Light Spirit Epic

Chapter 1628: Change to the battle (33)

Chapter 1628 is transformed into a battle (33)

"Well, since you have your own plans, I can't ask more."

When the old man saw that he couldn’t ask too many things from Bediville’s mouth, he continued: “I have already drafted a contract. The three people will participate in this mission and no one will receive a reward of 32,100 Egyptian dollars. It includes a mediation fee of 5 percent of the Bounty Hunter Organization and a 2 percent tax from the Egyptian government."

"It's a bit expensive." Bettiville snarled.

"No way. Because you didn't explain the task details in detail, the danger level of the task is also unknown. In this case, we can only hire people at the highest cost. All the people who apply for it know that they are in this task. There may be dangers to life, but they are still coming back. You have to respect them."

"Understood. Draft the contract and let them sign it later." Bedieville didn't want to argue too much about it. Anyway, their group of people's military funds is still abundant, and this money can still be taken. Drawn out.

The Werewolf Youth then took out the key card of the hotel that had already been prepared from the arms. This card also has the function of a debit card. Biddyville’s military funds are stored in the bank’s account, by brushing the key card. Can be extracted. The old man is already ready to swipe the card machine.

beep. This brush, nearly 100,000 Egyptian coins, died like a stream of water.

"Well, I will go back and tell them about it. After signing the contract, your contractual relationship will be formally established. Are you going to meet them now? Or are you going to let them connect to you in a fixed place?"

Bediville thought for a moment: "It doesn't matter. After signing the contract, I will immediately interview them about the details of the mission."

"Very good. Wait for me here." The boss then walked out of the cubicle and turned back to chat with the three bounty hunters.

Bedyville looked at the people in the observation room and talked about it. The contract was signed. He walked out of the observation room and pushed the door into the information room.

"Are you ready?" he asked as soon as he entered the door.

"Oh--" The three mercenaries each made a low-pitched voice and saw that their employer was an orc, and it was a little unexpected.

"Boss?" Lawrence suddenly came up and said, "See you again! We really have a relationship (Kama)!"

Bedyville is a little unhappy: "Don't call me boss."

"But you are indeed the boss. Isn't the client of this mission not yours?" Lawrence said that the hippie smiled.

Bedyville was depressed. He is indeed the boss of the three mercenaries. Anyone who pays can be called a boss. It seems that there is nothing wrong with this statement. But listening to people always feel very uncomfortable.

"Just call me Bediville just fine." The Werewolf youth said, "Come with me, take you to the place where you work."

"What is the specific content of this work?" Just after leaving the intelligence room, one of the mercenaries asked: "How dangerous is it?"

"Well..." Biddeville just wanted to say that the work was really just a rock-falling, not much danger, but he turned to think that there might be dangerous Yoon Giants hanging out outside the landslide site, not doing it. Well, they will dig a rock and the giant will attack. So this work can't really be said to be completely harmless.

"The work itself is only clear about the falling rocks of the landslide. It is not too dangerous." Biddyville said, "But there are dangerous monsters near the site, so be alert."

"Understood, boss." Lawrence inserted a sentence.

Bedyville's forehead immediately popped up with blue veins: "All said, don't call me boss!"

The four left the bar and entered the urban area of ​​Cairo. Bedieville led three mercenaries and headed for an alley.

"Well?" Another mercenary couldn't help but wonder: "Mr. Bedieville, going further is a dead end."

"I know." Bedieville did not explain much and continued to walk towards the dead end. As long as the golden hammer is in the hands of Bedieville, in fact, he can open the portal in any place, in the old hall of the Dragon Hunter. But he can't always open the portal in the street in the broad daylight, in the eyes of the public. He has to find a more hidden place to transmit. And those mercenaries don't understand anything, even this little thing has to ask, Biddiville is a bit uncomfortable. Going to the end of the alley, in a dark corner without people, Biddyville took the token of the Dragon Hunter from his arms and learned the mysterious youth before. Look like a cross on the ground. Then he tapped it with the little hammer and the portal opened.

"Come with me. And no matter what you see along the way, don't ask too much." Bediwell first jumped in.

Hey! The efficiency of the portal was very high, and Bradyville was brought to the hall of the Dragon Hunter in a moment.

"Oh." Lawrence just stepped in and saw the weapon of the gods not far from the wall, and could not help but whistle.

