Light Spirit Epic

Chapter 1669: Interlaced at the meeting (24)

Chapter 1669 Interlaced at the meeting (24)

(The little girl asked me to meet you three times and four times, so I came. [)

Zeus said.

No, it is not so much that Zeus is talking, it is better to say that it is a telepathy. The voice of the gods was not conveyed in the air, and the sound was directly heard in the heart of Seglad. Although it was a strange ancient language, Segrad could fully understand the meaning of its word.

"You are... Zeus?" The leopard teenager covered his eyes with one hand and whispered.

(I know who you are, the craftsman of Solomon's ice.)

Zeus Makina, knowing it all from the beginning, he knows the details of Segrad.

"You... know me?"

(Every important era, the ice will be made, just as there is a vaccine in the patient's body, the same reason.)

Zeus Road.

(You didn't create it, you were chosen.)

"I was chosen by ......? What was chosen to do?"

(Creating a base for restraining power (pribsp; "What?" Segrad only felt confused.

Zeus did not further answer the leopard, but continued.

(Aiming at the object is a giant, as a mountain. Once it is waved, the world is fissile.)

"You must be joking with me -" Segrad said: "Just to make the big sword in Elaine's hand, it has already used dozens of tons of magnesium alloy... so great?" How much material has been consumed?! And, the giant Luna Steel sword, can someone really shake the world?"

(Not human. Above humans.)

Segrad has no idea what to say. The plan is crazy and unscrupulous., they don't have that much money at all, go get so much material?

Is it true that all the gods are so high, strong people, always like to push all sorts of weird tasks to mortals?

Even the reason for this is not the case. With only one sentence, "You have been chosen," Segrad does not think that he really has this responsibility to cast giant Uranus steel weapons.

As if I already knew the mind of Segrad, Zeus said again:

(You must do it. Otherwise, everything will be lost. The person you care about, the person you care about, the person you love, the person who loves you, everything will become a dream bubble, replaced by the other.)

"Is things really so serious?" The leopard teenager was a bit disapproving.

(At the time the machine is mature, you will understand. At that time, you have to do it.)

The figure of Zeus seemed to wave his hand in the glare.

The glare of the light began to fade, and there was some kind of scene that was replaced.

SGLID realized that it should be a holographic image because it was erratic and not real.

Initially, it was a darkness. Tianyuan is dark, fighting is moving, and there is nothing in the hollow of chaos. Only the stars are lonely.

Then, in the dark horizon, there was a figure bulging.

Huge, horrible, dark, tentacle-moving, giant figure.

One after another, they occupy the entire horizon. As if they were going to swallow the stars and seas, they came in.

As the figure gradually approached, SGLID could not see them, and could only faintly recognize the outlines of these giant creatures from the gaps of the surrounding stars.

The leopard boy felt sick, fear, panic, and inexplicable despair. The giants seem to have waving tentacles, and when they see that, Slagard will numb.

His head was hurting. At first he thought that the voice in his mind was the scream of the huge monsters, but it wasn't. It was just Singer's tinnitus. With the approach of the giant tentacle monsters, this tinnitus is even more serious, knowing that Seglader can no longer stand it.

He felt as if he was about to faint in a suffocation. But he looked up again and took the courage to look at the huge things in front of him.

They are also watching Segrad. Among the vague black shadows with tentacles, there are red spots in the circle.

That is their countless eyeballs, like a sinister dead eye.

Being caught by the red eyes, Segrad couldn't breathe. He was black in front of his eyes and fainted directly.

"Wake up, wake up!" When Slagrid regained consciousness, he only felt that someone was licking his cat's face with his palm.

"Well...?" The leopard boy whispered from the depths of his throat.

"Are you okay? What did Zeus say to you? Why are you fainting?" Juliet asked.

"He...hey, say Luna..." Serge's mind almost vaguely said that he missed his mouth, but he still resisted the exit and immediately changed his mouth: "No...nothing. Just a mess of chatter 喵""

"Oh, it’s lying again." The golden girl can learn from the leopard's youth that the leopard is not telling the truth.

Seglad sat up from the ground, licked his head and tried to sort out his thoughts.

Zeus should have shown some kind of holographic image to him, and Segrad was shocked after reading it, and then fainted. Instead of continuing to talk to the Leopard youth, and not waiting for Segrad to wake up, Zeus disappeared in one step. The disappearance of Zeus means that Juliet regained consciousness and saw Segrad falling to the ground.

