Light Spirit Epic

Chapter 1658: Interlaced at the meeting (13)

Chapter 1658 Interlaced at the meeting (13)

"That's all by luck." When asked this question, Bedieville replied truthfully.

It’s really just a coincidence.

He found the starting key of the desert boat from the belly of the golden worm that was caught. It was also a coincidence that he met the boat of the golden treasure ship snorkeling in the Sahara desert and entered it. He eventually got the so-called captain (ship Long) identity. It is all about luck, but it is the most pertinent and objective evaluation, although it may not be the case in the eyes of others.

"Yes. You are very honest, sir." As if the other party knew something, the academician Zuster actually came up with the following sentence: "Despite this, it is an indisputable fact that you have good luck beyond ordinary people. So, I want to ask you, are you interested in joining us?"

"Do you have a fraternity? I don't think so." Biddyville pushed. He still doesn't know what kind of organization the Melson Brotherhood is actually, and of course it has reservations.

"No, I didn't intend to let Captain Bédiville join the Brotherhood. I said that you are joining us, referring to a recent excavation. This excavation will be the largest project ever. We have long planned to call all the human resources that can be called, and even want to use the power outside the fraternity. You, Captain Bettyville, since there is incredible luck, we certainly want to borrow that kind of Good luck, helping us to gain more advantages in this excavation."

"Wait, let me think clearly." Biddier frowned and tried to sort out his thoughts: "The excavation you said should refer to an underground tomb in Egypt, right?"

Academician Zuster nodded.

"You said that it would be the most vast project ever, meaning that the size of the tomb and the treasures inside it are very much. Of course, the traps of various murders in the tombs should be unprecedented. This kind of ancient tomb is basically a life of nine, and I am right?"

"Very correct." The middle-aged man nodded again.

"So what do you think, if I have nothing in life, would I be willing to risk my life and run into the tomb that is surrounded by death traps to help you steal the tomb?" Biddyville frowned: "Don't mention whether this excavation is legal. Even if it is legal and profitable, do I need to find death in this way?"

"Ah, your question finally asked." Sir Zuster showed a mysterious smile: "Normally, you really don't need it. But who is the tomb, you know? We are going to It is not the ordinary tombs that were excavated, but the pharaohs of the first generation, the tombs of the Munis. The legend of the gods, the descendants of the **** of the sky, Osiris, has a large number of ancient artifacts. He relied on these artifacts to unify ancient Egypt. And hide all his funerary objects in his own tomb before he died."

"I am listening. Then?" Bettiville showed a little impatience. He did not care about the sacredness of the first-generation Pharaoh, and he did not want to know how valuable the funerary was. If there is no very important reason, it is impossible for Bediville to follow this group of archaeological lunatics to fill the tombs of the traps.

"Then, among the various artifacts of Minnes, there is a prop, called [Pingge Baozhu]. It is one of the most mysterious and powerful magic weapons in the world, it can reflect the wishes of the holder."

"Oh... what?" Biddiville began to hear the fog.

"Captain Bettyville, your wish is to find your son who has been separated for many years, right?" Academician Zuster added a sentence.

Beddyville was really scared this time. I didn't expect the Brotherhood to know this level to him. Even the secret that almost no one knows is clear! Even if he is, it is only mentioned to King Arthur! In this world, there should be no third person who knows this thing right? !

"It seems that I am talking about it." Academician Zuster did not seem to be too sure. At this moment, he confirmed this according to the reaction of Bediville. Then he began to persuade more confidently: "With the words of the geisha, you may find your son right away. The jewel will reflect the appearance and location of your son, even if it is far away. By the Mirror Baozhu Providing clues, it will be much easier to find the relatives you are looking for - how, if I say this, you are finally tempted? At 10 o'clock tomorrow night, in this meeting place, you have to follow us. Do you want to excavate together?"

"Let... let me think about it... what do you say about this singular treasure, but what is it?"

"Unless you see it with your own eyes, no one can be 100% sure of the truth of one thing." Academician Zuster said: "The things of Yingqi Baozhu are also known to the Brotherhood after extensive literature research. However, these documents How high is credibility? No one knows.

No one can guarantee that the Yingqi Baozhu must exist, or it can be found in the ancient tombs of Minnes.

I must admit to you that the risks and rewards of this excavation are totally incomparable. You may be able to get out of danger but you can't get anything. You may also experience the so-called singular treasures after you have died. There are no waste props for any use. If I say this, are you still planning to follow? " Biddyville snorted. The other party’s approach to attracting people’s fishing is really superb, and even wants to be slanted. Unfortunately, Bedieville is not a fool, and he will probably see through the other methods.

