Light Spirit Epic

Chapter 1627: Change to the battle (32)

Chapter 1627 is transformed into a battle (32)

Half an hour later, in the downtown of Cairo, Egypt, in a slightly dark bar.

"Well? It's you -" the owner of the store looked at Bediville who came in and thought that this werewolf youth was a bit familiar. It’s a matter of course, because Bediville has been here to find a job – after all, this is one of the branches of the Bounty Hunter.

"How about giving me a barley dark beer first?" Biddyville sat down at the bar and said, "Let's talk about business later."

"Yes. The deposit you paid last time is still there." The store owner looked around the storefront - in fact there were few people in the bar during this time period - he whispered: "What job to look for this time?" ?"

"No, this time I came over and recruited people." Biddyville said, "I have a ... oh... the work of excavation requires two or three people to help. It must be a strong person, and it is best. It’s a secret that is tight enough to keep the secret.”

"Hey, is that kind of [excavation]? I understand." The boss didn't go too far into the work of Bediville, but smiled mysteriously and thought he understood.

Bedieville wanted to laugh, but didn't laugh. In short, let's find the helper's hand first, and then worry about it later.

"Hey, I have just a few people who meet your requirements. I can call them to the interview on a phone call. How? Are you going to meet them directly, or look at the situation in the observation room?"

"Do you still have an observation room here?" Bettiville smiled. If you remember correctly, the last time he took Elaine and others to come to the work table, he just logged in to the work materials, and soon the people of the Mohammed business group came to them. It is estimated that the people of the business group are also hiding in the observation room and have been watching them. They think that the person who meets the requirements is the face that has been revealed.

Also, first hide in the observation room to see what it is. Otherwise, if the applicant is a person related to the roundtable trial, things will be messed up.

Bediville then nodded to the boss. "Well, take me to the observation room. I will first look at the applicant to see if it meets the requirements."

"Follow me." Like last time, the tavern owner opened the small cover of the counter and signaled that Biddeville would follow him. His figure has been immersed in the darkness of the backstage corridor.

Bediville crossed the wine table without saying anything, and the figure followed the shadow of the corridor.

The boss took Bediville down the stairs, walked through a ladder of 30th level, and immediately entered a small room similar to the underground intelligence station. Under the dim light, there are rows of benches, and the walls are covered with posters of all kinds of wanted. The tavern owner sits at the counter at the end of the room and sends and receives information from an old computer.

"Hey, here is the information station for bounty hunters -" Biddeville certainly came here, so I couldn't help but vomit.

"Yes, here is, then it is next to it -" the boss then pushed the hidden door on the other side. A room that was much more luxurious than the next room, and a much darker compartment, immediately appeared in front of Bediville. The wall on the side of the compartment could see everything in the opposite intelligence room, and the intelligence room looked over and there was indeed an ordinary wall. Is this the magic wall used for surveillance in the legend? But what is the principle of this...

"You are hiding here, looking at the applicants across the wall through the magic wall." The boss said, there is a button next to the sofa. If you think the candidate meets your requirements, press the green button, otherwise press the red button. of. When you have selected the candidate, press the white button at the end and I will arrange for them to meet you.

"Very good." Bediwell then walked into the cubicle and closed the secret door. The boss also walked into the intelligence station and operated a few times on the computer on the side. Find the right person from the form, call and let them show up.

In fact, in this process, Biddiville could not help but wonder if the people who were recruited by the bounty hunter organization were reliable. After all, Bediville also applied for work directly, and was immediately hired. Such an imprecise organization, what kind of quality is the person who is looking for it, just think about it. But now Bedyville sat in the observation room and looked at it all and found that things were not as bad as he thought. After all, the employer can see everything clearly and then decide whether or not to hire those people. There are many people in the world who have to see it before they can determine whether it is worth believing. Since I have seen and believed it, it has nothing to do with the qualifications, origins and prestige of the other party. It’s about another five minutes. Some applicants came, and the boss’s job was really good. Just call the three candidates directly. Bedieville is still wondering how to press the button to distinguish the candidates one by one. The boss has already started to tap on the computer and transferred the list of personnel to the display on the side of Bediville's room.

