Light Spirit Epic

Chapter 1611: Change to the battle (16)

Chapter 1611 is transformed into a battle (16)

Although I was shocked and confused by the reason why Faris was constantly looking for him, but after all, there were five explosive arrows that shot him in front of him. Seglader certainly solved the urgent need first.

In fact, what he has to do has been secretly done in the process of delaying the conversation with the dialogue. He sneaked the Luna steel scimitar into a long scorpion, and applied lightning rosin to the razor blade.

When the five explosive arrows hit the front, Slaged waved his long squat without thinking, waving a swipe in front of himself! He also swept the hidden trigger on the long raft, allowing the plug-in system to work at the same time, launching a shock wave!

Boom! Following the momentum of the long squatting, the shock wave itself has also changed into a fan-shaped air wall, meeting the oncoming explosion arrows!

The five explosion arrows should have been launched in a relatively loose fan shape, but the orbits are constantly changing due to the electromagnetic adsorption between the arrows, making their flight orbit extremely unstable and unpredictable. But they are good for forming a certain formation and pressing against the Leopard youth, and because the magnetic force is absorbed into the armor, it is almost guaranteed to hit at least the original plan of Faris.

But in fact, the shock wave that Slaged played was not only the shock wave, but the Luna Steel long scorpion that had been smeared with lightning rosin also made an arc. The impact blows away the original arrow rain, and the arc instantly detonates an explosion arrow!

Rumble! The five explosive arrows were all detonated without being close to Segrad. They are fragile and explosive in themselves. Once one of the arrows begins to explode, it will immediately cause a chain reaction and create a series of explosions!

"Give you a sly!" Slaged also threw out the arrow of the explosive arrow that had just been sneaked off his back. The arrow passed through a chaotic explosion of air around it, smashing straight into the face of the godsman Faris!

"哼" Faris is certainly not an idiot. Something can be seen on his face. The sharpshooter turned his arrow as he turned his head!

lb! However, the arrow suddenly exploded behind Faris and scared the shooter!

"What?" He saw some extremely thin wires in midair. It was the explosion arrow that the silk thread flew past his head. When the traction was so large, the arrow of the explosion arrow was excited by the impact force and exploded!

The wonderful silk is definitely the ghost of Seglad. But Faris couldn't see clearly what the thing was, and the thin line had been taken back by the Leopard youth with some kind of rewinding device!

"Hey, the net will do little tricks." The godsman Faris snarled disdainfully.

"You are right, I am a little inconvenient now, so I can only rely on this little trick to circulate with you." Segrad whispered.

"In this case, how about taking off your bulky armor?" Faris sneered.

Slaged did not answer, he would not listen to his opponents. Or, in fact, Segrad did not intend to take off his armor in this game. And whether or not Faris will use the poison arrows to deal with the Leopard youth without the armor protection; if you take off your armor at will, the bottom of the Segrad will be seen through.

Because the lake of the undead lake is a stranger, the body of the Leopard youth has become the appearance of a 10-year-old child, and this appearance can never be made public. And whether or not his body will be cheated by the organizers, the most terrible thing is that Slagard's cards will be seen by Juliet Lusford. Yesterday he was treated as a child by Juliet and did a lot of naive stupid things. If Juliet knew everything, the situation in Segrad would be very embarrassing. There was a blush on the face of the leopard under the cover of the helmet. But of course his opponent will not see it. When Faris saw Segrad still standing still, he continued to pull out the explosion arrow from the arrow and sneered: "I don't know what you are planning to stand still, but you have been standing there. It’s never possible to win me. Indeed, your weapon plug-in is very powerful. The magic powder you put on your weapon is very interesting, but they are all consumables. It will be consumed when you use it. You want to rely on these Consumables to compete with me?"

Seglader still kept silent, taking another packet of lightning rosin from the pocket of his belt and throwing it to the ground. The heavy turpentine fell on the ground and made a rustle.

"It’s unfortunate," said Leopard Youth (small) as a contemptuous remark: "My pocket is also a pocket of goods, and there are three hundred bottles of gas tanks for the plug-in system, 20 kilograms of turpentine powder. Consumables add up to thousands of times. I never play unprepared cockroaches. If you think that rosin powder and plug-ins will be simply consumed, you are too naive."

It is clear that Slagard’s words are repeated before the parrots, but at the end of each sentence, there is inevitably a word “喵”. This made the godsman Faris extraordinarily uncomfortable. He had a lot of blue veins in his forehead: "Well, then let's fight the war of consumption and see who's consumables are consumed first."

