Light Spirit Epic

Chapter 1612: Change to the battle (seventeen)

Chapter 1612 is transformed into a battle (seventeen)

That's right, Faris's arrow is empty!

The inside of the quiver was originally connected to a subspace pocket. The arrow hidden in the subspace could be captured by a small robotic arm and added to the arrow.

However, in the continuous shooting, the godsman Faris was a bit smug on the one hand, and on the other hand, he was anxious to consume the enchantment on the Segrad weapon, so he had to use a continuous attack to force the game. Germany is the norm. He originally thought that the speed of the arrow in his arrow would be faster than the speed of consumption, but he calculated the mistake. At the end, he thought that he could use the three arrows to defeat the leopard youth in one fell swoop. The remaining arrows in the arrow!

Faris did not think that his attack would be easily resolved by the Leopard youth, not only to resolve, but Segrad also turned to Farris to attack! Faris should have kept at least one arrow to protect himself, but even the last arrow was forgotten to stay, so he fell into the dilemma of being attacked by opponents but no arrows available!

In this case he can only evade after the roll - but not, Farris realized that this is the wrong choice! The black moon **** steel long 钺 钺 钺 极 极 极 钺 钺 钺 钺 钺 钺 钺 钺 钺 钺 钺 钺 钺 钺 钺 钺 钺 钺 钺 钺 钺 钺 钺 钺 钺 钺 钺

Boom! ! There is no way, the godsman Faris uses his alloy compound bow to block! The compound bow made of special metal is tied with the iron-cut black moon steel, but it is not broken!

"Oh?" Segrad couldn't help but make a burst of surprise. Regardless of the ordinary sword weapon, after all, the sword was originally used to connect with the opponent, and their hardness is not a strange thing; now the compound bow of Faris, a tool originally used only as a launching arrow, is unexpected. Hard outside, it can be touched with Yueshen Steel and not broken! It seems that this bow seems to be attached with an extra strong enchantment!

It’s weird. As long as the normal bow can successfully launch the arrow, it is not necessary to enchant the bow. Be aware that the general reinforcement enchantment does not make the weapon heavier, but it will cause the weapon to be "weighted" when it is wielded - something similar to air resistance.

The same enhanced enchantment, even for the bow - the enchantment makes the bow more difficult to pull, and as a tool to launch the arrow, this enchantment will hardly bring too much for the arrow that shoots out. Big power increase. Is Faris really just to use the bow handle to defend against the sudden close attack of the enemy, only to attach such a powerful enchant to his compound bow?

Perceived that there was a scam on Faris's compound bow, Segrad had moved the other hand and moved the shield closer to his chest and abdomen. His approach is indeed correct, because the godsman Faris's compound bow has suddenly popped the blade and turned into a shape-specific double-edged machete. With the power of the machete, Faris not only unloaded the sniper of Lunao Steel's long scorpion, but also turned it around, and it was a knife to Segrad's belly!

Boom! Sugly's Luna Steel Shield blocked the scouting of the scimitar.

But Faris also took advantage of the opportunity to grab a new explosive arrow from his own arrow, and it was a glimpse of Segrad's shoulder!

"Are you crazy?" Segrad screamed in a hurry, and the long scorpion instantly turned into a moon **** steel scimitar, one up!

But the opponent used to sneak attack is a light and thin arrow. When the arrow is used as a dagger to attack, its speed is far faster than Glad's scimitar! The leopard youth’s block has been a step late, and Faris’s arrow has subtly penetrated into the gap between Seglad’s shoulders and exploded inside the armor!

"Hey!" The leopard youth made a low scream, and the Luna steel scimitar in his hand quickly turned into a long scorpion form, swept away and forced the opponent away. However, this series of actions was forcibly made when he was wounded. The attack of the long-selling attack was tangible, but he barely frightened Faris. After Segrad and his opponents kept a safe distance, the Leopard youth felt that their shoulders had fallen all over. The shoulders inside the armor were exploded and the blood was blurred, and the blood rushed out from the gap of the armor. The smoke after the explosion!

This is a great guy from Faris. His previous blow, but precisely aimed at the seam of Selida's armor, and then attack!

Originally, if the explosive arrow of the great power was detonated in this way, the hand that Farris took the arrow could be directly fried into minced meat. But this Farris madman had absolute confidence in his aiming technique, and with an arrow he poked into the gap of Segrad's armor, and it was really poked! In this way, most of the power of the explosion is released inside the armor, and only Serge is alone in the injury!

