Light Spirit Epic

Chapter 1670: Interlaced at the meeting (25)

Chapter 1670 Interlaced at the Inter-Meeting (25)

At the same time, the capital of South Africa, Pretoria.

Among the twilight, a low-key black robe man walked into the sewer area.

Walking through the strange and intricate sewer, the man seems to have already remembered the road here.工具lized in a small smear of a small layer of silver.

The man walked gracefully and quietly in this filthy land, passing through the nine bends and eighteen bends, and finally reached an area deep in the sewer.

[Fujiu Street District] - The black robe mask man faintly recognizes such words from the broken wooden board signs.

Here is hell, mixed with the three religions, these people are nothing more than the rogue, tramp, absconding criminals, because of various unspeakable reasons to gather life and this.

It is also a paradise. Sin and lu commonly, but contrary to the glamorous world of the upper town of Pretoria, there is [freedom]. Residents here generally do not interfere with other people's affairs, and will not disagree because of their different identities. Everyone here is filthy, everyone is muddy at the bottom of the earth, too lazy to go to compare, too lazy to ask again.

Although there are often various kinds of slaps between the rogues living in the area of ​​the Masuma area, they are all very small and it is extremely rare to make a real life. The people who live here are extremely united and unanimous. Whenever the outside world comes in, such as the black robe mask man, the residents here will all be filled with the intruders. Hostile gaze.

Therefore, this mysterious black robe mask man walked in this hostile crowd, can imagine how dangerous it is.

Despite this, the black robe mask man did not agree, still walking in such a step and one step, walking is neither brisk nor heavy, and some are only cautious. He didn't want to have a conflict with the residents here, so he didn't have weapons to guard. However, if the black robe man has this meaning, he can completely destroy the inhabitants here in a few minutes - literally killing the light.

Even wild animals are aware of the dangers of their own instinct. The more people fall, the closer they are to wild animals. As if I had already noticed how dangerous the man in the black robe mask was, the residents here even cast a hostile look on the black robe man, but no one dared to stop the black robe man. Some of them may still think that they may be able to subdue the man if they all embrace it. However, they should be very clear, even if they are armed to subdue the man, those who lead the show are expected to die. Although the people here are united, they are also selfish. When things are related to their own lives, these hooligans certainly don’t dare to act rashly.

The black robe mask man then walked through the dangerous block full of gunpowder and quickly reached his destination.

That is actually a drainage pipe on the edge of the Kuuma area. Needless to say, the drainage pipe has been blocked many years ago, and although it is a bit rusty and stinky, it is still very dry. Because it is a long distance from the ground and dry enough, it is a place to live in this ghostly place. It doesn't matter. It should be said that in this garbage post, this is dry. The drainage pipe that is separated from the air is actually a luxury house.

In front of this "luxury house", there is even a canvas that is not particularly broken, to block the interference from the outside world, and to add a little privacy to the people living there.

The black robe mask man stopped at 20 yards before the pipeline. Next, he put his steps very slowly, moving slowly one step at a time. He did this on the one hand in order to make as few voices as possible so that he could observe the surrounding geographical environment well before causing the attention of the inhabitants in the water pipes; on the other hand, he was also prepared to give enough residents living in the pipeline. Time, because the black robe men do not want to win, they rely on sudden attacks to subdue each other.

However, the black robe mask man actually thought about it, and the other party may have already prepared it. People in the pipeline are likely to hold weapons and suddenly rush out of the pipeline to attack him. The people in the pipeline are by no means a leisurely generation. If they attack, the black robe man may not be able to retreat. Therefore, in this ganglion eye, the black robe mask man has reached out and touched his waist, and found a light sword.

The use of lightsaber is a good fit here. It has no blade before it starts, and it won't be noticeable. When the real melee, the excess light on the lightsaber blade can be used as a stable and reliable lighting source, so that the opponent can be seen in the dark.

After the black robe man has everything ready, the finger is on the switch of the lightsaber, keeping the state of the lightsaber at any time, slightly speeding up the steps and heading for the pipe. He is only ten yards away from the old pipe.

"There is a hula." However, the people in the pipeline have already noticed the approach of the black robe man. There is a slight laugh in the pipe: "Don't be so nervous, come close."

