Light Spirit Epic

Chapter 1610: Change to the battle (fifteen)

Chapter 1610 is transformed into a fierce battle (fifteen)

At the same time (?), the Red Sea stone pillar forest in Africa, the round table trials on the battlefield.

With the departure of the transport boat, the third group of the third game, the striker Faris’s fight against the Leopard Segrad, was just beginning.

"Oh." Faris looked at his opponent with interest as soon as he came up.

Because Slaged was wearing a full-faced armor, even his face was almost completely hidden by the helmet. The mouth that was not hidden was wrapped in a cloth towel, leaving only two small slits in the interior of the helmet. There are leopards (?) years old gaze shot.

"Is it so thick to prevent my poison arrows?" Faris couldn't help but sneer. "But I am sorry, I didn't want to poison the arrows, but used the explosive arrows."

Segrad did not return, but directly extracted the Lunao Steel Scimitar and Luna Steel Shield, set the posture for full preparation.

At this time, Faris had not noticed anything different about Seglad. Although the movements of the Leopard youth look a bit stiff, it can be attributed to the heavy armor being in the way.

Faris certainly didn't know that Segrad under the armor had actually become a teenager. The wonderful spring of immortality has made Seglad's body cells highly active and the body size has shrunk dramatically. The current Segrad is completely dependent on the subspace of the armor to adjust to this "adult" posture. Although this looks like he is not much different from the original youth, he still has some "inconvenience in action."

As a result, Seglade took a side of the Moon Steel Shield and even added additional shields on the edge of the shield to expand the defensive area. He intends to compensate for the disadvantages of the machine with strict defense.

But is this really going to work? At the beginning of the battle, Faris ran quickly and wandered around the side of Seglad's body, pulling the bow and arrow to launch!

The situation is exactly the same as what the godsman Faris said. He fired an explosive arrow. Of course, the arrow did not hit Segrad, but the Leopard was not able to completely avoid it. The explosion arrow burst on the ground a yard of his side, picking up a shock wave and shaking it almost. Waddled!

"哼" Faris took this opportunity to go behind the young Leopard, and shot another arrow.

But as if it had already been expected that things would become like this, Segrad did not even adjust its body, and the backhand was a shield! His Luna Steel Shield front greets Farris's explosive arrow!

Boom! The explosion started, but the explosion also caused a very subtle effect on the special alloy of Yueshen Steel. It absorbed the impact and instantly bounced into a straight, cone-shaped shock wave, which was directed at the race. The enemy behind the cold arrows in Glade!

"What?!" Farris was agile and could have easily escaped the attack. However, he was delayed by the moment of surprise and was hit by the shock wave. The whole person flew out!

The power of the explosive arrow itself is not too great, so the power of the shock wave reflected out does not immediately knock down Faris. He rolled a few laps on the ground and immediately got up again.

"Is that strange glass shield?" Faris whispered: "What is the principle, why can even the explosion reflect?"

"Business secrets." Segred's voice was slightly vaguely emanating from the helmet or from a mask that covered his mouth. The special fabric has the function of filtering poisonous gas and sound absorption, but it also makes the sound of the Leopard youth sound strange.

"So" Slagrid went on to say: "Your explosion arrow is no longer useful, and your poison arrow can't penetrate the armor and hurt me. What else do you have to win me?"

"Oh, this one, it's hard to say." The sharpshooter sneered, throwing three explosion arrows from the arrow, and shooting the three arrows together without much. Those arrows should have been scattered, and they were split into three parts at a certain angle and hit Segrad. However, after they left the string, the trajectory suddenly became very strange. The three arrows seemed to have some kind of traction force. They fluttered in the air and suddenly fluttered toward the leopard youth with extremely difficult to grasp the trajectory. Come!

Seglad knows that he has no choice but to block the shield. But the trajectory of these three explosive arrows is so strange, the truth of the Leopard youth himself is not clear where the shield can withstand the point where he can do is just to try.

Boom! Oh la la! The first explosive arrow was beautifully blocked by Seglady, and at the same time reflected a shock wave due to the characteristics of the Luna Steel Shield. However, the other two arrows suddenly deflected the angle, bypassing the shield from both sides, and shooting toward the leopard youth!

