorous and seemed to be irritated. His hands are drawn at the same time, and the sword of the long sword is sent first, and the dagger is the first to arrive. This time-difference attack is very difficult to hide, Hal has to escape and can only retreat a few yards away with a strong sprint!

But this is just right! Hal knows what Pocci will do!

"Hey!" The balloon fish came to the rescue, and it was still agilely traversing the trajectory of Husky's two weapons. The left one hit the right and Husky's attack was all unloaded by Poggi. !

Husky with his hands wide open, Husky, who is wide open in the middle door, is in a state of fullness and flaws. Of course, Hal will not miss this opportunity. He did not think much about holding a long sword toward the opponent's chest!

啪滋! The leopard's young man's sword broke into the chest of the canine boy!

"Oh..." He could hear the sulking from Husky.

啪滋! The leopard boy can hear the blood spewed from his chest by his little friend. Although in the game, the blood is not bright red, but a translucent liquid with a pale blue fluorescence.

The leopard teenager can feel his little friend Husky twitching.

Of course, Hal is also convulsing. Before he hit the opponent, he was also quickly pulled back by Husky and drew his dagger, hitting the abdomen.

As a result, Hal still failed to win, but created a situation of double loss.

However, if you want to wake up the mad Kazakhstan, this should be enough?

Really enough...?

The two game characters they manipulated have not completely died, otherwise they will be immediately sent back to the bonfire of the eternal altar and appear in the resurrection. At this time, the furious Husky still twitched the dagger and opened the wound bigger on Hal's abdomen. Enduring the pain, the leopard teenager used his spare hand to stop Husky from continuing to use force. And Har's other hand, but tightly hugged the dog and boy to prevent him from struggling.

"Husky, don't move..." Hal gasped and whispered: "With Hal, die like this."

If you die like this... everything will be restored to its original state.

Everything will... become exactly the same as before. "

"Hey, ah!" Husky is still working hard. He seems to know that he is going to die, but he still wants to die with his opponent before he dies.

He is also trying to resist, and he must not let himself die before his opponent. Husky also has [self-healing enhancement] this combat skill can be used, if Hal is first transmitted back to the eternal altar, the sword stabbed in Husky will disappear, maybe the canine boy can die Before the last moment, the self-healing enhancement was launched to heal the wound and avoid a death. In this case, everything that Hal had just done was abandoned.

And if the leopard is going to experience this kind of assassination of friends, he will definitely not stand it.

(Why. Why is it so full of hatred and anger?)

(Is it just because of you, made a madness?)

"Hal... I am sorry for you... Husky..." The leopard teenager whispered, and consciousness began to blur.

(It’s good to stick to it all at once.)

The leopard boy hugged his little friend tightly.

"Hal... You shouldn't leave you alone shouldn't... just let you suffer alone."

He whispered.

"Hal is very sorry... I shouldn't let you alone worry about it... You shouldn't let you face it all alone... We are obviously friends... Friends should have... help each other, advance and retreat... ..."

His consciousness began to subside, and his body turned into countless spots of light, and it was about to be sent back to the eternal altar.

"Hal..." However, Husky, who was in a state of madness, was awakened at this time.

He let go of the hand that grabbed the dagger and looked at the leopard boy who was hurt by him with tears. He whispered, "I'm sorry Wang..."

Both characters died at the same time, turning into two rays, which were sent back to the bonfire of the eternal altar.

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