Light Spirit Epic

Chapter 1659: Interlaced at the meeting (fourteen)

Chapter 1659 Intertwined (IV)

At the same time, the Great Britain battleship - on the attack on the Paramitis.

Hey! - The comet skipped a portal and immediately came to the deck of the battleship. His portal can be transmitted with most of the dragon scales he has applied to the spell, and Husky with the dragon's dragon scales, it is a piece of cake to be sent to Husky.

"Hey? Is the battleship not finished yet? How can I stay in this place?" I asked as soon as I saw myself on the deck of the ship.

"The effectiveness of the anesthetic after Xiaohar's surgery has not passed, we are planning to wait here before he wakes up." said Charlotte, who is responsible for taking Husky's visit to the battleship.

"Oh." The comet did not continue to ask, and took a look at the canine boy. Husky was sitting on the metal floor of the deck, looking thoughtfully at the **** red sunset on the horizon.

"What's wrong, is it lost?" The comet probably guessed the mind of the canine boy, so he poked the word mercilessly.

"No, no, no." Husky trembled: "Haski has not lost, how could it be lost?"

The comet screamed and said: "Is it true? Really? Your kid is today because of his waywardness, so many people accompany you to take a sip of water, but also hurt the little leopard. I thought you would at least feel A little lost?"

"Enough, comet." Charlotte showed a white star: "Don't always expose old scars. Little Husky is tired enough today, let him be alone."

"Call." The comet did not answer Charlotte in a positive way, and instead asked: "Speaking back, is your kid still planning to follow that woman?"

"No, don't follow Wang..." Haas based on it and huddled there and shuddered: "Otherwise, it will bring everyone to a dangerous situation, and then who will hurt."

"Do you really think so, kid?" Xinghui Long looked a little angry: "You think so, but it is an insult to those who have accompanied you through the drowning today."

"What Wang?"

"Everyone has been with you so far, even some people have been hurt because of you, but you said that you want to give up halfway. Isn’t everything that you have done in vain? You think you can do it because of you. Did the injured little leopard?"


"We will continue to track the woman, if there is a chance in the future." Iridium said: "And the next time it is moving, it will not let the woman escape."

In fact, the comet himself is also very interested in the mysterious "golden woman". The woman does not seem to be an insider of the cult organization, but she must know what is inside. When they encountered trouble in the comet, when both Husky and Hal were hypnotized, the woman secretly sent it to the antidote across the door—as if she knew that the comet would do it there in the morning.

... It seems that from the very beginning, the woman deliberately led the comets to the underground church, so that the hands of the stars and others would destroy the church.

Afterwards, when the underground church was almost completely destroyed in the fight, most of the internal staff of the church were killed by Prince Kai, but the woman had no trace. She escaped in the encirclement of the Knights of Great Britain with an extremely mysterious method, and it was also powerful.

Husky initially wanted to track the woman because she wanted to ask the secret of his father's ratio from the mysterious worshipper. But the comet seems to vaguely think that the mysterious worshipper may have a bigger secret—the most important thing is that the comet is very upset that he is being used. He is angry in his heart.

The next time you must grab the woman and ask each other carefully.

There was a commanding knight who ran to the deck and slammed a few words in Charlotte's ear as soon as he approached.

"Okay." The blonde girl nodded her head. The commander knight ran away, and Charlotte said: "Jiahal seems to have woken up. Let's go to the infirmary."

"Very good, let's take the little leopard away and leave this ghost place." Comet also said.

Husky climbed up from the ground. After the success of the small partner, he woke up. At this time, Husky’s eyes should clearly show the joy of joy, but the comet saw confusion in the eyes of the canine boy.

Xinghui Long saw that the canine boy was concentrating on it, looking thoughtfully at another ship opposite the British warship, the boat of the desert in the renovation.

"Hah, do you want to go to the boat?" The comet said jokingly."Hmm..." Husky showed a hesitation in his face, as if he really wanted to look at the strange ship and even wanted to see the occupants on the ship.

"Still forget it." Xinghui Long interrupted. "The captain of the ship is a arrogant and arrogant guy. Let your ignorant child meet with that kind of person and definitely learn bad." "

The comet certainly does not know that Husky is the son of Bediville. The comet's impression of Bediville is very bad, and now the mood is very depressed, so find the opportunity to force the number of Bediville.

"Okay, okay..." Husky did not go deep into it, simply giving up the idea of ​​going to the silver sand boat to play.