Did not wait for the Leopard youth to answer, the marksman has ran around Segrad, the compound bow in the hand also put on more arrows, a full line of strings, launch! Take the arrow again, then fill the string and launch again!

Dozens of explosive arrows quickly surrounded Segrad from all directions, front and rear, and the situation was fierce. I am afraid that only Faris, who has been trained for a long time in professional shooting, is likely to be able to pull the bow and accurately aim at the target for continuous shooting under such a fast running state!

But what about it? Segrad couldn't help but smile, no matter how strong the technology is, as long as it is stronger, these so-called tricks will not be used at all. The young Leopard people swept the Luna Steel long squat on the ground, quickly circled, and stirred up the dust on the ground. The sand dust is splashed out in a fan shape, and the lightning rosin carried on the long raft is also powered by the dust rising from the ground! The charged dust instantly touches the explosive arrow that comes in from the front and detonates the arrow!

Rumble, rumble, rumble! ! Dozens of explosions have continued to sound, one after another. Their momentum is very scary, but they remain at a distance of three yards from Segrad. No explosive arrows can threaten the youth of the leopard. Although the speed of Faris is fast, the timing of the arrow is wonderful, but Segrad can use the static brake to see the move! After all, no matter how fast the opponent runs, Slagard keeps standing still, he just needs to turn around and catch up with his opponent who ran dozens of steps around him, not to mention his luna. The length of the steel long raft can be swept, it is very large!

But the marksman is still not dying, or continue to run around SGL, continue to throw arrows. Of course, Seglad also responded carefully, constantly picking up the dust with a long slap, and occasionally buckled the shock wave of the trigger with the plug-in to deal with the attack. The explosion is still fierce, and the arrows in the Faris archery are as expensive as the plug-in system on Segrad's hand and the turpentine on the long raft!

Then the marksman saw it very clearly, and the Luna Steel long scorpion in the hands of Seglader began to emit no light. The lightning rosin smeared on it was finally consumed! This is the time! Faris couldn't help but sneer, pulling out the arrow from the arrow and launching it!

What really can hinder the explosion of the explosive arrow is actually the lightning rosin. It is smeared on the long scorpion. With the waving of the long scorpion, a thunderbolt is drawn, and the explosive arrow that has been shot at a long distance is detonated. And Selida's other defenses, including the use of long slaps to pick up the dust, or use the plug-in system's shock wave to resist the arrows, in fact, are not very reliable, can be forced to break through the explosive arrows! Therefore, Faris has been waiting for this opportunity, waiting for the weapon in the hands of Segrad without the enchantment of lightning, and it is too late to re-sew the weapon with rosin, so that he can break the defense line of the leopard youth!

Hey! ! The three explosive arrows were shot at the same time, and they were constantly pulled by the magnetic force of each other, forming three tracks that were far and near, left and right, and difficult to touch. This kind of attack was originally very difficult to defend or dodge, not to mention the fact that in the previous attack, SGL was still busy with other arrows and the body was not properly seated. At this time, the Leopard youth should have used the Lunao Steel scorpion with lightning enchantment to force the magnetic explosion arrows to be detonated from a long distance. The lightning enchantment in his hand was too late to be added! The three arrows are getting closer and closer, and you will soon hit SEGADE!

"Oh," however, the Leopard youth seems to have expected that the opponent will have this, and when the opponent’s explosive arrow approaches, suddenly kicked the ground with a big foot!

The small bag that was originally thrown to the ground by him, filled with lightning rosin, was kicked into the air by Segrad. His Luna Steel long scorpion also took advantage of the trend, the trajectory coincided with the bag of turpentine in mid-air! In the bag that was torn by the long scorpion, the turpentine was continuously spilled, and it was attached to the blade of the long cymbal, and the lightning magic was attached to the weapon!

The long scorpion that was contaminated with magic once again played a role. Before Segrad was hit by an explosion arrow, the explosive current was detonated with the rising current!

Pounds pound! Two consecutive detonations, raising a burst of dust! Faris saw that the sneak attack did not succeed, and could not help but swear!

Boom! Then the dust suddenly provoked a sharp, arrow-like cone-shaped shock wave, which shot directly toward Faris! After resolving the immediate crisis, Seglader did not idle at all. He immediately used the Luna Steel Shield to shoot back and completely reflected the impact of the leaked arrow.

Faris was a little panicked by this sudden counterattack, and he finally opened it, but found that Segrad rushed up, and Lunao Steel’s long scorpion swept toward Faris’s waist!

not good! At this time, you should put the arrow on the suppression, and then return the leopard to say it! The archer thought so, quickly reached for the arrow at the arrow, but found his own empty arrow!

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