"Come. Of course. As long as there is a way to find my son, no matter how embarrassing the opportunity, even if it may end up being a busy day, I am willing to try it." The Werewolf youth said: "I answered this, are you satisfied? "

"What do you want to suggest, Captain Bettiville?" Academician Zuster smiled mysteriously, as Bettiville was testing him, and he was also testing Bediville.

"Let me make it clear." The werewolf youth said: "All this is a game, right? You are carrying out an unprecedented century of excavation and need more powerful personnel support. So you let Lawrence the idiot, I hope that through the Great Lawrence, I will catch the famous strategist Lawrence. You can clearly say something to the Mohammed business group, so that the business group can’t kill the big Lawrence, but you have nothing to do. The big Lawrence was attacked by the killer of the business group.... No, although I don't want to think like this, but it won't, there is no killer of the business group, even the people who attacked the great Lawrence, are you?"

"This is absolutely impossible. The killing skills of the Murhammad merchants' killers cannot be copied." Zuster clarified: "Light is the method of blending these deadly poisons. The millennium is an unsolved mystery. ""

"Well, it's worth it, and when your people didn't start with Lawrence, the people who started the business group are good." Biddyville continued to say flatly: "But it can't change you to die in Great Lawrence." This fact is not saved. The reason why you will do this is to act in front of me so that I can come here to save Lawrence and listen to your demands. Is this correct?"

"The reasoning is quite interesting, but you forgot a little, Captain Bettiville." Zuster smiled: "You will meet the Lawrence brothers. It is an unpredictable accident. We can't control it at all." How can you make everything work as you wish?"

Bedyville also smiled lightly: "This is very simple. Because you didn't intend to lead me to fish from the beginning. Your initial goal was not me, but the little Lawrence, right?"

Zuster’s brow slightly moved.

"The big Lawrence idiot was supposed to be working in a restaurant, and he had his brother in the morning to discuss the membership. If it wasn’t because I first appeared in the hotel, and first met Grand Lawrence, maybe they were two brothers. Just chat, and then everything will be carried out according to your plan. Grand Lawrence was attacked by the Assassin of the Mohammed Chamber of Commerce in the back lane, and replaced by the brother of Little Lawrence who died with his poison and came to the meeting place. Listen to the appeals of your brotherhood. As a result, although I have disrupted your plan because of the intrusion, you still let everything work according to the plan, and almost succeeded in persuading me to participate in your excavation tomorrow night. I guess Should there be nothing wrong?"

"You are very smart, Captain Bettiville." Academician Zuster then sighed with relief: "Our plan is almost completely seen by you. Although there are many things in the details that are not right, your guess is basically is correct."

"So, you lied to me. And after you have played this scene in front of me, I still expect that I will help you work. Because this company can’t stand upright, it’s illusory. [映奇宝珠]?" Beddyville smiled lightly: "Do you think I really believe in the existence of such things?"

"When you see through everything, our words may not be worthy of trust." Academician Zuster smiled mysteriously: "But please pay attention, Captain Bédiville.

There are realities and lies within any of the forces in the world. No one will be honest with you, and no one will lie. Some people say that most of you are true, but lie in the most critical places, that is the most terrible.

So please look at it and look at it carefully to see what these people have said to you, what you want to do, and what you can give.

I can swear to God that in the words I said to you before, there is a saying that is absolutely true - we need your luck, Captain Bédiville.

Someone in the fraternity had predicted that without the help of Captain Bradyville, your excavation would not succeed. Most people in the fraternity believe it. Therefore, even if we don't use the introduction of the Lawrence brothers this time, we will definitely want to find another way to get in touch with you. All is just a formal problem. "

The Werewolf youth smiled and said: "But you still put Lawrence in an extremely dangerous position and regard him as a bait, hoping to catch me. Is such an organization really worth to believe?"

"He will be fine. Our brothers have already brought detoxification serum. If the Lawrence brothers are in such a critical situation, the serum will be used. The brothers of the Brotherhood have been secretly protecting the Lawrence brothers. You don't have to worry about this."

"Oh, is it?" After listening to Bendieville, he dropped a sentence and turned away: "--then, goodbye."

"The Cairo Public Library." Academician Zuster said: "If you still doubt whether the Angela Beads really exist, you can go to the library and check the information. You will find many legends of the first Pharaoh Wang Nice. And the burial of these legends, the tomb of the century."

"I will go to see if I have time." Bettiville has come a long way.

The masked man came to the side of the academician Zuster and lowered his voice and asked, "Would you like to chase?"

"No. Let him go." Academician Zuster smiled confidently: "He will definitely come back. For the unknown curiosity, he has already passed his doubts."

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