It turned out to be the case. Bedyville looked at the list and compared it to the appearance of the person who came to apply. These three applicants are all natives of Egypt. They are really burly and can do a lot of physical work. And the soldiers were born, the mercenaries were born, and even the special forces were born. But the mouths of these people are not strong enough, and it is quite difficult to determine...

Then more candidates came one after another. The old man asked the first three candidates to wait outside the information room, and let the other three new applicants come to the intelligence room so that they can look at Bediville in the observation room. What exactly.

Those who came from the second batch scared Biddiville. It should be said that one of the people in the group scared Biddiville. Because the person Biddiville had seen it, and it was in the evening of yesterday.

The guy who stood there smirking... Isn't that the guard that Biddyville had released from the institute yesterday? !

The name of the guy, Bedyville has not remembered. It seems to be called Lauren...what. Bedyville then looked down at the screen. That's right, it's called Lawrence.

So this kid was released from the Institute by Beddyville yesterday, immediately lost his job, ran to be a bounty hunter, and then was met by Bediville, who needed to hire someone. This is really a long way to go.

Compared with other candidates, this Mr. Lawrence's origin is relatively inferior. Civilians were born, and they were born in slums. Their parents died. It seems that there is a younger brother who has not been in contact for many years. It has been a security guard in various large and medium-sized enterprises, but Egypt’s economy has been sluggish in recent years, and the frequency of various corporate failures has been high. Therefore, this guy has been laid off in a period of five or six companies. The last job was to work as a guard at the terminal warehouse of the Mohammed Business Group.

Huh, dock warehouse - seeing here, Bedieville can not help but sneer a smile. He pressed the green button without much thought.

About ten minutes later, the three batches of ten candidates brought by the boss were seen by Bediville, and the werewolves also selected three of them.

The boss then let the other candidates go back, leaving only the three people waiting in the room, and they walked out of the room and went to the compartment where Bediville was. When they saw the werewolf youth, they were interested: "Selected Good guy? Your choice is really special."

"Is it special?" Bettiville smiled lightly. He realized at this time that the compartment should be soundproof, so the boss spoke openly and talked to Bedwell.

"Everyone I am looking for is actually a veteran bounty hunter. I dare to assure you that each of them can be absolutely secret. But you don't choose professionals who are mercenaries or soldiers. Instead, they tend to Choose a civilian-born, combat-oriented person? Your taste is really strange."

"Hey, I promise you, I really just choose someone to help dig a landslide scene, so I don't focus on combat power at all." Biddiville laughed more funnyly. So the boss really thought that Biddiville was hiring people. Is it going to do something illegal?

"Oh... well. But this is still not reasonable. The three people you hired are not the strongest in this interview. You obviously should have a better choice."

"I assure you that my choice is the best choice." Bedieville is too lazy to explain the reason, just to guarantee.

In fact, the reason is very simple. The three helpers that Bedieville invited this time, except Lawrence, the other two were also poor people who used to work as security guards in various companies.

People born in civilians have low academic qualifications, little knowledge, and no overlap with the upper class. Such people know how to keep secrets. Because the more humble you are, the more you are afraid of things. The more you dare not say anything that should not be said, so as not to get into trouble. The Mohammed business group initially hired a small person like Lawrence to the security of the local research institute, which is certainly based on the same reason.

Moreover, Bedieville did find an opportunity to talk to Mr. Lawrence again and ask for more information about the Mohammed business group. Lawrence was the first guard to reach the top-level seal dangerous test body after the alarm sounded. Maybe he actually occupied a senior position in the business group and knew a lot of important information from the Mohammed business group. And these intelligences, Bettiville, want to get their hands and see what the business group is doing with so many underground experiments.

Looking at Beddyville's sentiment, Lawrence should at least tell Betwell some things. Moreover, if necessary, Biddiville could even smuggle Lawrence confessed and confess, and even use drugs to let him talk until the guy spit out everything he knew about the Mohammed business group. ——

But this is the future. Now, let's focus on saving Soral.

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