The black robe man trembled a bit, but it was only a matter of moments, and the amount of trembling was extremely small. He immediately resumed his calmness and strode over. When he first approached, he said, "It is a pleasure to meet you for the first time, Grandpa."

An old man walked out of the pipeline. Although he looked like a weather-beaten look, he was spirited and his eyes even flashed the old fox-like glare.

"I think I should say this too: I am honored to meet you for the first time, King Arthur."

That's right, this low-key black robe mask man is the current king of Great Britain, Arthur d Pantorac.

However, many people will think that the old man who appeared in front of King Arthur is not the Juggernaut who has been chasing after the Cavaliers and others, but another sinful and sinister, from the old Pantoraken era. The traitor who has been hunt down everywhere?

He is the grandfather of King Arthur and the father of the Knight of the Heavenly Knight. He is another famous sword saint in the history of Pantoraken - Joseph Pantorac.

He was the chief culprit who stole Pantolak’s national treasure, the Holy Sword [Storm Surveillator], many years ago. He also indirectly led Panto Lacan’s first Emperor Camilo, who invaded the Roman army. It almost fell. It is no exaggeration to say that Juggernaut Joseph is the first fuse that led to all the events that have occurred in Great Britain for decades. Nowadays, the traitor Juggernaut Joseph, in this way, appears in front of the Cavaliers.

"Sure enough, the last spiritual body was the scout that Panto Lacan sent.--No, Pantoraken has now changed his name to become Britain."

"You are right, Grandpa." King Arthur lowered his voice and said: "A friend of You has a powerful luck that you can't imagine. He controls the artificial Holy Spirit and finds this place. You think that you are hiding on the other side of the Earth. In the corner, big Britain can't find you? Unfortunately, Skynet is restored, not leaking."

"I admit, you can find such a place, it is a bit of a skill." The old man took a step forward: "But King Arthur, you are too small to see me? Just by you alone, Want to subdue me?"

"No, you are too small to look at, Grandpa." The Cavalier said indifferently: "Of course, not a person."

He waved his hand and began to have shadows shaking around: "The fact is that this rotten marsh area has been surrounded by people who have been brought by the cricket. The four main exits of the Kasuga Street area are at least one of the round table knights. You are already It’s hard to fly, Grandpa."

"Interesting." The old man smiled lightly.

"Come on it -" Knight Wang said: "One of the two holy swords, the [storm monitor] that was stolen by you that year, where was it hidden?"

"Where, it is hidden - you can't find it." The old man sneered at the sword. Of course, he is not a storm sword, but an ordinary lightsaber. The light blade of the lightsaber purple shines in the darkness.

"Grandpa, do you still want to continue to resist at best, do you want to tell more information?" King Arthur also guarded the sword, and the green light blade of the lightsaber shot from the hilt, illuminating the darkness: "If this is the case," You can only get your uniform and grab it back and slowly interrogate."

"The premise is that you beat me." Joseph sneered.

Just at the moment when two people are ready to fight, who suddenly opened the curtain of the water pipe. A thin teenager squinted half-heartedly and looked up: "Well...? What happened, Grandpa?"

"There is no business here, go back to sleep."

"Grandpa, are you fighting with strangers?" The boy was still not obedient. He saw the scene of the two men holding swords in front of him, and could pretend to go back to sleep without seeing anything.

"The fight is not good. Grandpa, you don't always say it, violence can't solve the problem." The teenager said vaguely while yawning.

Hearing here, the Cavaliers secretly made a sneer. He really couldn't hold back. According to the data, Joseph Pantoraken was a brave and savvy Juggernaut. He had caused countless bloodsheds on the battlefield. He could destroy a division alone. It was this savage Juggernaut Joseph who stole the storm monitor who used to guard the white city of Camilo, and let Camilo lose its protection, which led to the end of its invasion. It is ridiculous that a murderous Juggernaut is actually cultivating a devil in a slum, and also instilling such a peaceful thought into such a devil.

"Hey, let you laugh." Joseph certainly noticed that King Arthur was laughing, but he took advantage of this moment and suddenly shot!

Draw! A dim and fierce purple light arc, sweeping toward the Knight's throat!

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