Segrad’s forehead has a blue vein and a cold sweat. Losing, this time the loss is big! He had calculated the arrow in the Farisian arrow, thinking that he could smash the arrow in the arrow of his opponent and rush to attack it. I didn't expect the marksman not only to be proficient in long-range attack tactics, but also to be skilled in close combat. Through continuous defensive counterattacks, not only did the Leopard youth take up any cheap, but also broke an arm of SGL. !

He is obviously an archer, why is he so skilled in melee!

"Oh, your shoulder seems to be hurt very badly, don't take off your armor and heal it?" Faris and Segrad kept a distance and were still talking about the wind.

"This little injury does not matter at all." Segrad answered with a dull face. He packed his mind. He reversed the shield of his left hand and the long hand of his right hand and turned it into a weapon with his left hand. He looked at the right arm that had been seriously injured, and was responsible for the easier defensive work.

"Does not get in the way? The net will be hard." The godsman Faris sneered, thinking that he had the upper hand. He again put three explosive arrows on the bow, and the arrow in the arrow was added by about a third. He did not intend to give Seglad any chance to regain his strength. He had already ran around the Leopard youth and then put the arrow again!

Draw! Segrad used his left hand to hold the black moon steel long slams on the ground and raised a lit of dust. The dust detonated the explosive arrow in the high-speed approach, and while the three-shot explosion of this wave exploded, Faris had already fired another three arrows. So Seglad again waved his long shackles with his left hand to detonate the blasting arrow, only to find that his movements were slightly slower than expected - it is no wonder. Because the left hand is not his dominant hand, and his original body has also shrunk into a child's appearance, the nervous system in the body is slightly different from the young man!

After a slow half-shot, Segrad had to make another blow, forcing the length of the black moon steel to hit and detonate the explosion arrow that was shot! However, this explosion was closer than he had imagined, and the explosion forced him to step back half a step. As he retired, he had already found a figure approaching him quickly, it was Faris!

Hey! ! The three arrows fell on the head of Segrad, which was set by the godsman Faris from the beginning, and the arrow angle of the throwing angle was extremely high. These three arrows were sent first, and the leopard youths were dodged. While SGL was busy with dodge, Faris also approached at a higher speed, holding his compound bow into a double-edged sword. Attack, the other hand grabbed an explosion of arrows, like a dagger to poke towards Segrad!

It is wonderful to use the three-way simultaneous attack of time difference. Segrad has just raised the Luna Steel Scimitar to launch a shock wave to detonate the falling bomb, and Faris's double-edged sword has been drawn. The young Leopard was then blocked by a scimitar, blocking the attack of the double-edged sword. At the same time, the explosion arrow on the other hand of the Marksman had been aligned with the gap in the armor of Segred's left shoulder!

According to common sense, even if the right arm of Seglader's already seriously injured arm can be slightly blocked by the shield, it is impossible to move to the position near the left shoulder to block all the attacks of Faris. Therefore, this blow will cause the explosive arrow to penetrate deeply into the left shoulder of SGL, and destroy the left arm of the Leopard youth!

However, Segrad sneered, and if nothing had moved the shield on his right arm, he slammed it on Faris's shoulder! !

Boom! ! Luna Steel Shield hits Farris like an iron wall, and instantly shoots the gods! Faris didn't know what was going on. He thought that Segrad's right arm had been unable to move because of serious injuries!

Yes, Segrad’s shoulder was almost devastatingly hit half a minute ago, and it should have been too heavy to move. But there is one thing that Faris didn't know: Seglader drank the lake of the lake of immortality yesterday, and the physical activity was maximized! The Leopard youth in this state has almost the same self-healing ability as the white bear Elaine!

The arm of the Leopard youth under the armor had already been blasted with blood and blood, and the bones were broken, but it was regenerated and restored because of this amazing self-healing ability. It took only a few seconds to return to the point where it could continue to move! Although the injury has been restored, Seglad has been hiding this secret, in order to scare the other party at a critical moment!

As a result, Segrad’s plan was very successful. This heavy shield hit the first shoulder of Faris and the shooter flew out!

"It’s over." Segrad looked at Farius, the sharpshooter who fell far to the ground, deterring in a cold tone. The archers need to use both hands to pull the bow and lead the arrow. Faris, who has broken one hand, has nothing but surrendered!

Or maybe not.

"Where--" Faris climbed up again, waving his left arm, which should have been broken.

The arm is not broken at all. Wrapped in a layer of false skin, but under the torn skin, a cold metal color emerged, the arm is actually just a prosthetic.

It is made of steel and has a strong enchantment, so it can't be easily smashed by Luna Steel Shield!

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