In this case, in fact, Segrad has not fainted for a long time, at best only a minute or so?

Seglad looked at Juliet again. From the description of Juliet's previous description, when the **** Zeusmakina was summoned, the saint was not aware of herself, and it was even less likely to know the dialogue between Seglad and Zeus.

She still does not know that Seglad is the maker of the Luna Steel weapon (Solomon Ice), and she does not know that Seglade is carrying the mission of casting giant Luna Steel weapons.

In view of Juliet's being a very troublesome woman, and her brother Lucsford's motives are not pure, and I want to get the formula of Luna Steel's weapons for commercial use, Seglad thinks that I should not tell anything about Juliet.

The content of the conversation between him and Zeus is enough only if he knows it by himself.

"I really didn't say anything to him." Segrad began to lie: "The first thing I said to him about a few months of Kobelco weapons, then the tone may be a bit wrong when I speak, Zeus is inexplicably angry. It’s coming. I seem to be hit by something like thunder and lightning that he released, and then I lose consciousness. Anyway, when he appears, it’s bright and blinking around, and I don’t know what is going on.”

"Unbelievable!" Juliet sighed long: "I have warned you beforehand, Zeus's temper is very strong, letting you be careful when you talk. Why are you not listening to people?"

"We?" Segrad felt a bit strange and asked.

"Hey, my brother used to anger Zeus once, and was thundered by the thunder." Juliet looked at Sigrad's appearance carefully: "You don't look like you are being smoked by lightning."

"It seems that I am more fortunate, I have not angered Zeus too thoroughly." Seglad said in a boat. All in all, this matter is subtly confusing.

Of course, he is still a bit uneasy: "That... as a saint, do you actually have a way to communicate directly with Zeus?"

"Why do you ask this?" Juliet glanced at SGL: "You shouldn't have said anything bad about me when I spoke to Zeus, afraid I was heard?"

"Oh... no, really no jealousy... just curiosity." Segrad made an unnatural look.

"Oh." Juliet thought she had guessed it. She snorted unhappyly: "Normally, I can't communicate directly with Zeus. If I want to do that, I must return to the Lusfu family's base camp in Munich. With the help of me, I can talk to Zeus. If you are only talking about my bad things, this little thing will not bother Zeus."

"It turns out that, then I am relieved." Segrad sighed. Juliet won't know Serge's details at least in the short term, and it seems that Zeus is not the kind of **** who can talk. He knew from the outset that Slaged was the founder of Luna Steel, but he did not tell Juliet, not even told the Viscount Lusford that Zeus did not intend to let the people of the Lusfu family know the truth.

Although it was said to be "a little girl's request", it should actually be that Zeus himself thought that he would meet with SGL after Juliet came to Seglad. In this form, Zeus appeared in front of Segred, telling the Leopard a young man his responsibility and mission, and only told Segrad that one person knew that there must be a huge mystery.

He was given some kind of huge expectation, even though he did not want to return the other's expectations.

So, what exactly is Solomon's ice machine? Is it a certain vaccine? Every era will appear, made by the selected people to deal with some kind of foreign objects from the dark horizon, outside the universe?

What are the huge figures with tentacles?

When the leopard was thinking about the teenager, the shady surroundings were also lifted. The original room was restored in the control room of the transfer room, although the window was already low at night.

"Well, I have to do all the things I have to do, and I should go back." Juliet sighed: "Overall, I am very happy to meet you, Mr. Seglad. Even though you are a big liar."

Leopard's young boy's forehead has a drop of sweat. The Golden Girl is still dissatisfied with the fact that SGL has deceived her. At this time, she has to revisit the old things and satirize the leopard. In addition to the more annoying comparison, Juliet is actually a good sister.

"The thing of Zeus is the secret between us. I hope you don't mention it everywhere, okay?"

Seglad nodded.

"So, goodbye?" Juliet said: "Although my brother lost to you during the game, I will continue to pay attention to your game. Always win."

"I will try to do it." The leopard teenager replied indifferently.

Then, Juliet kissed Segrad's forehead coldly.

"Hey!" Segrad’s face suddenly became red: "You, you, you, what are you doing?"

"I am displacing you, little leopard." Juliet smiled and rubbed the head of Segrad's kitten with her hand, just like stroking the child's head: "By the way."

Then she waved away and left only a cat in Segrad, alone in the control room.

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