"Don't touch anything," Biddyville said. "There are protected enchantments on the wall. Just touch the weapons and you will be cooked."

"Know it, boss." Lawrence replied.

Bedyville resisted no one: "The work place is not far from the front, keep up."

The three mercenaries looked at each other and followed Bediville to the main hall leading to the outer gallery. The coldness of the outside world came faintly, and the people were slightly stunned a few times. Anyone knows that this place is not Egypt, but an extremely cold place in the north.

"There are such ancient ruins, so cold places... Is it Iceland?" One of the mercenaries could not help but guess.

Of course, Bedieville won't answer him - and this guy didn't guess. Bediville only wants these people to help clear the rock, and save Solar, but there are always people who are asking for it. Although eligible bounty hunters seem to have a duty of confidentiality, even if Biddyville tells the details of the mission, they generally do not confuse the client's commission. But Bedieville is always asked questions, and my heart is still very upset.

They took a short walk to the scene of the landslide. The situation is still the same as the original, the passage is buried in the gravel, and some small stone seams are not enough for a normal adult man to drill out. And Solar, who was buried in the half body by the landslide, slept against the wall and lay next to it, without any movement.

"This person... I saw it on TV." One of the mercenaries saw Solar's face and said: "What seems to be that... The swordsman Solar's coming?"

"Boss, is it necessary to rescue this person who has been suppressed, or just need to dig through the passage?" Lawrence asked: "This guy has not been saved? It is suppressed by so many heavy stones, and the other half is estimated." It has turned into a meat sauce."

"You don't have to worry about this little thing. Just think of ways to remove the stone." Biddyville shouted. In fact, he can vaguely see the part of the Solar that is pressed by the stone from the frozen stone. It is covered with something dark and black, and it is estimated that it is the dragon scale of the immortal cologne. With the protection of the dragon scales, the half of the body that Solar was crushed by the stone should be intact, although the situation now looks far worse than the actual one. In short, I would like to find a way to remove the stone, and drag the half body of the Soral from the crack of the stone. The rest of the things let Solar worry about it.

"Oh--" So Lawrence leaned over to the side of the stone and looked at it again. "It's a little bad. The stones are frozen. Without melting the frost, they will definitely stick together, and they can't move anyway." Does anyone bring a torch?"

The other two mercenaries also shook their heads. They were in a hurry when they accepted the commission. They had weapons on their bodies. One of them even took the excavation tool - the shovel - but no one remembered to bring the torch.

"The problem of fire doesn't need you to worry." Bettiville knew that things would be like this, and a pack of flame rosin powder had been taken from the waist. He walked to the side of the collapsed stone, dug a small pit on the ground with a weapon, and then poured the powder directly into the pit, and then took a weapon and knocked it! The magic flame rose. The heat of the flame is not low, and the stone is heat-transferring. When a stone is heated, the stones next to it become hot together, and the frost covered around them is continuously disintegrated.

"What kind of guys are you carrying in your hands?" Biddyville asked. "Use stones to smash stones."

Then one of the mercenaries took a long gun from his pocket. It’s not bad to use this as a crowbar. The other mercenary took out the long sword at the waist and took out the shovel he was carrying, so he could start digging at any time.

"Oh..." Lawrence took a dagger and a small photon pistol from his waist. However, the two weapons were either too short or a weapon for long-range shooting, and they were not suitable as crowbars.

Bedyville’s forehead has a blue vein: "I have clearly told you that this mission is [excavation], why do people always listen, not even a decent tool?!"

"Sorry, I really don't know what the boss said [excavation] turned out to be really excavating." Lawrence said innocently.

"Hey? Then when you picked up the work, what did you think was this excavation?!" Bedieville was angry.

Lawrence shrugged: "This - in the underground of Egypt, there are many ancient ruins that have not been discovered. The general [excavation] work in the association refers to the excavation of ancient tombs - regardless of government permission. The excavation is still undocumented tomb work."

"Unbelievable. Do you like the Egyptians to steal the tomb?" Biddiville could not help but be more depressed.

The three mercenaries shrugged at the same time.

"Forget it! Who will give the extra shovel to Lawrence, let him take charge of the main digging! Since you don't have any tools, you should let you have more power!"

"I have no opinion, boss." Lawrence then took the shovel from another mercenary and began digging.

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