It’s very uncomfortable to explode at this close range. The situation is so urgent, Segrad has to turn around and do his best to avoid the arrows!

Draw! One of the explosive arrows crossed the armor of Segride's back and only wiped out a flower mark, but did not detonate. The other arrow was about to hit SGL's chest, and the armor of the leopard's young chest was turned over, but before the explosion of the steel plate, the leopard's young hand took it quickly!

The arrow of the blasting arrow was only half an inch from the chest of Seglade, and it almost exploded. It was shocking. But this is not over yet, and Segrad found that his arm was stuck by the arrow, and he couldn't directly drop the catching arrow! Not only that, but the explosion arrows that had passed from the back of the Leopard youth also did not fly away. It stuck to Segred's carapace and it was not detonated.

"This is?!" The Leopard youth looked at the special steel core arrow with a special coil device that was generating magnetism. The reason why Farris’s Sanlianjian had such an incredible trajectory was because the three arrows were magnetic and the magnetism was so strong that the arrows could interact with each other while flying in the air. Twisting each other's flight tracks!

"Magnetic 喵" SGL did use the other hand to pull the magnetic arrow stuck to his right arm. I didn't expect the arrow to just fall off the right hand and stick to the left hand of the Leopard youth. It was really entangled. In desperation, the Leopard youth are too lazy to manage the magnetics of the arrow, and directly remove the explosive head at the end of the arrow.

"Hey, is my special magnetic arrow interesting?" The sharpshooter sneered and sneered: "They love to stick, just the armor of the armor. You are sure you don't need to remove the heavy armor." ?"

The leopard youth frowned and did not return. In fact, the situation is really a bit bad. If it is only two rounds, Faris's magnetic arrow is still a good deal. However, if the striker continues to attack Segrad with arrows, once the number is increased, the attack frequency will be fast, and the Leopard youth may be innocent.

The power of the explosion arrow is not too big, it is directly hit by an explosion arrow, and the armor on Segrad should be able to withstand it. But if you have ten, twenty, or even hundreds of explosive arrows stuck on your body, and they are simultaneously detonated, even a strong armor can't retreat!

No, first of all, this magnetic explosive arrow is a kind of consumable. Is there really so much supply in Faris? If Farris only has dozens of explosive arrows, then everything is fine.

Seglader then carefully looked at his opponent. He only discovered how naive his ideas were at this time. The arrow behind Faris was still full, and the three arrows that had just been taken out, Slag, clearly saw that it was already empty and was added.

Fighting to this day, Farris has consumed at least four explosive arrows. Why is his arrow still full?

"Oh, this?" Seeing the leopard youth staring at his own arrow, the **** shooter couldn't help but sneer, and replied affectionately: "The inside of the quiver is connected to the subspace, which is the pocket of the object. One way, people can easily carry a lot of arrows. If you use a part of it, the small robotic arm will take out the new arrow from the pocket of the object to add it."

Seglad frowned again. The structure of the quiver is basically the same as he imagined. Because of this, it is particularly troublesome.

"By the way, I never beat the unprepared ones." Farris continued to dig: "In my subspace arrow, there are about 3,000 different kinds of arrows. If you think that the arrows will be simply consumed. If you are, you are too naive."

The "啧" Leopard youth made a mutter from the depths of the throat, while secretly preparing something, while asking the trend: "Before continuing, I have a question to ask you. Why do you always walk together with Bate? Would you like to come to me and my brother's troubles? Plus this year's exam is already the third time. Is it something that my brother and I have done to make you unhappy?"

"Where, to say that you are uncomfortable, in fact, quite a lot." The archer smiled insidiously, pulling five arrows from the arrow and putting it on his special alloy compound bow: "But Strictly speaking, the place where you really make me uncomfortable is estimated to be this [喵] call."


"Look, it's coming again." Farris interrupted in a sly tone: "Why do you add a [喵] at the end of every sentence? Do you think you are still a kid? Listening is annoying."

"Just for such a simple reason?"

"It’s just that this reason is enough. It’s impossible for a person who can be a Knight at the Round Table to be a cute guy like a kitten." The archer lifted the bow and pulled it out. A bow: "Now, die!"

Five explosion arrows were shot at Segrad!

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