Ten minutes later, the medical room of the Great Britain battleship.

"How, are you okay?" asked the comet.

"Well... a little headache... What happened?" The leopard teenager snorted and snorted.

"You just got a little injury. After you finished the operation, you will be healed. There is nothing to worry about." The comet said with no emotion, "Can you get up yourself? Go back to Great Britain."

"Wait, comet, how can you do this, Xiaohar just finished the operation." Charlotte protested a little dissatisfied.

Xinghui Long then shrugged: "Otherwise? Do you want me to take him away?"

"... um... there is a little numb in the legs..." Howl tried to get up from the bed, but the effect of his anesthetic was just gone, the body was still weak, and he wanted to get up and he was a little stubborn and trembling. Not stopping.

"Hey--" The comet did not go to the leopard youth, but snorted and turned to the blond girl: "The two little devils followed the Kay guy back to Great Britain. Can you find someone?" Let me replace it? I have some personal things to do this evening tonight, and I may not be able to take care of these two devils."

Comet did not want to lick this drowning. However, when Odin’s old man was helping the star to repair the sword, he still asked for the price of the Xinghui Dragon—a spine of a dragon. And the old man said, the sword can be repaired tomorrow morning. Although Odin did not say when he would ask for the price of the comet, he even said to the comet, "Whenever he can give him." But comet is a dragon. Like other flying lizards, there are characters that don't like to owe others easily. He is going to find a dragon duel tonight, kill the dragon and kill him, then remove his spine from his opponent. When he goes back to Odin’s old man’s sword tomorrow morning, he will take the dragon’s spine. Give Odin the old man. Then they will be both stunned, and no one will default on it, and the comet will be happy. However, if the comet does this, it means that he must now lay down two little devils to let others take care of him and go alone to find his dragon classmates to fight. He can't always take Husky and they ran to find another dragon duel?

After listening to the instructions of the comet, Charlotte looked at the Xinghui Dragon with dissatisfaction: "You have already lost your job, and now you have to leave your duties no matter what?"

"As long as they are honestly staying in the manor of Kai's guy, there is usually no problem?" The star looked at Husky: "It’s almost night, even if some of the devils are fools, they won’t go everywhere. Running around, causing more trouble?"

"Oh..." Husky snorted and answered, still a beicious look.

The comet turned to Charlotte: "And I am just the bodyguard of this little devil, not a nanny. How can I look at him all day long? I also have my own private affairs to deal with, let me have a day. Is it fake?"

"Well, let's go and put your fake, stupid big lizard." Charlotte was quite dissatisfied, licking the cherry mouth and said: "I will go to tell Prince Kai. Until tomorrow noon, the children. I am temporarily protected."

"You?" Xinghui Long couldn't help but laugh. In his impression, Charlotte is not so brave and warlike.

However, his mind suddenly flashed a picture long ago: in a restaurant in Rome, Kas, who was planning to launch a coup, was at a disadvantage when he was defeated by a comet, and he took advantage of Charlotte as a hostage. However, Charlotte not only did not let General Cass succeed, but also protected himself with wonderful stone skin surgery, and took the opportunity to counter the rebellious General Kas.

At that time, Charlotte was even a young girl. But her courage and courage still convinced the comet. Not every little girl has the courage to cut the throat of her enemies with a dagger, and she doesn't even blink her eyes. Perhaps the education of Lancelot (Jiansheng Yake) home is like this, whether it is brother Lancelot or sister Charlotte, was trained as a very powerful fighter when he was very young?

Perhaps it is because of the strength of Charlotte's bones that the comet has been obsessed with this human girl for years.

So the comet put away the idea of ​​laughing at each other and nodded: "Well, it’s just a night, the little devils will take care of you. Don't make any trouble."

Although the comet really can't think of a mess in this area for one night. Prince Kai’s house is well-guarded, and the Kay couple are powerful fighters and spell users. Kay is also a round table knight. Even if a cultist army wants to attack Prince Kai’s house, it is estimated that it will be easily suppressed by the people in the house.

"So, see you tomorrow?" The comet was really resolute, and the little devils were entrusted to others for care. There was a plan to go out of the infirmary and do his own private affairs.

"That, Uncle Uncle Wang?" Husky called the Xinghui Dragon.

"What's the matter?" Xinghui Long responded a little impatiently.

"Be careful all the way." The canine boy said with a blush.

"Call. You two little devils have to be careful this evening. Give me something to be honest." Xinghui Long snorted and quit outside the medical room.

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